UI Update — Datazar
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UI Update — Datazar

As your projects get more and more files added to it, keeping track of your datasets and analysis can become tedious. We’ve updated your project file list so you can see what type of files you have in your project before you click them or try to read the extension.
Notebooks, consoles and scripts are now represented by the file type they analyze. The R logo for R notebooks and consoles and so on.
We’re always making improvements on the UI/UX based on user feedback we get everyday, so use that “Feedback” button found at the bottom of every to let us know what you think can be improved and added!

We’ve also previously added the language icons to the analysis pages for notebooks and consoles. That way when you’re switching from notebook to notebook (or console), you can be sure what flavor you’re using.
UI Update — Datazar was originally published in Datazar Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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