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carbon.js is the easiest way to create beautiful images of your source code, and carbonate creates an api in R
to interact with it. The package gives a new simple way to share your script with the rest of the R
community on posters, slides, Shiny apps and social media!
This little snippet combines SO MANY of my favorite #rstats ????s:
— ????????????????::maternity_leave???? (@LucyStats) August 30, 2018
✨ @jimhester_‘s glue
???? @yoniceedee‘s carbonate
???? @kearneymw‘s rtweet
???? @hadleywickham‘s emo
???? @krlmlr‘s here
#remotes::install_github('yonicd/carbonate') install.packages('carbonate')
Initialize new carbon object
The default code in the carbon object is taken from the clipboard.
x <- carbon$new()
But can also be defined inline. Code can be a character object of any length.
x <- carbon$new(readLines('DESCRIPTION'))
The code is kept in the object and can be changed at any time.
x$code ## [1] "Package: carbonate" ## [2] "Title: Interact with 'carbon.js'" ## [3] "Version: 0.1.0" ## [4] "Authors@R: person(given = \"Jonathan\"," ## [5] " family = \"Sidi\"," ## [6] " email = \"\"," ## [7] " role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")," ## [8] " comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4222-1819\"))" ## [9] "Description: Create beautiful images of source code using 'carbon.js'<>." ## [10] "Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)" ## [11] "License: MIT + file LICENSE" ## [12] "Encoding: UTF-8" ## [13] "LazyData: true" ## [14] "RoxygenNote: 6.1.0" ## [15] "Imports: R6, clipr, magick, wdman, RSelenium, utils, httr, rtweet, yaml" ## [16] "Suggests: testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown" ## [17] "URL:" ## [18] "BugReports:" ## [19] "Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)" ## [20] "VignetteBuilder: knitr" ## [21] "Author: Jonathan Sidi [aut, cre] (<>)" ## [22] "Maintainer: Jonathan Sidi <>" ## [23] "Built: R 3.5.1; ; 2018-10-28 15:50:25 UTC; unix"
The main job of the package is to convert all the options set by the user into a URI that is sent to the carbon url page, where it is processed.
x$uri() ## [1] ";%2520;%25202018-10-28%252015%253A50%253A25%2520UTC;%2520unix"
Click the link to see the URI works.
Manipulate the carbon object
What make carbon.js really nice that you can control all the aesthetics of the image.
Carbon Variable | Carbonate Variable | Description | Default |
l | language | language | r |
bg | palette | layout pallete (vector with c(r,g,b,a) | c(r=171,g=184,b=195,a=1) |
t | template | layout template (listed in get_templates()) | ‘seti’ |
wc | add_window_control | add/remove window controls (circles on top left corner) | TRUE |
wt | window_control_theme | change window control themes (listed in get_windows_control_themes()) | ‘none’ |
ds | add_drop_shadow | add/remove dropshadow | TRUE |
dsyoff | drop_shadow_offset_y | shadow vertical offset (px) | 20 |
dsblur | drop_shadow_blur_radius | shadow blur radius (px) | 68 |
wa | auto_adjust_width | auto-audjust output width | TRUE |
pv | padding_vertical | vertical padding (px) | 48 |
ph | padding_horizontal | horizontal padding (px) | 32 |
ln | add_line_number | add/remove line numbers | FALSE |
fm | font_family | layout font family (listed in get_font_families()) | ‘Hack’ |
fs | font_size | font size (px) | 14 |
lh | line_height_percent | relative space between lines (percent) | 133 |
si | square_image | output image is square | FALSE |
es | relative_export_size | image size in export relative to what is in the preview (1,2 or 4) | 1 |
wm | add_watermark | add official carbon.js watermark | FALSE |
x$carbonate(file = 'myfile.png')
Changing the template
x$template <-'cobalt' x$carbonate(file = 'new_template.png')
Changing the font
x$font_family <-'IBM Plex Mono' x$carbonate(file = 'new_font.png') offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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