Are pollen forecast good enough?

[This article was first published on Assorted things, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Maybe some of you (in my huge audience) have the bad luck of being allergic to pollen like myself. Since mid-January to the end of June I have to live very close to my antihistamines. Here in Madrid where I live health authorities issue newsletters (by email) with observations and forecast.

Although the service has some deficiencies (like not being available in weekends and fairy days) I found it useful, but how good are the forecasts provided? Let’s take a look.

The data

Some years ago I made a request for the historical data of pollen observations from Comunidad de Madrid. I never got an answer so I decided to scrap he data from the pdf in the emails. Quite hard.

Here you have some code to download the attachments from the email sent by


saveAttachaments = function(id,folder)

gmail_auth(secret = "SECRET",scope = "read_only",id = "ID")
mensajes <- messages("",700)
id.mensajes <- id(mensajes)
for (i in 1:length(id.mensajes)){
  date <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(message(id(mensajes)[i])$internalDate)/1000,origin="1970-01-01")
  date <- as.character(date,format="%Y%m%d")
  folder <- sprintf("attach/%s",date)
  dir.create(folder,showWarnings = FALSE)

With a little patience you get a folder for every email with de pdf files attached inside.

The data

You all know pdf files are not good to data transfer but this is what I have, so I have to work with it. Now I show an example of pdf file with the observations:

Pdf file with observations

To scrap the observations data from these pdf files I use this code with the tabulizer package (Disclaimer: this code is quite old, and old code can be embarrasing)

readPDFobservaciones_tabulizer <- function(tipo="CUPR",fecha){ 
    pdffile <- sprintf("attach/%s/%s.pdf",fecha,tipo)
    table <- extract_tables(file = pdffile)[[1]]
    coltables <- table[1,]
    #si hay columna media la quito porque da problemas y la puedo calcular a posterior
    if ("media" %in% tolower(coltables)){
      table <- table[,-which(tolower(coltables)=="media")]
    } else {
      #si no hay es la ultima columna
      table <- table[,-ncol(table)]
    coltables <- c("fechas",table[1,])
    #si hay alguna columna con todo vacio la quitamos
    columnas <- which(apply(table,2,FUN=function(x) sum(x!=""))==0)
    if (length(columnas)!=0){
      table <- table[,-columnas]
    filas <- which(apply(table,1,FUN=function(x) sum(x!=""))==0)
    if (length(filas)!=0){
      table <- table[-filas,]
    coltables <- coltables[coltables!=""]
    table <-[-1,])
    colnames(table) <- coltables
    #un poco de tuneo de los nombre de las columnas
    cols <- colnames(table)
    cols <- gsub(pattern = "Media",replacement = "",cols)
    cols <- gsub(pattern = 'Madrid-.* ',"",cols)
    cols[cols=="Madrid-Arganzuela"] <- "Arganzuela"
    cols[cols=="Barrio"] <- "Salamanca"
    cols[cols=="Ciudad"] <- "Universitaria"
    colnames(table) <- cols
  } else {
    print("Ese archivo no existe")

SerieObservaciones <- function(tipo="CUPR"){
  lf <- list.dirs("attach/",full.names = FALSE)
  obs <- list()
  n <- 1
  for (l in lf){
    #o <- readPDFobservaciones(fecha=l)
    o <- readPDFobservaciones_tabulizer(fecha=l)
    if ({
      obs[[n]] <- o
      n <- n+1
  fechas <- unique(bind_rows(obs)$fechas)
  fechas <- fechas[!]
  cols <- colnames(obs[[which(sapply(obs, ncol)==max(sapply(obs, ncol)))[1]]])
  obs.def <-,nrow=length(fechas),ncol=length(cols)))
  colnames(obs.def) <- cols
  obs.def$fechas <- fechas
  #relleno el pavo
  for (i in 1:length(obs)){
    for (r in 1:nrow(obs[[i]])){
      o <- obs[[i]][r,]
      columnas.quetengo <- colnames(o)[colnames(o) %in% cols]
      columnas.quetengo <- columnas.quetengo[columnas.quetengo!="fechas"]
      obs.def[obs.def$fechas==o$fecha,columnas.quetengo] <- as.integer(o[,columnas.quetengo])
  obs.def$media <- rowMeans(obs.def[,-1],na.rm = TRUE)

Forecast appears as an image in the body of the email and here you have the code to read it based in the color of the image

readPrediccionesPDF <- function(tipo="CUPR",fecha){
  if (tipo=="CUPR") {
    texto <- "Cupre"
    texto2 <- "cup"
  lf <- list.files(path=sprintf("attach/%s",fecha))
  file <- lf[grep(texto,lf)]
  file <- c(file,lf[grep(tipo,lf)])
  file <- c(file,lf[grep(texto2,lf)])
  file <- file[file!="CUPR.pdf"]
  if (length(file)>0){
  file <- file[which(nchar(file)==max(nchar(file)))]
  command <- sprintf('pdfimages -j attach//%s//"%s" image',fecha,file)
  colores <- list()
  valores <- character()
  lf.jpg <- list.files(path=".",pattern = ".jpg")
  lf.jpg <- lf.jpg[!grepl("0000.jpg",lf.jpg)]
  lf.jpg <- lf.jpg[!grepl("000.jpg",lf.jpg)]
  for (n in 1:4){
    colores[[n]] <- raster::extract(stack(lf.jpg[n]),cbind(0,0))
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(153,1,52))==3) {valores[n] <- "MA"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(254,153,0))==3) {valores[n] <- "A"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(0,129,2))==3) {valores[n] <- "M"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(0,128,1))==3) {valores[n] <- "M"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(48,0,100))==3) {valores[n] <- "B"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(255,193,214))==3) {valores[n] <- "MA"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(255,197,11))==3) {valores[n] <- "A"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(178,215,110))==3) {valores[n] <- "M"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(50,2,102))==3) {valores[n] <- "B"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(51,0,101))==3) {valores[n] <- "B"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(236,217,245))==3) {valores[n] <- "B"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(237,217,245))==3) {valores[n] <- "B"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(62,79,105))==3) {valores[n] <- "B"}
    if (sum(colores[[n]]==c(61,164,75))==3) {valores[n] <- "M"}
  } else {

SeriePredicciones <- function(tipo="CUPR"){
  lf <- list.dirs("attach/",full.names = FALSE)[-1]
  preds <- list()
  n <- 1
  for (l in lf){
    o <- readPrediccionesPDF(fecha=l)
    if (is.character(o)){
      preds[[n]] <-,o)))
      n <- n+1
  preds <- bind_rows(preds)
  colnames(preds) <- c("fecha","D-1","D0","D1","D2")
  preds$fecha <- as.Date(preds$fecha,format="%Y%m%d")

In this graph you can see the complete historical series of Cupressaceae/Taxacea (my worst enemy) from 2014 to present day. Please notice the huge peak in February 2019, those were rough days.

Cupressaceae-Taxaceae pollen

Cupressaceae-Taxaceae pollen

Finally I checked forecast quality using Gerrity Score because “GS does not reward conservative forecasting like HSS and HK, but rather rewards forecasts for correctly predicting the less likely categories”.

Gerrity Score for persistence (using yesterday observation as today forecast): 0.366

Gerrity Socre for climatology (using average value for this day as today forecast): 0.215

Gerrity Score for forecast: 0.32

So, forecast seems to be not very useful compared with persistence.

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