The BNF Interactions Project
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I recently rewrote the code for this project after moving it to its own github repository.
This started as a project to learn to use d3.js, for which I had to learn to collect the BNF interactions first. But it’s useful as a standalone resource you can use to collect your own data – and experiment with visualising it yourself.
Moving it made it easier to review the code I was using, and update any variations (e.g ‘top 100’, that I’ve made).
The code to download the data is below, and listed as an .Rmd here.
If you just want to look at the data itself, you can skip all of the below and just find the latest version in my github repository (either as an .Rda, or .JSON), here.
library(rvest) library(magrittr) library(stringr) library(stringi) library(tidyverse)
Create the drugs look-up – ‘drugs_list’
#Get a list of links to test drugs_list <- readLines("") %>% str_match_all("<a href=\"(.*?)\"><span>(.*?)</span>") %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() #Replace odd characters drugs_list$. <- str_replace(drugs_list$., "é", replacement = "é") #Create a dataframe from it. drugs_list <- drugs_list %>% data.frame(cbind(observation = rep(1:(nrow(drugs_list)/3), each=3))) %>% data.frame(cbind(class = c("String", "Link", "Title"))) %>% rename(value = '.') %>% spread(key=class, value=value) #Remove non-drug links drugs_list <- drugs_list %>% filter(stri_detect_fixed(drugs_list$Link, "title=") == FALSE) #Remove defunct columns drugs_list <- drugs_list %>% select(-observation) %>% select(-String) #Remove some leftover tags drugs_list$Title <- str_replace(drugs_list$Title, "<sub>", replacement = "") drugs_list$Title <- str_replace(drugs_list$Title, "</sub>", replacement = "") #Add a string column drugs_list <- cbind(drugs_list, string = str_replace(drugs_list$Link, ".html", replacement = "")) #Add CSS tag and URL columns drugs_list <- cbind(drugs_list, url = str_c("", drugs_list$string, ".html")) drugs_list <- cbind(drugs_list, css_string = str_c("#", drugs_list$string, " .interactant span")) #Convert to character classes drugs_list[] <- lapply(drugs_list, as.character) #Set a timestamp for the data collection drugs_listDatestamp <- Sys.Date()
Compare to the last ‘drugs_list’
This requires an original drugs_list for the first attempt. To get around this you could take a drugs_list from a fork/clone of this repository. Or you could save the drugs list you’ve just created. i.e.
example <- drugs_list then run “kept <- ..” onwards
example <- read_csv("archive/drugs_list.csv") kept <- intersect(drugs_list$Link, example$Link) newdrugs <- setdiff(drugs_list$Link, example$Link) removed <- setdiff(example$Link, drugs_list$Link) rm(example)
You also need an ‘archive’ folder in the cd, as well as a ‘data’. Otherwise you’ll get an error message when you run write_csv.
Export the ‘drugs_list’ differences
#create folder for archive date dir.create(str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp)) #if there are new drugs, save in a date-labelled folder newdrugs.csv if (length(newdrugs) > 0) { label <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/") %>% str_c("newdrugs.csv") write_csv(data_frame(newdrugs), path = label) #could save .Rda too } #if there are removed drugs, save in a date-labelled folder removeddrugs.csv if (length(removed) > 0) { label <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/") %>% str_c("removeddrugs.csv") write_csv(data_frame(removed), label) #could save .Rda too } #export drugs_list label <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/") %>% str_c("drugs_list.csv") write_csv(drugs_list, label) label <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/") %>% str_c("drugs_list.Rda") save(drugs_list, file=label) #Overwrite as the most recent drugs_list write_csv(drugs_list, "archive/drugs_list.csv") #could keep one in /data as well, but I only use it here, so I don't see why bother rm(label)
Scrape the data
data <- sapply(drugs_list$url, function(x) read_html(x) %>% list()) #Set a timestamp for the data collection Timestamp <- Sys.time() Datestamp <- Sys.Date() #could export data here if I needed
Construct an interactions database from ‘data’
##Title dataframe <- data.frame(Title = drugs_list$Title) ##Interactions alli <- lapply(data, function(url){ url %>% html_nodes(css = ".interactant span") %>% html_text() }) #Set ordinal factor for severity severity <- c("NotSet", "Unknown", "Mild", "Moderate", "Severe") severity <- factor(severity, levels=c("NotSet", "Unknown", "Mild", "Moderate", "Severe"), ordered=TRUE) #All Severity severityi <- lapply(1:length(data), function(x) { sections <- html_nodes(data[[x]], "div.span9.interaction-messages") lapply(1:length(sections), function(x1, x){ #Returns Max value in multiples. if (length(sections[[x1]]) > 1) { sections[[x1]] %>% html_children() %>% html_attr("class") %>% str_replace_all("interaction-message ", "") %>% max() } else { sections[[x1]] %>% html_children() %>% html_attr("class") %>% str_replace_all("interaction-message ", "") } } ) %>% unlist() }) #All Evidence evidencei <- lapply(1:length(data), function(x) { sections <- html_nodes(data[[x]], "div.span9.interaction-messages") lapply(1:length(sections), function(x1, x){ #Returns Max value in multiples. if (length(sections[[x1]] %>% html_nodes("dd~ dd")) > 0) { sections[[x1]] %>% html_nodes("dd~ dd") %>% html_text() %>% min() } else { as.character("NotSet") } } ) %>% unlist() }) #Combine multiple divs under one interaction infoi <- lapply(1:length(data), function(x) { sections <- html_nodes(data[[x]], "div.span9.interaction-messages") lapply(1:length(sections), function(x1, x){ #Returns Max value in multiples. if (length(sections[[x1]]) > 1) { sections[[x1]] %>% html_nodes(css = ".interaction-message div") %>% html_text() %>% str_replace_all("\n", replacement="") %>% str_trim() %>% paste(sep="", collapse="") } else { sections[[x1]] %>% html_nodes(css = ".interaction-message div") %>% html_text() %>% str_replace_all("\n", replacement="") %>% str_trim() } } ) %>% unlist() }) #Bind columns dataframe <- cbind(dataframe, data_frame(alli), data_frame(severityi), data_frame(evidencei), data_frame(infoi)) #Rename columns dataframe <- dataframe %>% rename(Interactions = 'alli', Severity = 'severityi', Evidence = 'evidencei', 'Interactions Info' = 'infoi') ##Totals dataframe$'Interaction Total' <- lapply(1:nrow(dataframe), function(x){ unlist(length(alli[[x]])) }) dataframe$'Severity Total' <- lapply(1:nrow(dataframe), function(x){ unlist(length(dataframe$Severity[[x]])) }) dataframe$'Evidence Total' <- lapply(1:nrow(dataframe), function(x){ unlist(length(dataframe$Evidence[[x]])) }) dataframe$'Interactions Info Total' <- lapply(1:nrow(dataframe), function(x){ unlist(length(dataframe$'Interactions Info'[[x]])) }) #not sure yet if I still require the totals - used later in data completion rm(alli) rm(severityi) rm(evidencei) rm(infoi)
Check data completion
dataframe$'Complete Data' <- lapply(1:nrow(dataframe), function(x){ if (dataframe$`Interaction Total`[[x]] == dataframe$`Severity Total`[[x]] & dataframe$`Interaction Total`[[x]] == dataframe$`Interactions Info Total`[[x]] & dataframe$`Interaction Total`[[x]] == dataframe$`Evidence Total`[[x]]) {TRUE} else {FALSE} })
Everything there?
sum(unlist(dataframe$'Complete Data')) == nrow(dataframe)
Export dataframe
#going to save under drugs_listDatestamp folder, in-case slightly older than Datestamp #Datestamp == drugs_listDatestamp dataframeName <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/") %>% str_c("dataframe.Rda") #label <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/") %>% # str_c("dataframe.csv") #write_csv(dataframe, label) #doesn't quite like the lists. save(dataframe, file=dataframeName) rm(label, dataframeName)
Make a databse for JSON Format
#Create a new database master <- dataframe %>% select('Title', 'Interactions', 'Severity', 'Evidence', 'Interactions Info') %>% rename(name = 'Title', imports = 'Interactions') master$title <- master$name #Added an unlabled column master$importstitle <- master$imports #master master$name <- as.character(master$name) master$name <- trimws(master$name, "both") master$title <- as.character(master$title) master$title <- trimws(master$title, "both") ##remove odd characters in $name faultycharacters <- str_detect(master$name, "\\(") | str_detect(master$name, string="\\)") | grepl(pattern = "/", x = master$name) | grepl(pattern = "'", x = master$name) | grepl(pattern = ",", x = master$name) faultyvalues <- master$name[faultycharacters] faultyvaluesindex <- which(faultycharacters) ##remove odd characters in $name for (i in faultyvaluesindex){ master$name[i] <- master$name[i] %>% stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = "/", replacement = " ") %>% str_replace_all(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "") %>% str_replace_all(pattern = "\\)", replacement = "") %>% stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = "'", replacement = "") %>% stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = ",", replacement = "") } for (i in 1:length(master$imports)){ example <- list() example[[1]] <- master$imports[i] %>% unlist() %>% stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = "/", replacement = " ") %>% str_replace_all(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "") %>% str_replace_all(pattern = "\\)", replacement = "") %>% stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = "'", replacement = "") %>% stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = ",", replacement = "") master$imports[i] <- example } #Relabel 'name' master$name <- str_c("BNF.", master$name, ".", master$name) %>% str_replace_all(pattern=" ", replacement="") #Relabel 'interactions' node.parent.child <- function(x) { example <- master[x,] %>% select('imports') %>% unlist() %>% as.character() example <- str_c(".", example) %>% str_dup(times=2) example <- str_c("BNF", example) %>% str_replace_all(pattern=" ", replacement="") return(as.vector(example)) } master$imports <- lapply(1:nrow(master), node.parent.child) #add timestamp master$Stamp <- Timestamp ##Need to add new? true/false column #master$new <- drugs_list$url index <- match(newdrugs, drugs_list$Link) master$new <- 1:nrow(master) %in% index ##bnflink url column master$bnflink <- drugs_list$url rm(index, i)
Save in /archive, and /data
#latest one in the archive, overwrites previous master %>% jsonlite::toJSON() %>% write(file="archive/master.json") #latest one, date-labelled in archive jsonName <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/master.json") master %>% jsonlite::toJSON() %>% write(file = jsonName) label <- str_c("archive/", drugs_listDatestamp, "/master.Rda") save(master, file=label) #latest one in archive, overwrites previous save(master, file="archive/master.Rda") #latest one in data, overwrites previous master %>% jsonlite::toJSON() %>% write(file="data/master.json") rm(jsonName, label)
There we have it. You now have a database of drug interactions to work with.
I hope this is of interest to you, and if you do create something with it please let me know, I’d be very interested to see it.
Some final notes - given that we are using NICE content, you should also have a look at the NICE content license before downloading. They do ask that you inform them as to your use of data, which is a very simple process.
The customisable drug selection version is picuted below, you can try the full-sized version here.