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Bolsonaro’s First Job Approval Ratings

[This article was first published on Daniel Marcelino's Blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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President Jair Bolsonaro’s job approval ratings average 39.5% during his first quarter in office so far (from January through late February). Compared to the former presidents, for which I’ve estimates, his quarterly job approval ratings are above the overall average for the inauguration term (31%). However, his ratings trail quarterly averages of the Workers’ Party presidents, Lula I and II, and Dilma I.

Quarter   President               % Approving
--------  ---------------------  ------------
  1987.2  José Sarney                   9.0
  1990.2  Fernando Collor              36.0
  1992.3  Itamar Franco                18.0
  1995.1  Fernando Henrique I          39.0
  1999.1  Fernando Henrique II         21.0
  2003.1  Lula da Silva I              42.5
  2007.1  Lula da Silva II             48.0
  2011.1  Dilma Rousseff I             51.5
  2015.1  Dilma Rousseff II            14.7
  2016.2  Michel Temer                 19.4
  2019.1  Jair Bolsonaro               39.5
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