Deep Learning from first principles in Python, R and Octave – Part 7
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Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity. – Prof Andrew Ng
Most of human and animal learning is unsupervised learning. If intelligence was a cake, unsupervised learning would be the cake, supervised learning would be the icing on the cake, and reinforcement learning would be the cherry on the cake. We know how to make the icing and the cherry, but we don’t know how to make the cake. We need to solve the unsupervised learning problem before we can even think of getting to true AI. – Yann LeCun, March 14, 2016 (Facebook)
In this post ‘Deep Learning from first principles with Python, R and Octave-Part 7’, I implement optimization methods used in Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to speed up the convergence. Specifically I discuss and implement the following gradient descent optimization techniques
a.Vanilla Stochastic Gradient Descent
b.Learning rate decay
c. Momentum method
d. RMSProp
e. Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam)
This post, further enhances my generic L-Layer Deep Learning Network implementations in vectorized Python, R and Octave to also include the Stochastic Gradient Descent optimization techniques. You can clone/download the code from Github at DeepLearning-Part7
Incidentally, a good discussion of the various optimizations methods used in Stochastic Gradient Optimization techniques can be seen at Sebastian Ruder’s blog
Note: In the vectorized Python, R and Octave implementations below only a 1024 random training samples were used. This was to reduce the computation time. You are free to use the entire data set (60000 training data) for the computation.
This post is largely based of on Prof Andrew Ng’s Deep Learning Specialization. All the above optimization techniques for Stochastic Gradient Descent are based on the technique of exponentially weighted average method. So for example if we had some time series data then we we can represent the exponentially average value at time ‘t’ as a sequence of the the previous value
as shown below
Here represent the average of the data set over
By choosing different values of
, we can average over a larger or smaller number of the data points.
We can write the equations as follows
By substitution we have
Hence it can be seen that the is the weighted sum over the previous values
, which is an exponentially decaying function.
By the way, also take a look at my compact, minimal book “Practical Machine Learning with R and Python- Machine Learning in stereo” available in Amazon in paperback($9.99) and Kindle($6.99) versions. This book is ideal for a quick reference of the various ML functions and associated measurements in both R and Python which are essential to delve deep into Deep Learning.
1.1a. Stochastic Gradient Descent (Vanilla) – Python
import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.linear_model import pandas as pd import sklearn import sklearn.datasets exec(open("").read()) exec(open("").read()) # Read the training data training=list(read(dataset='training',path=".\\mnist")) test=list(read(dataset='testing',path=".\\mnist")) lbls=[] pxls=[] for i in range(60000): l,p=training[i] lbls.append(l) pxls.append(p) labels= np.array(lbls) pixels=np.array(pxls) y=labels.reshape(-1,1) X=pixels.reshape(pixels.shape[0],-1) X1=X.T Y1=y.T # Create a list of 1024 random numbers. permutation = list(np.random.permutation(2**10)) # Subset 16384 from the data X2 = X1[:, permutation] Y2 = Y1[:, permutation].reshape((1,2**10)) # Set the layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15,9,10] # Perform SGD with regular gradient descent parameters = L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X2, Y2, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax",learningRate = 0.01 , optimizer="gd", mini_batch_size =512, num_epochs = 1000, print_cost = True,figure="fig1.png")
1.1b. Stochastic Gradient Descent (Vanilla) – R
source("mnist.R") source("DLfunctions7.R") #Load and read MNIST data load_mnist() x <- t(train$x) X <- x[,1:60000] y <-train$y y1 <- y[1:60000] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y=t(y2) # Subset 1024 random samples from MNIST permutation = c(sample(2^10)) # Randomly shuffle the training data X1 = X[, permutation] y1 = Y[1, permutation] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y1=t(y2) # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=c(784, 15,9, 10) # Perform SGD with regular gradient descent retvalsSGD= L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X1, Y1, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='tanh', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.05, optimizer="gd", mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000, print_cost = True) #Plot the cost vs iterations iterations <- seq(0,5000,1000) costs=retvalsSGD$costs df=data.frame(iterations,costs) ggplot(df,aes(x=iterations,y=costs)) + geom_point() + geom_line(color="blue") + ggtitle("Costs vs no of epochs") + xlab("No of epochss") + ylab("Cost")
1.1c. Stochastic Gradient Descent (Vanilla) – Octave
source("DL7functions.m") #Load and read MNIST load('./mnist/mnist.txt.gz'); #Create a random permutatation from 1024 permutation = randperm(1024); disp(length(permutation)); # Use this 1024 as the batch X=trainX(permutation,:); Y=trainY(permutation,:); # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15, 9, 10]; # Perform SGD with regular gradient descent [weights biases costs]=L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X', Y', layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.005, lrDecay=true, decayRate=1, lambd=0, keep_prob=1, optimizer="gd", beta=0.9, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=10^-8, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000); plotCostVsEpochs(5000,costs);
2.1. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Learning rate decay
Since in Stochastic Gradient Descent,with each epoch, we use slight different samples, the gradient descent algorithm, oscillates across the ravines and wanders around the minima, when a fixed learning rate is used. In this technique of ‘learning rate decay’ the learning rate is slowly decreased with the number of epochs and becomes smaller and smaller, so that gradient descent can take smaller steps towards the minima.
There are several techniques employed in learning rate decay
a) Exponential decay:
b) 1/t decay :
In my implementation I have used the ‘exponential decay’. The code snippet for Python is shown below
if lrDecay == True: learningRate = np.power(decayRate,(num_epochs/1000)) * learningRate
2.1a. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Learning rate decay – Python
import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.linear_model import pandas as pd import sklearn import sklearn.datasets exec(open("").read()) exec(open("").read()) # Read the MNIST data training=list(read(dataset='training',path=".\\mnist")) test=list(read(dataset='testing',path=".\\mnist")) lbls=[] pxls=[] for i in range(60000): l,p=training[i] lbls.append(l) pxls.append(p) labels= np.array(lbls) pixels=np.array(pxls) y=labels.reshape(-1,1) X=pixels.reshape(pixels.shape[0],-1) X1=X.T Y1=y.T # Create a list of random numbers of 1024 permutation = list(np.random.permutation(2**10)) # Subset 16384 from the data X2 = X1[:, permutation] Y2 = Y1[:, permutation].reshape((1,2**10)) # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15,9,10] # Perform SGD with learning rate decay parameters = L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X2, Y2, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.01 , lrDecay=True, decayRate=0.9999, optimizer="gd", mini_batch_size =512, num_epochs = 1000, print_cost = True,figure="fig2.png")
2.1b. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Learning rate decay – R
source("mnist.R") source("DLfunctions7.R") # Read and load MNIST load_mnist() x <- t(train$x) X <- x[,1:60000] y <-train$y y1 <- y[1:60000] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y=t(y2) # Subset 1024 random samples from MNIST permutation = c(sample(2^10)) # Randomly shuffle the training data X1 = X[, permutation] y1 = Y[1, permutation] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y1=t(y2) # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=c(784, 15,9, 10) # Perform SGD with Learning rate decay retvalsSGD= L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X1, Y1, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='tanh', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.05, lrDecay=TRUE, decayRate=0.9999, optimizer="gd", mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000, print_cost = True) #Plot the cost vs iterations iterations <- seq(0,5000,1000) costs=retvalsSGD$costs df=data.frame(iterations,costs) ggplot(df,aes(x=iterations,y=costs)) + geom_point() + geom_line(color="blue") + ggtitle("Costs vs number of epochs") + xlab("No of epochs") + ylab("Cost")
2.1c. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Learning rate decay – Octave
source("DL7functions.m") #Load and read MNIST load('./mnist/mnist.txt.gz'); #Create a random permutatation from 1024 permutation = randperm(1024); disp(length(permutation)); # Use this 1024 as the batch X=trainX(permutation,:); Y=trainY(permutation,:); # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15, 9, 10]; # Perform SGD with regular Learning rate decay [weights biases costs]=L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X', Y', layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.01, lrDecay=true, decayRate=0.999, lambd=0, keep_prob=1, optimizer="gd", beta=0.9, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=10^-8, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000); plotCostVsEpochs(5000,costs)
3.1. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum
Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum uses the exponentially weighted average method discusses above and more generally moves faster into the ravine than across it. The equations are
are the momentum terms which are exponentially weighted with the corresponding gradients ‘dW’ and ‘db’ at the corresponding layer ‘l’ The code snippet for Stochastic Gradient Descent with momentum in R is shown below
# Perform Gradient Descent with momentum # Input : Weights and biases # : beta # : gradients # : learning rate # : outputActivationFunc - Activation function at hidden layer sigmoid/softmax #output : Updated weights after 1 iteration gradientDescentWithMomentum <- function(parameters, gradients,v, beta, learningRate,outputActivationFunc="sigmoid"){ L = length(parameters)/2 # number of layers in the neural network # Update rule for each parameter. Use a for loop. for(l in 1:(L-1)){ # Compute velocities # v['dWk'] = beta *v['dWk'] + (1-beta)*dWk v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] = beta*v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] + (1-beta) * gradients[[paste('dW',l,sep="")]] v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] = beta*v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] + (1-beta) * gradients[[paste('db',l,sep="")]] parameters[[paste("W",l,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("W",l,sep="")]] - learningRate* v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] parameters[[paste("b",l,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("b",l,sep="")]] - learningRate* v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] } # Compute for the Lth layer if(outputActivationFunc=="sigmoid"){ v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = beta*v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta) * gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]] v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = beta*v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta) * gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]] parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] - learningRate* v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] - learningRate* v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] }else if (outputActivationFunc=="softmax"){ v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = beta*v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta) * t(gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]]) v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = beta*v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta) * t(gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]]) parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] - learningRate* t(gradients[[paste("dW",L,sep="")]]) parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] - learningRate* t(gradients[[paste("db",L,sep="")]]) } return(parameters) }
3.1a. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum- Python
import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.linear_model import pandas as pd import sklearn import sklearn.datasets # Read and load data exec(open("").read()) exec(open("").read()) training=list(read(dataset='training',path=".\\mnist")) test=list(read(dataset='testing',path=".\\mnist")) lbls=[] pxls=[] for i in range(60000): l,p=training[i] lbls.append(l) pxls.append(p) labels= np.array(lbls) pixels=np.array(pxls) y=labels.reshape(-1,1) X=pixels.reshape(pixels.shape[0],-1) X1=X.T Y1=y.T # Create a list of random numbers of 1024 permutation = list(np.random.permutation(2**10)) # Subset 16384 from the data X2 = X1[:, permutation] Y2 = Y1[:, permutation].reshape((1,2**10)) layersDimensions=[784, 15,9,10] # Perform SGD with momentum parameters = L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X2, Y2, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax",learningRate = 0.01 , optimizer="momentum", beta=0.9, mini_batch_size =512, num_epochs = 1000, print_cost = True,figure="fig3.png")
3.1b. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum- R
source("mnist.R") source("DLfunctions7.R") load_mnist() x <- t(train$x) X <- x[,1:60000] y <-train$y y1 <- y[1:60000] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y=t(y2) # Subset 1024 random samples from MNIST permutation = c(sample(2^10)) # Randomly shuffle the training data X1 = X[, permutation] y1 = Y[1, permutation] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y1=t(y2) layersDimensions=c(784, 15,9, 10) # Perform SGD with momentum retvalsSGD= L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X1, Y1, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='tanh', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.05, optimizer="momentum", beta=0.9, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000, print_cost = True) #Plot the cost vs iterations iterations <- seq(0,5000,1000) costs=retvalsSGD$costs df=data.frame(iterations,costs) ggplot(df,aes(x=iterations,y=costs)) + geom_point() + geom_line(color="blue") + ggtitle("Costs vs number of epochs") + xlab("No of epochs") + ylab("Cost")
3.1c. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum- Octave
source("DL7functions.m") #Load and read MNIST load('./mnist/mnist.txt.gz'); #Create a random permutatation from 60K permutation = randperm(1024); disp(length(permutation)); # Use this 1024 as the batch X=trainX(permutation,:); Y=trainY(permutation,:); # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15, 9, 10]; # Perform SGD with Momentum [weights biases costs]=L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X', Y', layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.01, lrDecay=false, decayRate=1, lambd=0, keep_prob=1, optimizer="momentum", beta=0.9, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=10^-8, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000); plotCostVsEpochs(5000,costs)
4.1. Stochastic Gradient Descent with RMSProp
Stochastic Gradient Descent with RMSProp tries to move faster towards the minima while dampening the oscillations across the ravine.
The equations are
where and
are the RMSProp terms which are exponentially weighted with the corresponding gradients ‘dW’ and ‘db’ at the corresponding layer ‘l’
The code snippet in Octave is shown below
# Update parameters with RMSProp # Input : parameters # : gradients # : s # : beta # : learningRate # : #output : Updated parameters RMSProp function [weights biases] = gradientDescentWithRMSProp(weights, biases,gradsDW,gradsDB, sdW, sdB, beta1, epsilon, learningRate,outputActivationFunc="sigmoid") L = size(weights)(2); # number of layers in the neural network # Update rule for each parameter. for l=1:(L-1) sdW{l} = beta1*sdW{l} + (1 -beta1) * gradsDW{l} .* gradsDW{l}; sdB{l} = beta1*sdB{l} + (1 -beta1) * gradsDB{l} .* gradsDB{l}; weights{l} = weights{l} - learningRate* gradsDW{l} ./ sqrt(sdW{l} + epsilon); biases{l} = biases{l} - learningRate* gradsDB{l} ./ sqrt(sdB{l} + epsilon); endfor if (strcmp(outputActivationFunc,"sigmoid")) sdW{L} = beta1*sdW{L} + (1 -beta1) * gradsDW{L} .* gradsDW{L}; sdB{L} = beta1*sdB{L} + (1 -beta1) * gradsDB{L} .* gradsDB{L}; weights{L} = weights{L} -learningRate* gradsDW{L} ./ sqrt(sdW{L} +epsilon); biases{L} = biases{L} -learningRate* gradsDB{L} ./ sqrt(sdB{L} + epsilon); elseif (strcmp(outputActivationFunc,"softmax")) sdW{L} = beta1*sdW{L} + (1 -beta1) * gradsDW{L}' .* gradsDW{L}'; sdB{L} = beta1*sdB{L} + (1 -beta1) * gradsDB{L}' .* gradsDB{L}'; weights{L} = weights{L} -learningRate* gradsDW{L}' ./ sqrt(sdW{L} +epsilon); biases{L} = biases{L} -learningRate* gradsDB{L}' ./ sqrt(sdB{L} + epsilon); endif end
4.1a. Stochastic Gradient Descent with RMSProp – Python
import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.linear_model import pandas as pd import sklearn import sklearn.datasets exec(open("").read()) exec(open("").read()) # Read and load MNIST training=list(read(dataset='training',path=".\\mnist")) test=list(read(dataset='testing',path=".\\mnist")) lbls=[] pxls=[] for i in range(60000): l,p=training[i] lbls.append(l) pxls.append(p) labels= np.array(lbls) pixels=np.array(pxls) y=labels.reshape(-1,1) X=pixels.reshape(pixels.shape[0],-1) X1=X.T Y1=y.T print("X1=",X1.shape) print("y1=",Y1.shape) # Create a list of random numbers of 1024 permutation = list(np.random.permutation(2**10)) # Subset 16384 from the data X2 = X1[:, permutation] Y2 = Y1[:, permutation].reshape((1,2**10)) layersDimensions=[784, 15,9,10] # Use SGD with RMSProp parameters = L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X2, Y2, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax",learningRate = 0.01 , optimizer="rmsprop", beta1=0.7, epsilon=1e-8, mini_batch_size =512, num_epochs = 1000, print_cost = True,figure="fig4.png")
4.1b. Stochastic Gradient Descent with RMSProp – R
source("mnist.R") source("DLfunctions7.R") load_mnist() x <- t(train$x) X <- x[,1:60000] y <-train$y y1 <- y[1:60000] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y=t(y2) # Subset 1024 random samples from MNIST permutation = c(sample(2^10)) # Randomly shuffle the training data X1 = X[, permutation] y1 = Y[1, permutation] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y1=t(y2) layersDimensions=c(784, 15,9, 10) #Perform SGD with RMSProp retvalsSGD= L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X1, Y1, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='tanh', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.001, optimizer="rmsprop", beta1=0.9, epsilon=10^-8, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000 , print_cost = True) #Plot the cost vs iterations iterations <- seq(0,5000,1000) costs=retvalsSGD$costs df=data.frame(iterations,costs) ggplot(df,aes(x=iterations,y=costs)) + geom_point() + geom_line(color="blue") + ggtitle("Costs vs number of epochs") + xlab("No of epochs") + ylab("Cost")
4.1c. Stochastic Gradient Descent with RMSProp – Octave
source("DL7functions.m") load('./mnist/mnist.txt.gz'); #Create a random permutatation from 1024 permutation = randperm(1024); # Use this 1024 as the batch X=trainX(permutation,:); Y=trainY(permutation,:); # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15, 9, 10]; #Perform SGD with RMSProp [weights biases costs]=L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X', Y', layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.005, lrDecay=false, decayRate=1, lambd=0, keep_prob=1, optimizer="rmsprop", beta=0.9, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000); plotCostVsEpochs(5000,costs)
5.1. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adam
Adaptive Moment Estimate is a combination of the momentum (1st moment) and RMSProp(2nd moment). The equations for Adam are below
The bias corrections for the 1st moment
Similarly the moving average for the 2nd moment- RMSProp
The bias corrections for the 2nd moment
The Adam Gradient Descent is given by
The code snippet of Adam in R is included below
# Perform Gradient Descent with Adam # Input : Weights and biases # : beta1 # : epsilon # : gradients # : learning rate # : outputActivationFunc - Activation function at hidden layer sigmoid/softmax #output : Updated weights after 1 iteration gradientDescentWithAdam <- function(parameters, gradients,v, s, t, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=10^-8, learningRate=0.1,outputActivationFunc="sigmoid"){ L = length(parameters)/2 # number of layers in the neural network v_corrected <- list() s_corrected <- list() # Update rule for each parameter. Use a for loop. for(l in 1:(L-1)){ # v['dWk'] = beta *v['dWk'] + (1-beta)*dWk v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] = beta1*v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] + (1-beta1) * gradients[[paste('dW',l,sep="")]] v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] = beta1*v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] + (1-beta1) * gradients[[paste('db',l,sep="")]] # Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate. v_corrected[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] = v[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]]/(1-beta1^t) v_corrected[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] = v[[paste("db",l, sep="")]]/(1-beta1^t) # Element wise multiply of gradients s[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] = beta2*s[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] + (1-beta2) * gradients[[paste('dW',l,sep="")]] * gradients[[paste('dW',l,sep="")]] s[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] = beta2*s[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] + (1-beta2) * gradients[[paste('db',l,sep="")]] * gradients[[paste('db',l,sep="")]] # Compute bias-corrected second moment estimate. s_corrected[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]] = s[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]]/(1-beta2^t) s_corrected[[paste("db",l, sep="")]] = s[[paste("db",l, sep="")]]/(1-beta2^t) # Update parameters. d1=sqrt(s_corrected[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]]+epsilon) d2=sqrt(s_corrected[[paste("db",l, sep="")]]+epsilon) parameters[[paste("W",l,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("W",l,sep="")]] - learningRate * v_corrected[[paste("dW",l, sep="")]]/d1 parameters[[paste("b",l,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("b",l,sep="")]] - learningRate*v_corrected[[paste("db",l, sep="")]]/d2 } # Compute for the Lth layer if(outputActivationFunc=="sigmoid"){ v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = beta1*v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta1) * gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]] v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = beta1*v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta1) * gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]] # Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate. v_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta1^t) v_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta1^t) # Element wise multiply of gradients s[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = beta2*s[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta2) * gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]] * gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]] s[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = beta2*s[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta2) * gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]] * gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]] # Compute bias-corrected second moment estimate. s_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = s[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta2^t) s_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = s[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta2^t) # Update parameters. d1=sqrt(s_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]+epsilon) d2=sqrt(s_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]+epsilon) parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] - learningRate * v_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]/d1 parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] - learningRate*v_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]/d2 }else if (outputActivationFunc=="softmax"){ v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = beta1*v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta1) * t(gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]]) v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = beta1*v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta1) * t(gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]]) # Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate. v_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = v[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta1^t) v_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = v[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta1^t) # Element wise multiply of gradients s[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = beta2*s[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta2) * t(gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]]) * t(gradients[[paste('dW',L,sep="")]]) s[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = beta2*s[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] + (1-beta2) * t(gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]]) * t(gradients[[paste('db',L,sep="")]]) # Compute bias-corrected second moment estimate. s_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]] = s[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta2^t) s_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]] = s[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]/(1-beta2^t) # Update parameters. d1=sqrt(s_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]+epsilon) d2=sqrt(s_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]+epsilon) parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("W",L,sep="")]] - learningRate * v_corrected[[paste("dW",L, sep="")]]/d1 parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] = parameters[[paste("b",L,sep="")]] - learningRate*v_corrected[[paste("db",L, sep="")]]/d2 } return(parameters) }
5.1a. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adam – Python
import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.linear_model import pandas as pd import sklearn import sklearn.datasets exec(open("").read()) exec(open("").read()) training=list(read(dataset='training',path=".\\mnist")) test=list(read(dataset='testing',path=".\\mnist")) lbls=[] pxls=[] print(len(training)) #for i in range(len(training)): for i in range(60000): l,p=training[i] lbls.append(l) pxls.append(p) labels= np.array(lbls) pixels=np.array(pxls) y=labels.reshape(-1,1) X=pixels.reshape(pixels.shape[0],-1) X1=X.T Y1=y.T # Create a list of random numbers of 1024 permutation = list(np.random.permutation(2**10)) # Subset 16384 from the data X2 = X1[:, permutation] Y2 = Y1[:, permutation].reshape((1,2**10)) layersDimensions=[784, 15,9,10] #Perform SGD with Adam optimization parameters = L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X2, Y2, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax",learningRate = 0.01 , optimizer="adam", beta1=0.9, beta2=0.9, epsilon = 1e-8, mini_batch_size =512, num_epochs = 1000, print_cost = True, figure="fig5.png")
5.1b. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adam – R
source("mnist.R") source("DLfunctions7.R") load_mnist() x <- t(train$x) X <- x[,1:60000] y <-train$y y1 <- y[1:60000] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y=t(y2) # Subset 1024 random samples from MNIST permutation = c(sample(2^10)) # Randomly shuffle the training data X1 = X[, permutation] y1 = Y[1, permutation] y2 <- as.matrix(y1) Y1=t(y2) layersDimensions=c(784, 15,9, 10) #Perform SGD with Adam retvalsSGD= L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X1, Y1, layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='tanh', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.005, optimizer="adam", beta1=0.7, beta2=0.9, epsilon=10^-8, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000 , print_cost = True) #Plot the cost vs iterations iterations <- seq(0,5000,1000) costs=retvalsSGD$costs df=data.frame(iterations,costs) ggplot(df,aes(x=iterations,y=costs)) + geom_point() + geom_line(color="blue") + ggtitle("Costs vs number of epochs") + xlab("No of epochs") + ylab("Cost")
5.1c. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adam – Octave
source("DL7functions.m") load('./mnist/mnist.txt.gz'); #Create a random permutatation from 1024 permutation = randperm(1024); disp(length(permutation)); # Use this 1024 as the batch X=trainX(permutation,:); Y=trainY(permutation,:); # Set layer dimensions layersDimensions=[784, 15, 9, 10]; # Note the high value for epsilon. #Otherwise GD with Adam does not seem to converge # Perform SGD with Adam [weights biases costs]=L_Layer_DeepModel_SGD(X', Y', layersDimensions, hiddenActivationFunc='relu', outputActivationFunc="softmax", learningRate = 0.1, lrDecay=false, decayRate=1, lambd=0, keep_prob=1, optimizer="adam", beta=0.9, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.9, epsilon=100, mini_batch_size = 512, num_epochs = 5000); plotCostVsEpochs(5000,costs)
Conclusion: In this post I discuss and implement several Stochastic Gradient Descent optimization methods. The implementation of these methods enhance my already existing generic L-Layer Deep Learning Network implementation in vectorized Python, R and Octave, which I had discussed in the previous post in this series on Deep Learning from first principles in Python, R and Octave. Check it out, if you haven’t already. As already mentioned the code for this post can be cloned/forked from Github at DeepLearning-Part7
Watch this space! I’ll be back!
Also see
1.My book ‘Practical Machine Learning with R and Python’ on Amazon
2. Deep Learning from first principles in Python, R and Octave – Part 3
3. Experiments with deblurring using OpenCV
3. Design Principles of Scalable, Distributed Systems
4. Natural language processing: What would Shakespeare say?
5. yorkr crashes the IPL party! – Part 3!
6. cricketr flexes new muscles: The final analysis
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