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One of the nicest things about working with R
is that with very little
effort you can customize and automate activities to produce the output
you want – just the way you want it. You can contrast that with more
monolithic packages that may allow you to do a bit of scripting, but for
the most part, the price of a GUI or packaging everything in one package
is that you lose the ability to have things just your way. Since
everything in R
is pretty much a function already, you may as well
invest a little time and energy in making functions… your way, and to
exactly your tastes and needs. This post is not meant to be an
exhaustive or complete treatment of writing a function. For that you
probably want a book, or at least a Chapter like the one Hadley has in
Advanced R. This post will
focus on a very practical, and hopefully useful, single example.
In my last three posts I have been writing about automating activities
in R. You can review everything that happened in the first
post, as well as the
second, or the
third (which I strongly
recommend), or you can start on this page. There is no need to save
the same dataset or go through the process of building that dataset if
you don’t want to. For our purposes in this post we’re going to make use
of the built in dataframe known as mtcars
. We’re doing that to make
sure that whatever we do in this post today, it works on a known start
point so we can compare and contrast. One of the most painful learning
experiences you can have in R
is to discover that you have written
something so specific it won’t generalize to other data or other
Background and catch-up
In our earlier postings we dealt with our desire to have some automated
tools (functions) that took pairs of variables from a dataset and
produced some nice useful ggplot
plots from them. We started with the
simplest case like plotting counts of how two variables cross-tabulate
and then worked our way up to being able to automate the process of
plotting lots of pairings of variables from the same dataframe. Today
we’ll improve our functions even more and add some features.
First some basic setup.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) # set theme to my personal preference
Where we left off
At the end of the last post we had accomplished two important feats:
- We had a function called
that took the name of a dataframe and two variables, cross-tabulated their counts, and created a nice plot for us. - We had some lines of code (not yet a function) that took the name of
a dataframe and the numbers of the columns we were interested in,
and created two lists that we could feed to
so that we could make lots of plots with little additional effort
Along the way we learned the “tricks” of working with dplyr
inside of functions ^[1]^. So using the mtcars
dataset as
our example data we started here with something that works in the
### with dplyr and ggplot manually mtcars %>% filter(!is.na(am), !is.na(cyl)) %>% group_by(am,cyl) %>% count() %>% ggplot(aes(fill=am, y=n, x=cyl)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity")
then turned it into a function after we learned about NSE
PlotMe <- function(dataframe,x,y){ aaa <- enquo(x) bbb <- enquo(y) dataframe %>% filter(!is.na(!! aaa), !is.na(!! bbb)) %>% group_by(!! aaa,!! bbb) %>% count() %>% ggplot(aes_(fill=aaa, y=~n, x=bbb)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") ->p plot(p) } PlotMe(mtcars,am,cyl)
Note that with
if we don’tfilter
’s we will see them plotted which may or may not be what you want substantively!
From this point forward I’m going to print the plots in a smaller size. I’m doing that via RMarkdown and it won’t happen automatically for you if you download and use the code.
We also wrote some code that allows us to be more efficient if we want
to print multiple pairings in the same data set. The cat
statement is
unnecessary I simply inserted it so you can see how the loops provide
what we need. We’ll remove it in the final version of the function most
# Build two vectors xwhich <- c(2,10:11) # let's put cyl, gear, and carb in here ywhich <- c(8:9) # let's put vs and am in here indvars<-list() # create empty list to add to depvars<-list() # create empty list to add to totalcombos <- 1 # keep track of where we are # loop through the vectors and build our lists for (j in seq_along(xwhich)) { for (k in seq_along(ywhich)) { depvars[[totalcombos]] <- as.name(colnames(mtcars[xwhich[[j]]])) indvars[[totalcombos]] <- as.name(colnames(mtcars[ywhich[[k]]])) cat("iteration #", totalcombos, " xwhich=", xwhich[[j]], " depvars = ", as.name(colnames(mtcars[xwhich[[j]]])), " ywhich=", ywhich[[k]], " indvars = ", as.name(colnames(mtcars[ywhich[[k]]])), "\n", sep = "") totalcombos <- totalcombos +1 } } ## iteration #1 xwhich=2 depvars = cyl ywhich=8 indvars = vs ## iteration #2 xwhich=2 depvars = cyl ywhich=9 indvars = am ## iteration #3 xwhich=10 depvars = gear ywhich=8 indvars = vs ## iteration #4 xwhich=10 depvars = gear ywhich=9 indvars = am ## iteration #5 xwhich=11 depvars = carb ywhich=8 indvars = vs ## iteration #6 xwhich=11 depvars = carb ywhich=9 indvars = am
This code produces two lists with the column names varying in the way we
want them. Then we can pass it to our PlotMe
function to get our 6
plots back as desired. So mapply(PlotMe, x=indvars, y=depvars, MoreArgs
= list(dataframe=mtcars))
Making our function better
Other things we’d like to accomplish:
- Do a better job of labeling the plot properly.
- Add some basic error checking and simple fixes
- Let the user choose from different options for which graph type communicates their points about the data.
- Convert the second block of code into a proper function.
Let’s start with the first item. As a minimum we can add a title with
ggtitle("Crosstabulation of mtcars variables")
and ylab("Count")
PlotMe <- function(dataframe,x,y){ aaa <- enquo(x) bbb <- enquo(y) dataframe %>% filter(!is.na(!! aaa), !is.na(!! bbb)) %>% group_by(!! aaa,!! bbb) %>% count() %>% ggplot(aes_(fill=aaa, y=~n, x=bbb)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + ggtitle("Crosstabulation of mtcars variables") + ylab("Count") ->p plot(p) } PlotMe(mtcars,am,cyl)
Totally uninspired but serviceable. Better yet is to use bquote
the .()
notation to make it more pertinent and portable. Notice that
we had to create a new object called dfname
to hold the name of the
dataframe and that the name is quoted. So that means that inside our
function dataframe
actually refers to the whole dataset mtcars
the rows and columns and data itself. dfname
on the other hand, is
just a way for us to print out the word mtcars without having to
hard code it in. No matter what dataframe we pass in to the function the
right name gets printed. NB friendly reminder that if you try and
cheat and pass x
or y
to bquote they will fail miserably the enquo
is essential.
PlotMe <- function(dataframe,x,y){ aaa <- enquo(x) bbb <- enquo(y) dfname <- enquo(dataframe) dataframe %>% filter(!is.na(!! aaa), !is.na(!! bbb)) %>% group_by(!! aaa,!! bbb) %>% count() %>% ggplot(aes_(fill=aaa, y=~n, x=bbb)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + ggtitle(bquote("Crosstabs"~.(dfname)*.(aaa)~"by"*.(bbb))) + ylab("Count") ->p plot(p) } PlotMe(mtcars,am,cyl)
Okay enough for now. Maybe later we’ll do something about am and cyl
as labels. If the mtcars
dataframe used better column names we
wouldn’t have this problem but we’re good enough for now. We have a
much “bigger” problem in my mind. Because am
is an integer our
is sort of ugly. Remember we built it for a different data set
where the variables of interest were already factors
not integers
is a factor (whether or not the car has an automatic transmission)
posing as an integer but ggplot
doesn’t know that and tries to
helpfully give us a display suitable for a number not a factor.
That’s the fun of building and testing a function, it’s looking for all
the ways you can go wrong. So let’s fix this because that funny shaded
bar for am
is driving me crazy.
Now if we were doing this with dplyr
outside of a function it would be
simple. What we want is just…
mtcars %>% filter(!is.na(am), !is.na(cyl)) %>% mutate(am = factor(am), cyl = factor(cyl)) %>% group_by(am,cyl) %>% count() ## # A tibble: 6 x 3 ## # Groups: am, cyl [6] ## am cyl n ## <fct> <fct> <int> ## 1 0 4 3 ## 2 0 6 4 ## 3 0 8 12 ## 4 1 4 8 ## 5 1 6 3 ## 6 1 8 2
The problem is we’re inside a function and just as with our filter
commands we need to make it clear to mutate
exactly what
objects we’re talking about. We know that !!aaa
is what we have used
so factor(!!aaa)
makes sense on the right hand side of any mutate
because we are trying to make a factor of the variable aaa
in the
. The left hand side is in no way intuitive to me but the
right answer is !!quo_name(aaa)
and to make matters even more complex
(and I’m quoting the help pages here) you can’t use the equals sign:
Unfortunately R is very strict about the kind of expressions supported on the LHS of =. This is why we have made the more flexible := operator an alias of =. You can use it to supply names, e.g. a := b is equivalent to a = b. Since its syntax is more flexible you can unquote on the LHS:
so instead of =
we’ll use :=
but most importantly as you’ll see from
the code below it works and produces the tibble we need to drive
to produce the output we’d like…
PlotMe <- function(dataframe,x,y){ aaa <- enquo(x) bbb <- enquo(y) dfname <- enquo(dataframe) dataframe %>% filter(!is.na(!! aaa), !is.na(!! bbb)) %>% mutate(!!quo_name(aaa) := factor(!!aaa), !!quo_name(bbb) := factor(!!bbb)) %>% group_by(!! aaa,!! bbb) %>% count() %>% ggplot(aes_(fill=aaa, y=~n, x=bbb)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + ggtitle(bquote("Crosstabs"~.(dfname)*.(aaa)~"by"*.(bbb))) + ylab("Count") ->p plot(p) } PlotMe(mtcars,am,cyl)
Okay, we’ve made improvements to our labeling. We’ve caught a minor fix that was because we made an assumption that our variables would always be factors (because that’s what you cross-tabulate) and forced them to factors.
Seems a good time to add some error checking inside the function to make sure it works across a variety of situations.
Everyone makes mistakes
The first few functions I wrote I didn’t worry about error-checking.
After all I was the only user and I’d be fine. Little did I know that I
would forget the next time I used a function months later. Or that a
simple typo would drive me to distraction because the error message R
threw would offer me no understanding. So these days unless it is a very
simple function, I add some error checking early on. The sorts of things
I check for are in this list:
- If your function relies on certain libraries, test for them with a
statement. - Good chance to set some defaults you like, such as
. - Did the user pass you the right number of arguments?
- Is the first argument a valid dataframe?
- If, like me, you’re asking for a dataframe and some columns in it, are the variables present in the dataframe?
- What if anything will you do about missing values?
Typically I have statements I simply cut and paste from one function to
the next as needed (feel free to borrow anything of mine you see you
like). Some easy examples I’ll pass along to you in this next version of
the function. I also find it useful to try the function on different
datasets just to make sure I’m not building something that only works on
so I’ve added a plot for ToothGrowth
even if it is a bit
PlotMe <- function(dataframe,x,y){ # error checking if (!require(ggplot2)) { stop("Can't continue can't load ggplot2") } theme_set(theme_bw()) if (!require(dplyr)) { stop("Can't continue can't load dplyr") } dfname <- enquo(dataframe) if (length(match.call()) <= 3) { stop("Not enough arguments passed... requires a dataframe, plus two variables") } if (!exists(deparse(substitute(dataframe)))) { stop("The first item in your list does not exist") } if (!is(dataframe, "data.frame")) { stop("The first name you passed does not appear to be a data frame") } if (!deparse(substitute(x)) %in% names(dataframe)) { stop(paste0("'", deparse(substitute(x)), "' is not the name of a variable in '",deparse(substitute(dataframe)),"'")) } if (!deparse(substitute(y)) %in% names(dataframe)) { stop(paste0("'", deparse(substitute(y)), "' is not the name of a variable in '",deparse(substitute(dataframe)),"'"), call. = FALSE) } missing <- apply(is.na(dataframe[,c(deparse(substitute(x)),deparse(substitute(y)))]), 1, any) if (any(missing)) { warning(paste(sum(missing)), " row(s) not plotted because of missing data") } aaa <- enquo(x) bbb <- enquo(y) dataframe %>% filter(!is.na(!! aaa), !is.na(!! bbb)) %>% mutate(!!quo_name(aaa) := factor(!!aaa), !!quo_name(bbb) := factor(!!bbb)) %>% group_by(!! aaa,!! bbb) %>% count() %>% ggplot(aes_(fill=aaa, y=~n, x=bbb)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + ggtitle(bquote("Crosstabs"~.(dfname)*.(aaa)~"by"*.(bbb))) + ylab("Count") ->p plot(p) } PlotMe(mtcars,am,cyl)
It may seem silly to have more lines of error-checking than code but trust me it’s worth it in the long haul. I like to test and see what happens for at least some common or likely mistakes that I or another user might make. Part of my planning is to try and return the most helpful or useful error or warning message I can. Try them if you like…
PlotMe(mtcars) # too few parameters # Error in PlotMe(mtcars) : # Not enough arguments passed... requires a dataframe, plus two variables PlotMe(MtCaRs,am,cyl) # dataframe doesn't exist # Error in PlotMe(MtCaRs, am, cyl) : # The first item in your list does not exist PlotMe(PlotMe,am,Cyl) # it exists but it's not a data frame # Error in PlotMe(PlotMe, am, Cyl) : # The first name you passed does not appear to be a data frame PlotMe(mtcars,AM,cyl) # one variable doesn't exist # Error in PlotMe(mtcars, AM, cyl) : # 'AM' is not the name of a variable in 'mtcars' PlotMe(mtcars,am,Cyl) # the other doesn't exist # Error: 'Cyl' is not the name of a variable in 'mtcars' ## Create a copy of mtcars MtCaR <- mtcars # insert a missing value MtCaR[1,2] <- NA PlotMe(MtCaR,am,cyl) # warn about missings # Warning message: # In PlotMe(MtCaR, am, cyl) : 1 case(s) not plotted because of missing data
One of the reasons the function is much longer is that for my own sanity
I like to make the error checking as explicit and sequential and
thorough as I can. No nested if statements for me thanks. And first I
test if the user passed me a valid R
object as the first parameter and
then I test to see if it is actually a dataframe.
All done (not yet!)
This has become a very long post so I’m going to end here. Next post I’ll address letting the user choose which type of plot they’d like, as well as turning our other bunch of code into a proper function.
I hope you’ve found this useful. I am always open to comments, corrections and suggestions.
Chuck (ibecav at gmail dot com)
work is licensed under a
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Now, I happen to love using
, it is so elegant, and the syntax, plus piping, is just a joy to work with. But the downside is that it was originally designed to be used at the command prompt interactively. It makes heavy use of non standard evaluationNSE
which makes it tricky to program functions with. Not impossible, but tricky. Hadley Wickham has written about it extensively and the Stack Overflow is full of questions about it, so I’m not sure I’m the person to explain it. But I can show a practical example of how to use it. And if you’re like me that is sometimes very helpful.
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