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As of 2018-06-17 the elmNN package was archived and due to the fact that it was one of the machine learning functions that I used when I started learning R (it returns the output results pretty fast too) plus that I had to utilize the package last week for a personal task I decided to reimplement the R code in Rcpp. It didn’t take long because the R package was written, initially by the author, in a clear way. In the next lines I’ll explain the differences and the functionality just for reference.
Differences between the elmNN (R package) and the elmNNRcpp (Rcpp Package)
- The reimplementation assumes that both the predictors ( x ) and the response variable ( y ) are in the form of a matrix. This means that character, factor or boolean columns have to be transformed (onehot encoded would be an option) before using either the elm_train or the elm_predict function.
- The output predictions are in the form of a matrix. In case of regression the matrix has one column whereas in case of classification the number of columns equals the number of unique labels
- In case of classification the unique labels should begin from 0 and the difference between the unique labels should not be greater than 1. For instance, unique_labels = c(0, 1, 2, 3) are acceptable whereas the following case will raise an error : unique_labels = c(0, 2, 3, 4)
- I renamed the poslin activation to relu as it’s easier to remember ( both share the same properties ). Moreover I added the leaky_relu_alpha parameter so that if the value is greater than 0.0 a leaky-relu-activation for the single-hidden-layer can be used.
- The initilization weights in the elmNN were set by default to uniform in the range [-1,1] ( ‘uniform_negative’ ) . I added two more options : ‘normal_gaussian’ ( in the range [0,1] ) and ‘uniform_positive’ ( in the range [0,1] ) too
- The user has the option to include or exclude bias of the one-layer feed-forward neural network
The elmNNRcpp functions
The functions included in the elmNNRcpp package are the following and details for each parameter can be found in the package documentation,
elmNNRcpp |
elm_train(x, y, nhid, actfun, init_weights = “normal_gaussian”, bias = FALSE, …) |
elm_predict(elm_train_object, newdata, normalize = FALSE) |
onehot_encode(y) |
elmNNRcpp in case of Regression
The following code chunk gives some details on how to use the elm_train in case of regression and compares the results with the lm ( linear model ) base function,
# load the data and split it in two parts #---------------------------------------- data(Boston, package = 'KernelKnn') library(elmNNRcpp) Boston = as.matrix(Boston) dimnames(Boston) = NULL X = Boston[, -dim(Boston)[2]] xtr = X[1:350, ] xte = X[351:nrow(X), ] # prepare / convert the train-data-response to a one-column matrix #----------------------------------------------------------------- ytr = matrix(Boston[1:350, dim(Boston)[2]], nrow = length(Boston[1:350, dim(Boston)[2]]), ncol = 1) # perform a fit and predict [ elmNNRcpp ] #---------------------------------------- fit_elm = elm_train(xtr, ytr, nhid = 1000, actfun = 'purelin', init_weights = "uniform_negative", bias = TRUE, verbose = T) ## Input weights will be initialized ... ## Dot product of input weights and data starts ... ## Bias will be added to the dot product ... ## 'purelin' activation function will be utilized ... ## The computation of the Moore-Pseudo-inverse starts ... ## The computation is finished! ## ## Time to complete : 0.09112573 secs pr_te_elm = elm_predict(fit_elm, xte) # perform a fit and predict [ lm ] #---------------------------------------- data(Boston, package = 'KernelKnn') fit_lm = lm(medv~., data = Boston[1:350, ]) pr_te_lm = predict(fit_lm, newdata = Boston[351:nrow(X), ]) # evaluation metric #------------------ rmse = function (y_true, y_pred) { out = sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred)^2)) out } # test data response variable #---------------------------- yte = Boston[351:nrow(X), dim(Boston)[2]] # mean-squared-error for 'elm' and 'lm' #-------------------------------------- cat('the rmse error for extreme-learning-machine is :', rmse(yte, pr_te_elm[, 1]), '\n') ## the rmse error for extreme-learning-machine is : 22.00705 cat('the rmse error for liner-model is :', rmse(yte, pr_te_lm), '\n') ## the rmse error for liner-model is : 23.36543
elmNNRcpp in case of Classification
The following code script illustrates how elm_train can be used in classification and compares the results with the glm ( Generalized Linear Models ) base function,
# load the data #-------------- data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn') y_class = ionosphere[, ncol(ionosphere)] x_class = ionosphere[, -c(2, ncol(ionosphere))] # second column has 1 unique value x_class = scale(x_class[, -ncol(x_class)]) x_class = as.matrix(x_class) # convert to matrix dimnames(x_class) = NULL # split data in train-test #------------------------- xtr_class = x_class[1:200, ] xte_class = x_class[201:nrow(ionosphere), ] ytr_class = as.numeric(y_class[1:200]) yte_class = as.numeric(y_class[201:nrow(ionosphere)]) ytr_class = onehot_encode(ytr_class - 1) # class labels should begin from 0 (subtract 1) # perform a fit and predict [ elmNNRcpp ] #---------------------------------------- fit_elm_class = elm_train(xtr_class, ytr_class, nhid = 1000, actfun = 'relu', init_weights = "uniform_negative", bias = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) ## Input weights will be initialized ... ## Dot product of input weights and data starts ... ## Bias will be added to the dot product ... ## 'relu' activation function will be utilized ... ## The computation of the Moore-Pseudo-inverse starts ... ## The computation is finished! ## ## Time to complete : 0.03604198 secs pr_elm_class = elm_predict(fit_elm_class, xte_class, normalize = FALSE) pr_elm_class = max.col(pr_elm_class, ties.method = "random") # perform a fit and predict [ glm ] #---------------------------------------- data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn') fit_glm = glm(class~., data = ionosphere[1:200, -2], family = binomial(link = 'logit')) pr_glm = predict(fit_glm, newdata = ionosphere[201:nrow(ionosphere), -2], type = 'response') pr_glm = as.vector(ifelse(pr_glm < 0.5, 1, 2)) # accuracy for 'elm' and 'glm' #----------------------------- cat('the accuracy for extreme-learning-machine is :', mean(yte_class == pr_elm_class), '\n') ## the accuracy for extreme-learning-machine is : 0.9337748 cat('the accuracy for glm is :', mean(yte_class == pr_glm), '\n') ## the accuracy for glm is : 0.8940397
Classify MNIST digits using elmNNRcpp
I found an interesting Python implementation / Code on the web and I thought I give it a try to reproduce the results. I downloaded the MNIST data from my Github repository and I used the following parameter setting,
# using system('wget..') on a linux OS #------------------------------------- system("wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlampros/DataSets/master/mnist.zip") mnist <- read.table(unz("mnist.zip", "mnist.csv"), nrows = 70000, header = T, quote = "\"", sep = ",") x = mnist[, -ncol(mnist)] y = mnist[, ncol(mnist)] y_expand = onehot_encode(y) # split the data randomly in train-test #-------------------------------------- idx_train = sample(1:nrow(y_expand), round(0.85 * nrow(y_expand))) idx_test = setdiff(1:nrow(y_expand), idx_train) fit = elm_train(as.matrix(x[idx_train, ]), y_expand[idx_train, ], nhid = 2500, actfun = 'relu', init_weights = 'uniform_negative', bias = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) # Input weights will be initialized ... # Dot product of input weights and data starts ... # Bias will be added to the dot product ... # 'relu' activation function will be utilized ... # The computation of the Moore-Pseudo-inverse starts ... # The computation is finished! # # Time to complete : 1.607153 mins # predictions for test-data #-------------------------- pr_test = elm_predict(fit, newdata = as.matrix(x[idx_test, ])) pr_max_col = max.col(pr_test, ties.method = "random") y_true = max.col(y_expand[idx_test, ]) cat('Accuracy ( Mnist data ) :', mean(pr_max_col == y_true), '\n') # Accuracy ( Mnist data ) : 96.13
An updated version of the elmNNRcpp package can be found in my Github repository and to report bugs/issues please use the following link, https://github.com/mlampros/elmNNRcpp/issues.
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