Binning Data with rbin

[This article was first published on Rsquared Academy Blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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We are happy to introduce the rbin package, a set of tools for binning/discretization of data, designed keeping in mind beginner/intermediate R users. It comes with two RStudio addins for interactive binning.


# Install release version from CRAN

# Install development version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")

RStudio Addins

rbin includes two RStudio addins for manually binning data. Below is a demo:

Read on to learn more about the features of rbin, or see the rbin website for detailed documentation on using the package.


Binning is the process of transforming numerical or continuous data into categorical data. It is a common data pre-processing step of the model building process. rbin has the following features:

  • manual binning using shiny app
  • equal length binning method
  • winsorized binning method
  • quantile binning method
  • combine levels of categorical data
  • create dummy variables based on binning method
  • calculates weight of evidence (WOE), entropy and information value (IV)
  • provides summary information about binning process

Manual Binning

For manual binning, you need to specify the cut points for the bins. rbin follows the left closed and right open interval ([0,1) = {x | 0 ≤ x < 1}) for creating bins. The number of cut points you specify is one less than the number of bins you want to create i.e. if you want to create 10 bins, you need to specify only 9 cut points as shown in the below example. The accompanying RStudio addin, rbinAddin() can be used to iteratively bin the data and to enforce monotonic increasing/decreasing trend.

After finalizing the bins, you can use rbin_create() to create the dummy variables.


bins <- rbin_manual(mbank, y, age, c(29, 31, 34, 36, 39, 42, 46, 51, 56))
## Binning Summary
## ---------------------------
## Method               Manual 
## Response             y 
## Predictor            age 
## Bins                 10 
## Count                4521 
## Goods                517 
## Bads                 4004 
## Entropy              0.5 
## Information Value    0.12 
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
##    cut_point bin_count  good   bad      woe         iv entropy
##    <chr>         <int> <int> <int>    <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 < 29            410    71   339 -0.484   0.0255       0.665
##  2 < 31            313    41   272 -0.155   0.00176      0.560
##  3 < 34            567    55   512  0.184   0.00395      0.459
##  4 < 36            396    45   351  0.00712 0.00000443   0.511
##  5 < 39            519    47   472  0.260   0.00701      0.438
##  6 < 42            431    33   398  0.443   0.0158       0.390
##  7 < 46            449    47   402  0.0993  0.000942     0.484
##  8 < 51            521    40   481  0.440   0.0188       0.391
##  9 < 56            445    49   396  0.0426  0.000176     0.500
## 10 >= 56           470    89   381 -0.593   0.0456       0.700



Dummy Variables

bins <- rbin_manual(mbank, y, age, c(29, 31, 34, 36, 39, 42, 46, 51, 56))
rbin_create(mbank, age, bins)
## # A tibble: 4,521 x 26
##      age job           marital education default balance housing loan 
##    <int> <fct>         <fct>   <fct>     <fct>     <dbl> <fct>   <fct>
##  1    34 technician    married tertiary  no          297 yes     no   
##  2    49 services      married secondary no          180 yes     yes  
##  3    38 admin.        single  secondary no          262 no      no   
##  4    47 services      married secondary no          367 yes     no   
##  5    51 self-employed single  secondary no         1640 yes     no   
##  6    40 unemployed    married secondary no         3382 yes     no   
##  7    58 retired       married secondary no         1227 no      no   
##  8    32 unemployed    married primary   no          309 yes     no   
##  9    46 blue-collar   married secondary no          922 yes     no   
## 10    32 services      married tertiary  no            0 no      no   
##    contact     day month duration campaign pdays previous poutcome y    
##    <fct>     <int> <fct>    <int>    <int> <int>    <int> <fct>    <fct>
##  1 cellular     29 jan        375        2    -1        0 unknown  0    
##  2 unknown       2 jun        392        3    -1        0 unknown  0    
##  3 cellular      3 feb        315        2   180        6 failure  1    
##  4 cellular     12 may        309        1   306        4 success  1    
##  5 unknown      15 may         67        4    -1        0 unknown  0    
##  6 unknown      14 may        125        1    -1        0 unknown  0    
##  7 cellular     14 aug        182        2    37        2 failure  0    
##  8 telephone    13 may        185        1   370        3 failure  0    
##  9 telephone    18 nov        296        2    -1        0 unknown  0    
## 10 cellular     21 nov         80        1    -1        0 unknown  0    
##    `age_<_31` `age_<_34` `age_<_36` `age_<_39` `age_<_42` `age_<_46`
##         <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1          0          0          1          0          0          0
##  2          0          0          0          0          0          0
##  3          0          0          0          1          0          0
##  4          0          0          0          0          0          0
##  5          0          0          0          0          0          0
##  6          0          0          0          0          1          0
##  7          0          0          0          0          0          0
##  8          0          1          0          0          0          0
##  9          0          0          0          0          0          0
## 10          0          1          0          0          0          0
##    `age_<_51` `age_<_56` `age_>=_56`
##         <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1          0          0           0
##  2          1          0           0
##  3          0          0           0
##  4          1          0           0
##  5          0          1           0
##  6          0          0           0
##  7          0          0           1
##  8          0          0           0
##  9          1          0           0
## 10          0          0           0
## # ... with 4,511 more rows

Factor Binning

You can collapse or combine levels of a factor/categorical variable using rbin_factor_combine() and then use rbin_factor() to look at weight of evidence, entropy and information value. After finalizing the bins, you can use rbin_factor_create() to create the dummy variables. You can use the RStudio addin, rbinFactorAddin() to interactively combine the levels and create dummy variables after finalizing the bins.

Combine Levels

upper <- c("secondary", "tertiary")
out <- rbin_factor_combine(mbank, education, upper, "upper")
## primary unknown   upper 
##     691     179    3651
out <- rbin_factor_combine(mbank, education, c("secondary", "tertiary"), "upper")
## primary unknown   upper 
##     691     179    3651


bins <- rbin_factor(mbank, y, education)
## Binning Summary
## ---------------------------
## Method               Custom 
## Response             y 
## Predictor            education 
## Levels               4 
## Count                4521 
## Goods                517 
## Bads                 4004 
## Entropy              0.51 
## Information Value    0.05 
## # A tibble: 4 x 7
##   level     bin_count  good   bad    woe      iv entropy
##   <fct>         <int> <int> <int>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 tertiary       1299   195  1104 -0.313 0.0318    0.610
## 2 secondary      2352   231  2121  0.170 0.0141    0.463
## 3 unknown         179    25   154 -0.229 0.00227   0.583
## 4 primary         691    66   625  0.201 0.00572   0.455



Create Bins

upper <- c("secondary", "tertiary")
out <- rbin_factor_combine(mbank, education, upper, "upper")
rbin_factor_create(out, education)
## # A tibble: 4,521 x 19
##      age job           marital default balance housing loan  contact  
##    <int> <fct>         <fct>   <fct>     <dbl> <fct>   <fct> <fct>    
##  1    34 technician    married no          297 yes     no    cellular 
##  2    49 services      married no          180 yes     yes   unknown  
##  3    38 admin.        single  no          262 no      no    cellular 
##  4    47 services      married no          367 yes     no    cellular 
##  5    51 self-employed single  no         1640 yes     no    unknown  
##  6    40 unemployed    married no         3382 yes     no    unknown  
##  7    58 retired       married no         1227 no      no    cellular 
##  8    32 unemployed    married no          309 yes     no    telephone
##  9    46 blue-collar   married no          922 yes     no    telephone
## 10    32 services      married no            0 no      no    cellular 
##      day month duration campaign pdays previous poutcome y     education
##    <int> <fct>    <int>    <int> <int>    <int> <fct>    <fct> <fct>    
##  1    29 jan        375        2    -1        0 unknown  0     upper    
##  2     2 jun        392        3    -1        0 unknown  0     upper    
##  3     3 feb        315        2   180        6 failure  1     upper    
##  4    12 may        309        1   306        4 success  1     upper    
##  5    15 may         67        4    -1        0 unknown  0     upper    
##  6    14 may        125        1    -1        0 unknown  0     upper    
##  7    14 aug        182        2    37        2 failure  0     upper    
##  8    13 may        185        1   370        3 failure  0     primary  
##  9    18 nov        296        2    -1        0 unknown  0     upper    
## 10    21 nov         80        1    -1        0 unknown  0     upper    
##    education_unknown education_upper
##                <dbl>           <dbl>
##  1                 0               1
##  2                 0               1
##  3                 0               1
##  4                 0               1
##  5                 0               1
##  6                 0               1
##  7                 0               1
##  8                 0               0
##  9                 0               1
## 10                 0               1
## # ... with 4,511 more rows

Quantile Binning

Quantile binning aims to bin the data into roughly equal groups using quantiles.

bins <- rbin_quantiles(mbank, y, age, 10)
## Binning Summary
## -----------------------------
## Method               Quantile 
## Response             y 
## Predictor            age 
## Bins                 10 
## Count                4521 
## Goods                517 
## Bads                 4004 
## Entropy              0.5 
## Information Value    0.12 
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
##    cut_point bin_count  good   bad      woe         iv entropy
##    <chr>         <int> <int> <int>    <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 < 29            410    71   339 -0.484   0.0255       0.665
##  2 < 31            313    41   272 -0.155   0.00176      0.560
##  3 < 34            567    55   512  0.184   0.00395      0.459
##  4 < 36            396    45   351  0.00712 0.00000443   0.511
##  5 < 39            519    47   472  0.260   0.00701      0.438
##  6 < 42            431    33   398  0.443   0.0158       0.390
##  7 < 46            449    47   402  0.0993  0.000942     0.484
##  8 < 51            521    40   481  0.440   0.0188       0.391
##  9 < 56            445    49   396  0.0426  0.000176     0.500
## 10 >= 56           470    89   381 -0.593   0.0456       0.700



Winsorized Binning

Winsorized binning is similar to equal length binning except that both tails are cut off to obtain a smooth binning result. This technique is often used to remove outliers during the data pre-processing stage. For Winsorized binning, the Winsorized statistics are computed first. After the minimum and maximum have been found, the split points are calculated the same way as in equal length binning.

bins <- rbin_winsorize(mbank, y, age, 10, winsor_rate = 0.05)
## Binning Summary
## ------------------------------
## Method               Winsorize 
## Response             y 
## Predictor            age 
## Bins                 10 
## Count                4521 
## Goods                517 
## Bads                 4004 
## Entropy              0.51 
## Information Value    0.1 
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
##    cut_point bin_count  good   bad    woe       iv entropy
##    <chr>         <int> <int> <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 < 30.2          723   112   611 -0.350 0.0224     0.622
##  2 < 33.4          567    55   512  0.184 0.00395    0.459
##  3 < 36.6          573    58   515  0.137 0.00225    0.473
##  4 < 39.8          497    44   453  0.285 0.00798    0.432
##  5 < 43            396    37   359  0.225 0.00408    0.448
##  6 < 46.2          461    43   418  0.227 0.00482    0.447
##  7 < 49.4          281    22   259  0.419 0.00927    0.396
##  8 < 52.6          309    32   277  0.111 0.000811   0.480
##  9 < 55.8          244    25   219  0.123 0.000781   0.477
## 10 >= 55.8         470    89   381 -0.593 0.0456     0.700



Learning More

The rbin website includes comprehensive documentation on using the package, including the following article that gives a brief introduction to rbin:


rbin has been on CRAN for a few months now while we were fixing bugs and making the API stable. All feedback is welcome. Issues (bugs and feature requests) can be posted to github tracker. For help with code or other related questions, feel free to reach out to us at

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