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Embedding a Shiny app inside my blog

[This article was first published on PabRod - R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Some years ago, I started experimenting with the computing language R. I have to confess that I don’t feel fully comfortable with its syntax, which I find particularly difficult. But I forced myself to get used to it. Why? My main reasons were two: knitr and shiny.

For more (and certainly better) information… just google some tutorials. In this short entry, I only want to show an example of what shiny can do (and see how good it works with my new blog).

Take a look at the following simulation I made some years ago to teach some basic ideas about statistical inference:

The steps followed were:

  1. Write the app itself. Of course, this is the difficult part.
  2. Publish it. The easiest way is uploading it to ShinyApps. The most popular R editor, RStudio, can do this almost automatically.
  3. Once this two steps are made, the insertion code I’ve used is as simple as:

<iframe src="" style="border: 2px solid black; width: 100%; height: 1000px;"></iframe>

I’m a big fan of simulation and interactive teaching. More apps will be published soon. Some of them can be previewed in GeoGebraTube.

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