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Solving the puzzles of Advent of Code with R.
< !--more-->[Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 1 and 2.
Advent of Code
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. About Advent of Code
Day three, part one
The first part of the challenge for day 3 starts well: we have to read in R this file:
readLines("input3.txt", n = 6) ## [1] "#1 @ 483,830: 24x18" "#2 @ 370,498: 21x17" "#3 @ 403,823: 25x21" ## [4] "#4 @ 619,976: 20x15" "#5 @ 123,385: 15x26" "#6 @ 484,592: 11x19"
It’s a description of “spots”, claimed by the elves, inside a big square piece of fabric (supposed to be for making Santa’s clothes (remember we’re coding with Christmas theme 😉 ).
It reads:
"#1 @ 483,830: 24x18" Id / distance from left / distance from top / width / height
In other words, the “claim” with ID one is for a spot that starts at 483 inches from the left of the fabric and at 830 inches from the top. This piece is 24 inches wide and 18 inches tall.
How many square inches of fabric are within two or more claims?
Our challenge is to determine how many squares of fabric are claimed more than once. In over words, if we take all the squares from all the elves, how many square inches are claimed by more than one elf?
Let’s start by reading the file:
library(tidyverse) df <- read.delim("input3.txt", header = FALSE) %>% as.tibble() %>% print() %>% # Clean the column mutate(V1 = str_replace_all(V1, "[#@,:x]", " "), V1 = str_replace_all(V1, " {2,}", " "), V1 = str_replace_all(V1, "^ ", "")) %>% # Separate the column separate(V1, into = c("id", "left", "top", "wide", "tall")) %>% # Make sure everything is numeric mutate_all(as.numeric) %>% # Create the right and down element mutate( right = left + wide, down = top + tall ) ## # A tibble: 1,375 x 1 ## V1 ## <fct> ## 1 #1 @ 483,830: 24x18 ## 2 #2 @ 370,498: 21x17 ## 3 #3 @ 403,823: 25x21 ## 4 #4 @ 619,976: 20x15 ## 5 #5 @ 123,385: 15x26 ## 6 #6 @ 484,592: 11x19 ## 7 #7 @ 394,960: 28x14 ## 8 #8 @ 730,592: 26x20 ## 9 #9 @ 975,963: 16x26 ## 10 #10 @ 452,496: 18x18 ## # ... with 1,365 more rows cat("Cleaned version:\n") ## Cleaned version: df ## # A tibble: 1,375 x 7 ## id left top wide tall right down ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 483 830 24 18 507 848 ## 2 2 370 498 21 17 391 515 ## 3 3 403 823 25 21 428 844 ## 4 4 619 976 20 15 639 991 ## 5 5 123 385 15 26 138 411 ## 6 6 484 592 11 19 495 611 ## 7 7 394 960 28 14 422 974 ## 8 8 730 592 26 20 756 612 ## 9 9 975 963 16 26 991 989 ## 10 10 452 496 18 18 470 514 ## # ... with 1,365 more rows
So now that we have that, how can we get all the squares claimed more than once? To do this, we’ll go row-wise on this data.frame. With each row, we’ll start by create vectors which correspond to all the claimed squares. To do that, we’ll create two vectors: row and columns, use expand.grid to create all the possible combination (i.e all the locations on the fabric) for this claim.
For example, imagine a claim that goes from square 1 to 2 and from line 3 to 4, we’ll create a vector 1:2 and 3:4, and when combining that we’ll have the id for all claimed squares: 1×3, 1×4, 2×3 and 2×4. We’ll do this for all the claims, then count the number of occurrence for each newly created id.
res <- map_df( 1:nrow(df), function(x){ res <- list( col = (df$left[x] + 1):(df$left[x]+df$wide[x]), row = (df$top[x] + 1):(df$top[x]+df$tall[x]) ) expand.grid(res$col, res$row) %>% mutate(claim_id = df$id[x]) %>% unite(col = "idx", c("Var1", "Var2"), sep = "x") } ) %>% as.tibble() res ## # A tibble: 509,129 x 2 ## idx claim_id ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 484x831 1 ## 2 485x831 1 ## 3 486x831 1 ## 4 487x831 1 ## 5 488x831 1 ## 6 489x831 1 ## 7 490x831 1 ## 8 491x831 1 ## 9 492x831 1 ## 10 493x831 1 ## # ... with 509,119 more rows res %>% count(idx) %>% filter(n > 1) %>% count() ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## nn ## <int> ## 1 119551
Day three, part two
What is the ID of the only claim that doesn’t overlap?
The second part is a little bit different: we need to identify the claim which doesn’t overlap with any other claim. In other words, the claim that contains only square inches which are claimed once.
So how to do that ?
We’ll start from our previous table and count the number of square by claim:
n_of_claims_by_id <- res %>% count(claim_id) n_of_claims_by_id ## # A tibble: 1,375 x 2 ## claim_id n ## <dbl> <int> ## 1 1 432 ## 2 2 357 ## 3 3 525 ## 4 4 300 ## 5 5 390 ## 6 6 209 ## 7 7 392 ## 8 8 520 ## 9 9 416 ## 10 10 324 ## # ... with 1,365 more rows
Now we’ll count the number of time each square is claimed:
n_of_claims_by_inch <- res %>% count(idx) n_of_claims_by_inch ## # A tibble: 350,158 x 2 ## idx n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 1000x793 1 ## 2 1000x794 1 ## 3 1000x795 1 ## 4 1000x796 1 ## 5 1000x797 1 ## 6 1000x798 1 ## 7 1000x799 1 ## 8 1000x800 1 ## 9 1000x801 1 ## 10 1000x802 1 ## # ... with 350,148 more rows
Let’s add this info to our result object:
res <- res %>% left_join(n_of_claims_by_inch, by = "idx") res ## # A tibble: 509,129 x 3 ## idx claim_id n ## <chr> <dbl> <int> ## 1 484x831 1 3 ## 2 485x831 1 3 ## 3 486x831 1 2 ## 4 487x831 1 2 ## 5 488x831 1 2 ## 6 489x831 1 2 ## 7 490x831 1 2 ## 8 491x831 1 2 ## 9 492x831 1 1 ## 10 493x831 1 1 ## # ... with 509,119 more rows
Here, we can read that square at 484x831
has been claimed three times
), and notably by the ID #1
. So let’s filter on the square that
has only been claimed once:
res <- res %>% filter(n == 1) res ## # A tibble: 230,607 x 3 ## idx claim_id n ## <chr> <dbl> <int> ## 1 492x831 1 1 ## 2 493x831 1 1 ## 3 494x831 1 1 ## 4 495x831 1 1 ## 5 496x831 1 1 ## 6 497x831 1 1 ## 7 498x831 1 1 ## 8 499x831 1 1 ## 9 500x831 1 1 ## 10 501x831 1 1 ## # ... with 230,597 more rows
Now for the final trick: a claim with no overlap would have, in our
result, the same number of occurrence in the claim_id
column from
and in the idx
from n_of_claims_by_inch
res %>% count(claim_id) %>% left_join(n_of_claims_by_id, by = "claim_id") %>% filter(nn == n) ## # A tibble: 1 x 3 ## claim_id nn n ## <dbl> <int> <int> ## 1 1124 299 299
So here it is: the claim_id 1124
is the one we are looking for!
Day four, part one
This one was also fun to do: we have another weird data file, that we need to parse. This data is said to record the date and time, all days between 00 and 00:59 at a manufacturing lab, when the guard is awake of asleep.
library(lubridate) ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following object is masked from 'package:base': ## ## date day4 <- read.delim("input4.txt", header = FALSE) %>% as.tibble() day4 ## # A tibble: 1,129 x 1 ## V1 ## <fct> ## 1 [1518-08-21 00:39] wakes up ## 2 [1518-08-11 00:56] wakes up ## 3 [1518-10-10 23:52] Guard #2707 begins shift ## 4 [1518-10-14 00:55] wakes up ## 5 [1518-07-19 00:42] wakes up ## 6 [1518-06-16 00:41] falls asleep ## 7 [1518-03-24 00:57] wakes up ## 8 [1518-05-06 00:39] wakes up ## 9 [1518-08-27 00:00] Guard #3323 begins shift ## 10 [1518-03-22 23:50] Guard #2753 begins shift ## # ... with 1,119 more rows time_minute <- day4 %>% # Create a hour / event column separate(V1, into = c("hour", "event"), sep = "] ") %>% mutate(hour = gsub("\\[", "", hour), hour = ymd_hm(hour)) %>% # Order the hour column arrange(hour) %>% # Create a column with the guard ID id present mutate(guard_id = str_extract(event, "#([0-9]*)"), guard_id = str_replace(guard_id, "#", ""), no_id = is.na(guard_id), record = 1:n() ) %>% # Add the guard ID everywhere fill(guard_id) %>% # Filter to keep only the event rows filter(no_id) %>% select(-no_id) %>% # Spread for event and hour spread(event, hour) %>% # Fill the wakes up column so that there is no NA fill(`wakes up`, .direction = "up") %>% select(-record) %>% # Remove the line with NA in the fall asleep column drop_na(`falls asleep`) %>% # Get one minutes less, as the wakes up minute is considered to be an # awaken minute mutate(`wakes up` = `wakes up` - minutes(1), # Create a list column with the sequence of minutes the guard is asleep minutes_asleep = map2(`falls asleep`, `wakes up`, seq, by = "min"), # Compute how many time the guard is asleep sleepy_time = `wakes up` - `falls asleep`) time_minute ## # A tibble: 420 x 5 ## guard_id `falls asleep` `wakes up` minutes_asleep ## <chr> <dttm> <dttm> <list> ## 1 1213 1518-02-16 00:08:00 1518-02-16 00:22:00 <dttm [15]> ## 2 1213 1518-02-16 00:44:00 1518-02-16 00:50:00 <dttm [7]> ## 3 1213 1518-02-16 00:56:00 1518-02-16 00:58:00 <dttm [3]> ## 4 1213 1518-02-18 00:13:00 1518-02-18 00:24:00 <dttm [12]> ## 5 1213 1518-03-29 00:02:00 1518-03-29 00:10:00 <dttm [9]> ## 6 1213 1518-03-29 00:16:00 1518-03-29 00:47:00 <dttm [32]> ## 7 1213 1518-04-27 00:03:00 1518-04-27 00:19:00 <dttm [17]> ## 8 1213 1518-04-27 00:24:00 1518-04-27 00:41:00 <dttm [18]> ## 9 1213 1518-04-27 00:47:00 1518-04-27 00:58:00 <dttm [12]> ## 10 1213 1518-05-06 00:02:00 1518-05-06 00:38:00 <dttm [37]> ## # ... with 410 more rows, and 1 more variable: sleepy_time <time>
Find the guard that has the most minutes asleep. What minute does that guard spend asleep the most?
So, our first task is to know which guard is asleep the most and on which minute of the hour. Let’s first compute who this guard is:
which_guard <- time_minute %>% group_by(guard_id) %>% summarise(s = sum(sleepy_time)) %>% top_n(1, s)
Now we know who he is, let’s see at which minute of the hour he’s the most asleep:
time_minute %>% filter(guard_id == which_guard$guard_id) %>% unnest(minutes_asleep) %>% print() %>% # Extract the minute part mutate(minutes_asleep = minute(minutes_asleep)) %>% count(minutes_asleep, sort = TRUE)%>% top_n(1) ## # A tibble: 502 x 5 ## guard_id `falls asleep` `wakes up` sleepy_time ## <chr> <dttm> <dttm> <time> ## 1 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 2 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 3 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 4 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 5 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 6 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 7 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 8 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 9 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## 10 2753 1518-02-17 00:13:00 1518-02-17 00:26:00 780 secs ## # ... with 492 more rows, and 1 more variable: minutes_asleep <dttm> ## Selecting by n ## # A tibble: 1 x 2 ## minutes_asleep n ## <int> <int> ## 1 28 14
Day four, part one
The second part was quite straightforward once you’ve got the previous answer. > Of all guards, which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute?
time_minute %>% unnest(minutes_asleep) %>% mutate(minutes_asleep = minute(minutes_asleep)) %>% count(guard_id, minutes_asleep, sort = TRUE) %>% top_n(1) ## Selecting by n ## # A tibble: 1 x 3 ## guard_id minutes_asleep n ## <chr> <int> <int> ## 1 1213 19 16
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