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A search on Twitter, some R, and just enough Neo4J.
Disclaimer: of course everything here could be done in pure R. But hey, where’s the fun in that?
Disclaimer bis: this blogpost relies on {neo4r}, a package still under active development.
Get the tweets
library(rtweet) ny <- search_tweets("#rstatsnyc", n = 3000)
Tweets collected at Sys.time()
== “2018-04-25 12:41:49 CEST”
nrow(ny) ## [1] 3000
I might not have everything here (as I’ve reached the limit of 3000 tweets), but let’s dive into this anyway.
Prepare for Neo4J
Let’s get some info:
range(ny$created_at) ## [1] "2018-04-20 18:52:27 UTC" "2018-04-25 09:57:44 UTC"
Here, every tweet was sent in the same month of the same year, so we can keep only the day.
library(dplyr) ny <- ny %>% mutate(day = lubridate::day(created_at))
Also, as the status_id
column is composed of large characters of 18
numbers, let’s recode this column:
library(forcats) ny <- ny %>% mutate(status_id = fct_anon(as_factor(status_id)), status_id = as.character(status_id)) # Be sure we still have 3000 observations length(unique(ny$status_id)) ## [1] 3000
The model
Here’s a model of the graph we want to create in Neo4J, made with http://www.apcjones.com/arrows.
Connect to Neo4J
library(neo4r) con <- neo4j_api$new(url = "http://localhost:7474/", user = "neo4j", password = "pouetpouet") # Is the connection working? con$ping() ## [1] 200
Create the CSV
Let’s create the CSV that will be sent to Neo4J. To do this, we need to:
- Select the info
- Write the csv in my Neo4J home
- Send a query to Neo4J to retrieve and model these CSV
Note: we’re working on a way to natively send csv with {neo4r}, so you won’t have to write in Neo4J home.
library(readr) # CSV of tweets ny %>% select(status_id, day, text, source, lang, favorite_count, retweet_count, is_quote, is_retweet) %>% write_csv("~/neo4j/import/ny_tweets.csv") # CSV of users ny %>% select(status_id, screen_name) %>% write_csv("~/neo4j/import/ny_users.csv") # CSV of hashtags ny %>% select(status_id, hashtags) %>% tidyr::unnest() %>% na.omit() %>% write_csv("~/neo4j/import/ny_hastags.csv") # CSV of mentions ny %>% select(status_id, mentions_screen_name) %>% tidyr::unnest() %>% na.omit() %>% write_csv("~/neo4j/import/ny_mentions.csv") # CSV of replies ny %>% select(status_id, reply_to_status_id) %>% na.omit() %>% write_csv("~/neo4j/import/ny_replies.csv")
Before reading the file in Neo4J, we should add some constraints to
ensure the nodes are unique. If you’re not familiar with this
terminology, a constraint is a property that will ensure that every
label is unique: for example, here, we will have to ensure that every
is unique.
Hence, if we try to create a node with a status_id
that already
exists, this writting process will fail (and that’s the reason why we
are using MERGE
for writting the nodes with constraints).
'CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (t:Tweet) ASSERT t.name IS UNIQUE' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. 'CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (d:Day) ASSERT d.name IS UNIQUE' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. 'CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:User) ASSERT u.name IS UNIQUE' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. 'CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (h:Hashtag) ASSERT h.name IS UNIQUE' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned.
Note: the messages returned
## No data returned.
are due to the fact that we haven’t retrieved anything from the DB, neither stats about the call (which could be retrieved with theinclude_stats
arguments) nor data.
Importing the csv to the DB:
- With
include_stats = TRUE
# Tweets but no day 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ny_tweets.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (t:Tweet { name: csvLine.status_id, text: csvLine.text, source: csvLine.source, lang: csvLine.lang, favorite_count: toInteger(csvLine.favorite_count), retweet_count: toInteger(csvLine.retweet_count), is_quote: toBoolean(csvLine.is_quote), is_retweet: toBoolean(csvLine.is_retweet)});' %>% call_api(con, include_stats = TRUE) ## No data returned. ## # A tibble: 12 x 2 ## type value ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 contains_updates 1. ## 2 nodes_created 3000. ## 3 nodes_deleted 0. ## 4 properties_set 24000. ## 5 relationships_created 0. ## 6 relationship_deleted 0. ## 7 labels_added 3000. ## 8 labels_removed 0. ## 9 indexes_added 0. ## 10 indexes_removed 0. ## 11 constraints_added 0. ## 12 constraints_removed 0.
- Without:
# Days 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ny_tweets.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (d:Day {name : csvLine.day} ) WITH csvLine MATCH (t:Tweet {name: csvLine.status_id}) MATCH (d:Day {name : csvLine.day} ) MERGE (t) -[:WAS_SENT]->(d);' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. # Users 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ny_users.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (u:User { name: csvLine.screen_name}) WITH csvLine MATCH (u:User { name: csvLine.screen_name}) MATCH (t:Tweet {name : csvLine.status_id}) MERGE (u) -[:SENT]-> (t);' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. # Hashtags 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ny_hastags.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (h:Hashtag { name: csvLine.hashtags}) WITH csvLine MATCH (t:Tweet {name : csvLine.status_id}) MATCH (h:Hashtag { name: csvLine.hashtags}) MERGE (t) -[:CONTAINS]-> (h);' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. # Mentions 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ny_mentions.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (m:User { name: csvLine.mentions_screen_name}) WITH csvLine MATCH (t:Tweet {name : csvLine.status_id}) MATCH (m:User { name: csvLine.mentions_screen_name}) MERGE (t) -[:MENTIONS]-> (m);' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned. # Replies 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ny_replies.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (t:Tweet { name: csvLine.reply_to_status_id}) WITH csvLine MATCH (t:Tweet {name : csvLine.status_id}) MATCH (r:Tweet {name: csvLine.reply_to_status_id}) MERGE (t) -[:REPLIES_TO]-> (r);' %>% call_api(con) ## No data returned.
Let’s see what we’ve got:
con$get_constraints() ## # A tibble: 4 x 3 ## label type property_keys ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 User UNIQUENESS name ## 2 Hashtag UNIQUENESS name ## 3 Tweet UNIQUENESS name ## 4 Day UNIQUENESS name con$get_labels() ## # A tibble: 4 x 1 ## labels ## <chr> ## 1 Tweet ## 2 User ## 3 Hashtag ## 4 Day con$get_relationships() ## # A tibble: 5 x 1 ## relationships ## <chr> ## 1 WAS_SENT ## 2 SENT ## 3 CONTAINS ## 4 MENTIONS ## 5 REPLIES_TO
Let’s explore
Check check
Let’s start with a check to see if we have everything:
# Have we got all the tweets? length(unique(c(ny$status_id, ny$reply_to_status_id))) ## [1] 3041 'MATCH (t:Tweet) RETURN COUNT(t) AS tweets_count' %>% call_api(con) ## $tweets_count ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## value ## <int> ## 1 3041 # Have we got all the Days? length(unique(ny$day)) ## [1] 6 'MATCH (d:Day) RETURN COUNT(d) AS days_count' %>% call_api(con) ## $days_count ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## value ## <int> ## 1 6 # Do we have all the users ? length(unique(ny$screen_name)) ## [1] 1021 'MATCH (u:User) RETURN COUNT(u) AS Users_count' %>% call_api(con) ## $Users_count ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## value ## <int> ## 1 1088 # All the hashtags? ny %>% select(status_id, hashtags) %>% tidyr::unnest() %>% na.omit() %>% distinct(hashtags) %>% nrow() ## [1] 177 'MATCH (h:Hashtag) RETURN COUNT(h) AS Hash_count' %>% call_api(con) ## $Hash_count ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## value ## <int> ## 1 177
Ok, so now that we have our data ready, let’s explore a little bit.
Who tweeted the most?
library(purrr) 'MATCH (t:Tweet) <- [:SENT] - (u:User) RETURN u.name AS name, COUNT(u) AS count ORDER BY COUNT(u) DESC LIMIT 10' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("user", "n")) ## # A tibble: 10 x 2 ## user n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 anushasharma9x 275 ## 2 SK_convergence 172 ## 3 robinson_es 110 ## 4 christinezhang 105 ## 5 rstatsbot1234 95 ## 6 NoorDinTech 94 ## 7 drob 71 ## 8 b3njana 55 ## 9 jaredlander 48 ## 10 LaurusT001 43
You might see something surprising here: why do we have to bind_cols
By design, {neo4r}
does not bind columns for you, for the simple
reason that you can retrieve information that might not fit into a
single tidy data.frame.
Let’s put it straight into a dataviz:
library(ggplot2) 'MATCH (t:Tweet) <- [:SENT] - (u:User) RETURN u.name AS name, COUNT(u) AS count ORDER BY COUNT(u) DESC LIMIT 10' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("user", "n")) %>% ggplot() + aes(reorder(user, n), n) + geom_col(fill = viridis::plasma(1)) + coord_flip() + labs(x = "user",y = "tweets") + theme_minimal()
Daily tweets
How many tweets by day?
'MATCH (t:Tweet) - [:WAS_SENT] -> (d:Day) RETURN d.name AS day, COUNT(d) AS count' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("day", "n")) %>% mutate(day = as.numeric(day)) %>% ggplot() + aes(day, n) + geom_col(fill = viridis::cividis(1)) + labs(x = "day",y = "tweets") + theme_minimal()
What are the most used hashtags?
(excluding rstatsnyc, of course)
'MATCH (t:Tweet) -[r:CONTAINS]->(h:Hashtag) WHERE NOT h.name = "rstatsnyc" RETURN h.name as Hash, COUNT(h) AS count ORDER BY COUNT(h) DESC LIMIT 10' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("hashtags", "n")) ## # A tibble: 10 x 2 ## hashtags n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 rstats 582 ## 2 nycdatamafia 102 ## 3 RStatsNYC 73 ## 4 rladies 72 ## 5 python 42 ## 6 tidyverse 36 ## 7 Rladies 19 ## 8 datascience 17 ## 9 rstatsNYC 14 ## 10 RforEveryone 10
How many @drob or @robinson_es tweets?
(because apparently they were fighting 🙂 ):
Get the number of tweets:
'MATCH (t:Tweet) <- [:SENT] - (u:User) WHERE u.name = "drob" OR u.name = "robinson_es" RETURN COUNT(u) AS count, u.name' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("n", "user")) ## # A tibble: 2 x 2 ## n user ## <int> <chr> ## 1 71 drob ## 2 110 robinson_es
Get the average number of retweets:
'MATCH (t:Tweet) <- [:SENT] - (u:User) WHERE u.name = "drob" OR u.name = "robinson_es" RETURN u.name AS user, COUNT(u) AS count, AVG(t.retweet_count) as mean' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("user", "n", "mean_RT")) ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## user n mean_RT ## <chr> <int> <dbl> ## 1 drob 71 12.8 ## 2 robinson_es 110 10.1
Create a function…
… to get the number of tweets by a user
get_tweet_count <- function(who){ paste0('MATCH (t:Tweet) <- [:SENT] - (u:User {name: "', who, '"}) RETURN COUNT(t) AS ', who, ";") %>% call_api(con) } get_tweet_count("RLadiesNYC") ## $RLadiesNYC ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## value ## <int> ## 1 12
Who are the users who…
… are mentionned in a tweet containing the hashtag #Rladies?
'MATCH (u:User) <- [m:MENTIONS] - (t:Tweet) - [:CONTAINS]-> (:Hashtag {name : "Rladies"}) RETURN u AS Name, COUNT(u) AS n' %>% call_api(con) %>% bind_cols() %>% set_names(c("user", "n")) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% top_n(5) ## Selecting by n ## # A tibble: 6 x 2 ## user n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 robinson_es 11 ## 2 AnushkaSharma 6 ## 3 SK_convergence 6 ## 4 RLadiesNYC 6 ## 5 drob 5 ## 6 jtrnyc 5
… were mentions in a tweet containing the hashtag #rdogs :
library(ggraph) 'MATCH (u:User) <- [m:MENTIONS] - (t:Tweet) - [:CONTAINS]-> (:Hashtag {name : "rdogs"}) RETURN u, m, t' %>% call_api(con, type = "graph") %>% convert_to("igraph") %>% ggraph() + geom_edge_link()+ geom_node_label(aes(label = name, color = group)) + labs(title = "#rdogs and #rstatsnyc", subtitle = "data from Twitter", caption = "@_colinfay") + theme_graph()
… mention @RLadiesNYC
library(ggraph) 'MATCH (u:User) - [s:SENT] -> (t:Tweet) -[m:MENTIONS]-> (r:User {name:"RLadiesNYC"}) RETURN u, s, m, r' %>% call_api(con, type = "graph") %>% convert_to("igraph") %>% ggraph() + geom_edge_link()+ geom_node_label(aes(label = name, color = group)) + labs(title = "Mentions of RLadiesNYC", subtitle = "data from Twitter", caption = "@_colinfay") + theme_graph()
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