Introducing Webhooks — Fastest Way to Collect Data
Today we’re introducing webhooks, the fastest way you can send data to a JSON file from anywhere.
The number 1 most taxing task when it comes to data analysis or taking an initiative to become more data-driven organization is data collection. The biggest problem here is automation; collecting data-points seems like a trivial task until you have to do it an infinite amount of times. From our research here at Datazar, what we learned is that people and organizations start collecting only to stop sooner or later because it becomes repetitive for one, and honestly it’s just a task that’s easily forgettable (and boring). Be in importing survey answers from polls or logging tasks. It’s different for every organization.
The good news is that there’s now thousands of companies that allow you to collect data easily and now also include several ways to export; one of them being webhook links. Using webhooks you can easily export the data you’re collecting automacatially. This removes the the burden of data collection from your end.
This also makes collecting telemetry data from sensors and instruments, application data from software and any automated events a lot easier.
For example you can you connect Datazar dataset webhooks to Typeform forms and automatically send responses and analyse them using our R or Python notebooks. No downloading, uploading or converting; data to analysis to reporting in minutes.
Creating Webhooks
Creating webhooks is super easy. All you need to do is create a JSON file on Datazar from your toolkit or even upload an already existing JSON file from your computer and then:
click on the menu button (three dots) of the JSON file and you’ll see a newly minted “Webhooks” section.
You can create several webhooks for each file if you have multiple sources of data coming into the same dataset.
You can also see how many calls each webhook received and when it was last used.
How To Create Webhooks Documentation:Datazar Webhooks – DatazarIntroducing Webhooks — Fastest Way to Collect Data was originally published in Datazar Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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