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Data Viz and Manipulation P2

[This article was first published on Analysis of AFL, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Using fitzRoy and the tidyverse

## -- Attaching packages ----------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
## v ggplot2 2.2.1     v purrr   0.2.5
## v tibble  1.4.2     v dplyr   0.7.6
## v tidyr   0.8.1     v stringr 1.3.1
## v readr   1.1.1     v forcats 0.3.0
## -- Conflicts -------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

So what we did before, was we created 3 variables from afltables about Tony Lockett. They were Year (afl season), GM (totals games played in afl season) and GL (total goals kicked in season).

These are summary statistics i.e. the year summaries (totals) of games played and goals kicked.

Something you might have noticed with fitzRoy is that the df is stored as game by game data and not season summaries.

So how do we create these summary statistics?

Step One – Get the dataframe with it all

Data is stored in different places in fitzRoy, df contains the data we are after at the moment


df<-fitzRoy::get_afltables_stats(start_date = "1897-01-01", end_date = Sys.Date())
## Returning data from 1897-01-01 to 2018-09-04
## Downloading data
## Finished downloading data. Processing XMLs
## Warning: Unknown columns: `Substitute`
## Finished getting afltables data

Step Two – Select the columns that you want select

  select(, Surname, Season, Goals)
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 619,992 x 7
## # Groups:   Season, Round,, [15,398]
##    Round Surname   Season Goals
##    <chr> <chr>     <chr>     <chr>      <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bill       Ahern       1897     0
##  2 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Jimmy      Aitken      1897     0
##  3 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bob        Armstrong   1897     0
##  4 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Tom        Blake       1897     0
##  5 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Otto       Buck        1897     0
##  6 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bob        Cameron     1897     0
##  7 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bill       Casey       1897     0
##  8 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Arthur     Cummins     1897     0
##  9 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Henry      Dunne       1897     0
## 10 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Brook      Hannah      1897     0
## # ... with 619,982 more rows

Step Three – Create the grouped data group_by

Now this might seem a bit weird, because on first look it would seem as though group_by doesn’t do anything.

  select(, Surname, Season, Goals)%>%
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 619,992 x 7
## # Groups:   Season [122]
##    Round Surname   Season Goals
##    <chr> <chr>     <chr>     <chr>      <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bill       Ahern       1897     0
##  2 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Jimmy      Aitken      1897     0
##  3 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bob        Armstrong   1897     0
##  4 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Tom        Blake       1897     0
##  5 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Otto       Buck        1897     0
##  6 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bob        Cameron     1897     0
##  7 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Bill       Casey       1897     0
##  8 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Arthur     Cummins     1897     0
##  9 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Henry      Dunne       1897     0
## 10 1     Fitzroy   Carlton   Brook      Hannah      1897     0
## # ... with 619,982 more rows

It doesn’t look like our dataset has changed, but if we look closely we have a new Groups: Season [121] and hopefully what you have noticed is that our dataset df has 121 unique values for Season. Which we can check below.

## [1] 122

What this does is adds a grouping structure to our data, which means instead of operations acting element wise like they did earlier now operations can happen by group.

So why would you want to group data? Well lots of interesting things are done on a group_by basis. For example we might be interested in goal kicking trends by Season Or * by round * by Playing.For * by opponent * by wins and losses

We can also group_by more than one thing. For example what if we wanted by Season and Round

  select(Season,Round, Goals, Behinds)%>%
  group_by(Season, Round)
## Adding missing grouping variables: ``, ``
## # A tibble: 619,992 x 6
## # Groups:   Season, Round [2,817]
## Season Round Goals Behinds
##    <chr>     <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  2 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  3 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  4 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  5 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  6 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  7 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  8 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
##  9 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
## 10 Fitzroy   Carlton     1897 1         0       0
## # ... with 619,982 more rows

What we can now see is that we have grouped by 2 variables (Season, Round) and have formed 769 groups. Groups: Season, Round [2,769]

Step Four – Take the grouped data and summarise it

So recall earlier we grouped our data by year so lets summarise it.

  select(, Surname, Season, Goals)%>%
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 122 x 2
##    Season total_goals
##     <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1   1897         640
##  2   1898         721
##  3   1899         691
##  4   1900         750
##  5   1901         847
##  6   1902         878
##  7   1903         890
##  8   1904         949
##  9   1905         984
## 10   1906        1088
## # ... with 112 more rows

Ok that doesn’t quite seem like what we were thinking we wanted the total_goals of Tony Lockett by season, but all we got was Season total goals.

Well duh! We only did a group_by by Season, we should have done it by Season,, Surname should we have?

Lets check.

  select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
  group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 53,330 x 4
## # Groups:   Season, [?]
##    Season Surname   total_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>
##  1   1897 Alb        Thomas              0
##  2   1897 Alby       Patterson           0
##  3   1897 Alby       Stamp               0
##  4   1897 Alby       Tame                0
##  5   1897 Alec       Sloan               0
##  6   1897 Alex       Davidson            0
##  7   1897 Alex       Murdoch             0
##  8   1897 Alf        Bedford             0
##  9   1897 Alf        Healing             0
## 10   1897 Alf        Pontin              1
## # ... with 53,320 more rows

This looks a lot better, only issue is that we don’t see Tony Lockett but we see all these other blokes like Alb Thomas, he didn’t kick 1,360 snags.

Step five – filter the data

  select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
  group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
  filter("Tony" , Surname=="Lockett")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 18 x 4
## # Groups:   Season, [18]
##    Season Surname total_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>         <dbl>
##  1   1983 Tony       Lockett          19
##  2   1984 Tony       Lockett          77
##  3   1985 Tony       Lockett          79
##  4   1986 Tony       Lockett          60
##  5   1987 Tony       Lockett         117
##  6   1988 Tony       Lockett          35
##  7   1989 Tony       Lockett          78
##  8   1990 Tony       Lockett          65
##  9   1991 Tony       Lockett         127
## 10   1992 Tony       Lockett         132
## 11   1993 Tony       Lockett          53
## 12   1994 Tony       Lockett          56
## 13   1995 Tony       Lockett         110
## 14   1996 Tony       Lockett         121
## 15   1997 Tony       Lockett          37
## 16   1998 Tony       Lockett         109
## 17   1999 Tony       Lockett          82
## 18   2002 Tony       Lockett           3

Now I think I might know what you are thinking. “Weren’t we supposed to be plotting average goals by year?”

To do that all we have to do is change sum to mean and total_goals to average_goals (these names can be anything but its helpful if they are descriptive).

  select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
  group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
  filter("Tony" , Surname=="Lockett")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 18 x 4
## # Groups:   Season, [18]
##    Season Surname average_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>
##  1   1983 Tony       Lockett          1.58
##  2   1984 Tony       Lockett          3.85
##  3   1985 Tony       Lockett          3.76
##  4   1986 Tony       Lockett          3.33
##  5   1987 Tony       Lockett          5.32
##  6   1988 Tony       Lockett          4.38
##  7   1989 Tony       Lockett          7.09
##  8   1990 Tony       Lockett          5.42
##  9   1991 Tony       Lockett          7.47
## 10   1992 Tony       Lockett          6   
## 11   1993 Tony       Lockett          5.3 
## 12   1994 Tony       Lockett          5.6 
## 13   1995 Tony       Lockett          5.79
## 14   1996 Tony       Lockett          5.5 
## 15   1997 Tony       Lockett          3.08
## 16   1998 Tony       Lockett          4.74
## 17   1999 Tony       Lockett          4.32
## 18   2002 Tony       Lockett          1

Step Six – ggplot our way to a glory

  select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
  group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
  filter("Tony" , Surname=="Lockett")%>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
  geom_line(color="red") +
  ggtitle("Tony Lockets Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

Step 7 – That’s cool but I want to compare players

To do this the obvious thing to do, is to just add a player you want to compare to the filter we do this with %in% c("Player1",("Player2"))

  select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
  group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
  filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))%>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

On first glance this doesn’t look like its done the right thing we wanted two lines one for Tony Lockett and one for Jason Dunstall.

Lets look a bit deeper at what we are doing

Look at the dataframe is it what we wanted?

  select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
  group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
  filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 32 x 4
## # Groups:   Season, [32]
##    Season Surname  average_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>            <dbl>
##  1   1983 Tony       Lockett           1.58
##  2   1984 Tony       Lockett           3.85
##  3   1985 Jason      Dunstall          2.25
##  4   1985 Tony       Lockett           3.76
##  5   1986 Jason      Dunstall          3.5 
##  6   1986 Tony       Lockett           3.33
##  7   1987 Jason      Dunstall          3.92
##  8   1987 Tony       Lockett           5.32
##  9   1988 Jason      Dunstall          5.74
## 10   1988 Tony       Lockett           4.38
## # ... with 22 more rows

Yes, that looks like the dataframe we want to plot, and looking at the data it seems as though we just have one continous line if we look closely at Season==1985 we can see that it jumps straight upwards. We know geom_line() connects the dots (datapoints) so it looks as though its connecting both values one for Tony Lockett and the other for Jason Dunstall. We could see this a bit more clearly if we looked at a scatter plot.

    select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
    filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
    geom_point() +
    ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

Differentiating the data

One way to differentiate the data is by colour, i.e. we could just colour Tony Lockett one colour and Jason Dunstall another.

    select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
    filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
    geom_point(aes(colour=Surname)) +
    ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

Then we do our line plot like earlier.

    select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
    filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
    geom_line(aes(colour=Surname)) +
    ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

Another way we could plot them, is have the same graph but instead of both lines on one, we could have them side by side for comparison. This is handy in situations where you want to compare the same thing average goals per game by season

This is called small multiples, we do this by using facet_wrap()

    select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
    filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
    geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Surname) + 
    ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

Bonus – You did things in a bad way that might lead to problems

Yes I did, my filter would have taken any unique combinations of , Surname for example if there was a Tony Dunstall or a Jason Lockett they would have come through in the filter.

We can see this if we changed Dunstall to Smith.

    select(Season,, Surname, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname)%>%
    filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Smith"))
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 23 x 4
## # Groups:   Season, [20]
##    Season Surname average_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>
##  1   1974 Tony       Smith            0   
##  2   1983 Tony       Lockett          1.58
##  3   1984 Tony       Lockett          3.85
##  4   1985 Tony       Lockett          3.76
##  5   1986 Tony       Lockett          3.33
##  6   1986 Tony       Smith            0   
##  7   1987 Tony       Lockett          5.32
##  8   1987 Tony       Smith            0   
##  9   1988 Tony       Lockett          4.38
## 10   1988 Tony       Smith            0.1 
## # ... with 13 more rows

So the best way would be if we had some sort of ID variable. Which luckily in df we have an ID column.

    select(Season,, Surname,ID, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname, ID)%>%
    filter( %in% c("Tony", "Jason") , Surname %in% c("Lockett", "Dunstall"))
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 32 x 5
## # Groups:   Season,, Surname [32]
##    Season Surname     ID average_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>    <int>         <dbl>
##  1   1983 Tony       Lockett    990          1.58
##  2   1984 Tony       Lockett    990          3.85
##  3   1985 Jason      Dunstall   632          2.25
##  4   1985 Tony       Lockett    990          3.76
##  5   1986 Jason      Dunstall   632          3.5 
##  6   1986 Tony       Lockett    990          3.33
##  7   1987 Jason      Dunstall   632          3.92
##  8   1987 Tony       Lockett    990          5.32
##  9   1988 Jason      Dunstall   632          5.74
## 10   1988 Tony       Lockett    990          4.38
## # ... with 22 more rows

Now we can see our players have the ID of 990 for Lockett and 632 for Dunstall.

So instead of filtering by and Surname we can use the ID instead.

    select(Season,, Surname,ID, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname, ID)%>%
    filter(ID %in% c(990,632))
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``
## # A tibble: 32 x 5
## # Groups:   Season,, Surname [32]
##    Season Surname     ID average_goals
##     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>    <int>         <dbl>
##  1   1983 Tony       Lockett    990          1.58
##  2   1984 Tony       Lockett    990          3.85
##  3   1985 Jason      Dunstall   632          2.25
##  4   1985 Tony       Lockett    990          3.76
##  5   1986 Jason      Dunstall   632          3.5 
##  6   1986 Tony       Lockett    990          3.33
##  7   1987 Jason      Dunstall   632          3.92
##  8   1987 Tony       Lockett    990          5.32
##  9   1988 Jason      Dunstall   632          5.74
## 10   1988 Tony       Lockett    990          4.38
## # ... with 22 more rows

Then we can now do our same plots as earlier.

    select(Season,, Surname,ID, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname, ID)%>%
    filter(ID %in% c(990,632))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
    geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Surname) + 
    ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

    select(Season,, Surname,ID, Goals)%>%
    group_by(Season,, Surname, ID)%>%
    filter(ID %in% c(990,632))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=Season, y=average_goals)) +
    geom_line(aes(colour=Surname)) +
    ggtitle("Average Goals Per Game by Season")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Round`, ``, ``

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