Generate multiple language version plots
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The use case is to create the same plot in different languages. I used this technique for Wikipedia plots.
We are going to build a list containing all translations, we will then loop over each language, generating and saving the plot.
# Mauna Loa atmospheric CO2 change # multi language plot for Wikipedia # Required packages library(tidyverse) library(gridExtra) library(scales) library(lubridate) # Translations ------------------------------------------------------------ language <- list( en_US = list( locale_lc_time = "en_US.UTF-8", title = expression(paste("Monthly mean ", CO[2], " concentration ")), caption = paste("Data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper and A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Accessed ", Sys.Date()), x = "Year", y = expression(paste(CO[2], " fraction in dry air (", mu, "mol/mol)")), x2 = "Month", y2 = expression(atop(paste(CO[2], " fraction in dry air (", mu, "mol/mol)"), "Departure from yearly average")), title2 = "Seasonal variation" ), fr_FR = list( locale_lc_time = "fr_FR.UTF-8", title = expression(paste("Moyenne mensuelle de la concentration de ", CO[2])), caption = paste("données : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper et A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Accédé le", Sys.Date()), x = "année", y = expression(paste("fraction de ", CO[2], " dans l'air sec (", mu, "mol/mol)")), x2 = "mois", y2 = expression(atop(paste("fraction de ", CO[2], " dans l'air sec (", mu, "mol/mol)"), "en écart à la moyenne annuelle")), title2 = "Variation saisonnière" ), de_DE = list( locale_lc_time = "de_DE.UTF-8", title = expression(paste("Monatliche durchschnittliche ", CO[2], "-Konzentration")), caption = paste("Datei : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper und A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Zugänglich am", Sys.Date()), x = "Jahr", y = expression(paste(CO[2], "-Anteil in trockener Luft (", mu, "mol/mol)")), x2 = "Monate", y2 = expression(atop(paste(CO[2], "-Anteil in trockener Luft (", mu, "mol/mol)"), "Abweichung vom Jahresmittel")), title2 = "Monatliche Variation" ), es_ES = list( locale_lc_time = "es_ES.UTF-8", title = expression(paste("Media mensual de la concentración de ", CO[2])), caption = paste("dato : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper y A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Visitada", Sys.Date()), x = "Año", y = expression(paste("Fraccion de ", CO[2], " en aire secco (", mu, "mol/mol)")), x2 = "Mes", y2 = expression(atop(paste("Fraccion de ", CO[2], " en aire secco (", mu, "mol/mol)"), "Desviación de la media anual")), title2 = "Variación mensual" ), cs_CZ = list( locale_lc_time = "cs_CZ.UTF-8", title = expression(paste("Průměrné měsíční koncentrace oxidu uhličitého")), caption = paste("data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper a A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Přístupné", Sys.Date()), x = "rok", y = expression(paste("koncentrace ", CO[2], " v suchém vzduchu (", mu, "mol/mol)")), x2 = "měsíc", y2 = expression(atop(paste("koncentrace ", CO[2], " v suchém vzduchu (", mu, "mol/mol)"), "odchylka od ročního průměru")), title2 = "Měsíční změna (průměrná roční odchylka)" ), nn_NO = list( locale_lc_time = "nn_NO.UTF-8", title = expression(paste("Gjennomsnittlig månedlig ", CO[2], "-konsentrasjon")), caption = paste("data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper og A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Vist", Sys.Date()), x = "År", y = expression(paste(CO[2],"-andel i tørr luft (", mu, "mol/mol)")), x2 = "Måned", y2 = expression(atop(paste(CO[2],"-andel i tørr luft (", mu, "mol/mol)"), "Avvik fra årlig gjennomsnitt")), title2 = "Årlig variasjon" ) ) # Data -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # used during US gov shutdown co2ml <- read_csv("", col_names = c("year", "month", "xls_date", "decimal", "co2", "co2_seas_adj", "fit", "fit_seas_adj", "co2_filled", "co2_filled_seas_adj"), col_types = "iiiddddddd", skip = 57, na = "-99.99", comment = "\"") %>% group_by(year) %>% mutate(year_mean = mean(co2_filled, na.rm = TRUE), delta = co2_filled - year_mean, vdate = ymd(paste0("2015-", month, "-01"))) # Generate the plot for each language ------------------------------------- for (l in names(language)) { message(l) current <- language[[l]] # format the date in local names Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", current$locale_lc_time) # main plot p1 <- ggplot(co2ml, aes(decimal, co2_filled)) + geom_line(color = "pink") + geom_point(color = "red", size = 0.6) + stat_smooth(span = 0.1) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks()) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(4), minor_breaks = pretty_breaks(8)) + labs( x = current$x, y = current$y, title = current$title, subtitle = paste("Mauna Loa", min(co2ml$year), "-", max(co2ml$year)), caption = current$caption) + theme_bw() + theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 7)) # inset plot p2 <- ggplot(co2ml, aes(vdate, delta)) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + stat_smooth(span = 0.4, se = FALSE) + stat_summary( = "mean_cl_boot", colour = "red", size = 0.3) + scale_x_date(breaks = pretty_breaks(4), minor_breaks = pretty_breaks(12), labels = date_format("%b")) + labs( x = current$x2, y = current$y2, title = current$title2) + theme_bw() # merge the plots and export in SVG p1 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(p2), xmin = 1957, xmax = 1991, ymin = 361, ymax = 412) ggsave(file = paste("co2_mauna_loa", l, Sys.Date(), "wp.svg", sep = "_"), width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm", device = svg) }
Our plots as a nice gallery :
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