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Play with the cyphr package

[This article was first published on Shige's Research Blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The cyphr package seems to provide a good choice for small research group that shares sensitive data over internet (e.g., DropBox). I did some simple experiment myself and made sure it can actually serve my purpose.

I did my experiment on two computers (using openssl): I created the test data on my Linux workstation running Manjaro then I tried to access the data on a Windows 7 laptop.

For creating the data (Linux workstation):


# Create the test data

data_dir <- file.path(“~/Dropbox/temp_files”, “data”)

# Encrypt the test data


key <- cyphr::data_key(data_dir)

filename <- file.path(data_dir, “iris.rds”)

cyphr::encrypt(saveRDS(iris, filename), key)

# Cannot read the data with decrypting it


# Read the decrypted version of the data

head(cyphr::decrypt(readRDS(filename), key))

For accessing the data (Windows laptop):


key <- data_key(“C:/Users/Ssong/Dropbox/temp_files/data”, path_user = “C:/Users/Ssong/.ssh”)

# Make data access request

path_user = “C:/Users/Ssong/.ssh”)

On Windows 7,  the system cannot locate the public located in “~/.ssh”, which is pretty dumb.

Going back to the Linux workstation to approve the data access request:

# Review the request and approve (to share with other users)
req <- data_admin_list_requests(data_dir)
data_admin_authorise(data_dir, yes = TRUE)

Now I can access the data on my Windows laptop:

key <- data_key(“C:/Users/Ssong/Dropbox/temp_files/data”, path_user = “C:/Users/Ssong/.ssh”)

d <- decrypt( readRDS( “C:/Users/Ssong/Dropbox/temp_files/data/iris.rds”), key)

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