Using waterfall charts to visualize feature contributions

[This article was first published on R on The Stats Guy, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I am using waterfall charts drawn in ggplot2 to visualize GLM coefficients, for regression and classification. Source Rmd file can be found here.

  • Waterfall chart: inspired by their commonplace use in finance1, a simple visualization to illustrate the constituent components (numeric values) that make up the final model prediction, starting from the intercept term β0. The idea is quickly see which features contribute positively and which negatively, and by how much. Important thing to note here is that the waterfall chart will differ from test datapoint to test datapoint – we first have to make a prediction using a test sample [x1,x2,,xp], get the prediction, then visualize individual absolute feature contribution to the prediction ˆy.

  • Feature contributions chart: this one is simpler. Same idea as above (also dependent on test sample [x1,x2,,xp]), but plotted by ranking the numeric contributions by their proportions relative to the prediction2 like this: contribution_proportion = feature_contribution / prediction, written below as cont_prop <- featcont/pred.



## Loading required package: lattice
## Loading required package: ggplot2


# mean centering
b2 <- preProcess(Boston, method = "center") %>% predict(., Boston)

idx <- createDataPartition(b2$medv, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
train <- Boston[idx,]
test <- Boston[-idx,]

mod0 <- lm(data = train, medv ~.)

sm <- summary(mod0)
betas <- sm$coefficients[,1]

testcase <- test[1,]
pred <- predict(mod0, testcase)

# dot product between feature vector and beta
featvec <- testcase[-which(testcase %>% names == "medv")] %>% as.matrix
betas2 <- betas[-1]

nm <- names(betas)
#betas2 %*% t(featvec)

# feature contributions
featcont <- betas2*featvec
featcont <- c(betas[1], featcont, pred)
names(featcont) <- c(nm, "Prediction")

Waterfall chart on regression feature contributions

# waterfall chart on feature contribution
plotdata <- data.frame(coef = names(featcont), featcont = featcont, row.names = NULL)
plotdata$coef <- factor(plotdata$coef, levels = plotdata$coef)
plotdata$id <- seq_along(plotdata$coef)
plotdata$Impact <- ifelse(plotdata$featcont > 0, "+ve", "-ve")
plotdata[plotdata$coef %in% c("(Intercept)", "Prediction"), "Impact"] <- "Initial/Net"
plotdata$end <- cumsum(plotdata$featcont)
plotdata$end <- c(head(plotdata$end, -1), 0)
plotdata$start <- c(0, head(plotdata$end, -1))
plotdata <- plotdata[, c(3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 2)]

gg <- ggplot(plotdata, aes(fill = Impact)) +
               xmin = id - 0.45,
               xmax = id + 0.45,
               ymin = end,
               ymax = start)) +
 theme_minimal() +
 #scale_fill_manual(values=c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"))
 scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred", "darkgreen", "darkblue")) +
 theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
## Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: x

if(sign(plotdata$end[1]) != sign(plotdata$start[nrow(plotdata)]))
 gg <- gg + geom_hline(yintercept = 0)

cont_prop <- featcont/pred

plot_data <- data.frame(coef = names(cont_prop),
                        cont_prop = cont_prop,
                        row.names = NULL)
plot_data <- plot_data[-nrow(plot_data),]

plot_data <- plot_data[order(plot_data$cont_prop, decreasing = FALSE),]

plot_data$coef <- factor(plot_data$coef, levels = plot_data$coef)

p<-ggplot(data=plot_data, aes(x=coef, y = cont_prop)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity", fill = "darkblue") +
    coord_flip() +
    theme_minimal() +
    xlab("Features") +
    ggtitle("Feature Contributions")



## Warning: package 'kernlab' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Attaching package: 'kernlab'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     alpha


# mean centering
s2 <- preProcess(spam, method = "center") %>% predict(., spam)

idx <- createDataPartition(s2$type, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
train <- s2[idx,]
test <- s2[-idx,]

mod0 <- glm(data = train, type ~., family =  binomial(link = logit))
## Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

sm <- summary(mod0)
betas <- sm$coefficients[,1]

testcase <- test[1,]
pred <- predict(mod0, testcase)

# dot product between feature vector and beta
featvec <- testcase[-which(testcase %>% names == "type")] %>% as.matrix
betas2 <- betas[-1]

nm <- names(betas)
#betas2 %*% t(featvec)

# feature contributions
featcont <- betas2*featvec
featcont <- c(betas[1], featcont, pred)
names(featcont) <- c(nm, "Prediction")

Waterfall chart on classification feature contributions

# waterfall chart on feature contribution
plotdata <- data.frame(coef = names(featcont), featcont = featcont, row.names = NULL)
plotdata$coef <- factor(plotdata$coef, levels = plotdata$coef)
plotdata$id <- seq_along(plotdata$coef)
plotdata$Impact <- ifelse(plotdata$featcont > 0, "+ve", "-ve")
plotdata[plotdata$coef %in% c("(Intercept)", "Prediction"), "Impact"] <- "Initial/Net"
plotdata$end <- cumsum(plotdata$featcont)
plotdata$end <- c(head(plotdata$end, -1), 0)
plotdata$start <- c(0, head(plotdata$end, -1))
plotdata <- plotdata[, c(3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 2)]

gg <- ggplot(plotdata, aes(coef, fill = Impact)) +
 geom_rect(aes(x = coef,
               xmin = id - 0.45,
               xmax = id + 0.45,
               ymin = end,
               ymax = start)) +
 theme_minimal() +
 #scale_fill_manual(values=c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"))
 scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred", "darkgreen", "darkblue")) +
 theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
## Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: x
if(sign(plotdata$end[1]) != sign(plotdata$start[nrow(plotdata)]))
 gg <- gg + geom_hline(yintercept = 0)

  1. Something like this or this, for example

  2. See this on feature contributions.

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