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In yesterday’s post I focused on the task of using R to “drive” MS Excel. I deliberately ended the post with a fully functioning (pun intended) but very ugly set of code. Why “ugly”? Well, because the last set of code wound up repeating 4 lines of code 12 times!
### Manual and painful way ## Create a new workbook wb <- createWorkbook() # education by each of the other 4 variables NameofSheet <- "CoverageByEducation" TheData <- table(OfInterest$EDUCATION,OfInterest$NOTCOV) addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = NameofSheet) writeData(wb = wb, sheet = NameofSheet, x = TheData, borders = "n") NameofSheet <- "MedbillByEducation" TheData <- table(OfInterest$EDUCATION,OfInterest$MEDBILL) addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = NameofSheet) writeData(wb = wb, sheet = NameofSheet, x = TheData, borders = "n") ### many repeating lines removed ### NameofSheet <- "PNMED12MByAge" TheData <- table(OfInterest$AGE,OfInterest$PNMED12M) addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = NameofSheet) writeData(wb = wb, sheet = NameofSheet, x = TheData, borders = "n") # saveWorkbook(wb, "BetterExcelExample.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) ## save to working directory
Now, to be honest, in a nice modern IDE environment like RStudio
cutting, pasting and making small edits 12 times is not all that
difficult. I did do exactly that my first pass through. But as I looked
at it I also knew I could do much better if I used automation. The code
would be easier to read or modify in the future and I’d be much less
likely to make a mistake.
Background and catchup
My colleague wanted to be able to do some simple analysis around health care using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov), National Center for Health Statistics (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/index.htm), National Health Interview Survey (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/nhis_2016_data_release.htm). They wanted a series of cross tabulated sets of summary data for variable pairings (for example whether or not the respondent had a formal health care provider by region of the country). They wanted one Excel “workbook” with 12 worksheets each one of which was the summary of counts for a pair of variables. From there they could use Excel’s native plotting tools to make the graphs they needed.
You can review everything that happened yesterday (which I recommend) or
you can pick up here. To join us in progress make sure you load the
right libraries and grab the dataset we wound up on which is called
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) # set theme to my personal preference # install.packages("openxlsx") require(openxlsx) ## Loading required package: openxlsx OfInterest <- read.csv("ofinterest.csv") ### OfInterest <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ibecav/ibecav.github.io/master/Rmdfiles/ofinterest.csv") available through Github about 9Mb str(OfInterest) ## 'data.frame': 103789 obs. of 9 variables: ## $ AGE : Factor w/ 3 levels "19 to 60","Less than 18",..: 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 ... ## $ REGION : Factor w/ 4 levels "Midwest","Northeast",..: 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 ... ## $ SEX : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 ... ## $ EDUCATION: Factor w/ 3 levels "Bachelor's degree or higher",..: 3 2 1 2 NA 1 2 2 1 3 ... ## $ EARNINGS : Factor w/ 3 levels "$01-$34,999",..: 1 2 2 NA NA 3 1 NA 2 3 ... ## $ PDMED12M : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ## $ PNMED12M : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ## $ NOTCOV : Factor w/ 2 levels "Covered","Not covered": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ## $ MEDBILL : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
Breaking the task down
So as my tagline indicates I don’t consider myself a “programmer”. I
love analyzing data and I love R
but I approach programming slowly and
cautiously. What I’m about to explain as my method will likely seem
quaint and even antiquated to some but has the advantage of being very
methodical and very practical. There are lots of places on the web to
read about this stuff, I’m simply making the case I hope mine is slow
enough and methodical enough for a beginner.
What do we have there in those 12 iterations? Well what we have are 3
variables EDUCATION
, and AGE
that we want to “cross”
with 4 other variables NOTCOV
, and PNMED12M
to give us the total of 12. In my discipline we would call the first
three the independent variables and the second four the dependent
So as a first step in automating our work lets just make two lists that
acknowledge that fact. We’ll even name the list elements so we can make
use of those names in future steps. That means we can use the short hand
instead of depvars[[1]]
which I find difficult to
keep track of. Notice that the list contains the actual data and is not
just a pointer at the
depvars <- list(Coverage = OfInterest$NOTCOV, ProbPay = OfInterest$MEDBILL, CareDelay = OfInterest$PDMED12M, NeedNotGet = OfInterest$PNMED12M) indvars <- list(Education = OfInterest$EDUCATION, Earnings = OfInterest$EARNINGS, Age = OfInterest$AGE) # these two are identical use head because the list is more than 100,000 entries long head(depvars$Coverage) ## [1] Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered ## Levels: Covered Not covered head(depvars[[1]]) ## [1] Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered ## Levels: Covered Not covered
Okay, so far so good! Now what? Well R
has a wonderful function
called lapply
which as the documentation ?lapply
and numerous
websites will tell you applies a function to a list. It sequentially
walks its way through a list and applies the function you tell it to
Let’s take a small step. We want tables. 12 of them. Each table is of
the form table(indvars,depvars)
like “education” by “coverage”. Let’s
try lapply
for just part of that process. The command becomes
lapply(depvars, function (x) table(OfInterest$EDUCATION,x))
which you
can read as “Take the list of dependent variables depvars.
Apply the function called table and wherever you see an x
substitute the current value of depvars”. So the very first thing it
would do is table(OfInterest$EDUCATION,OfInterest$NOTCOV))
and it
would do it for all four variables in the list.
lapply(depvars, function (x) table(OfInterest$EDUCATION,x)) ## $Coverage ## x ## Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 ## ## $ProbPay ## x ## No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 19994 1789 ## High School Grad or less 41375 9217 ## Some college or Associate degree 19231 3899 ## ## $CareDelay ## x ## No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20583 1219 ## High School Grad or less 47576 3155 ## Some college or Associate degree 21001 2185 ## ## $NeedNotGet ## x ## No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 21108 694 ## High School Grad or less 48191 2532 ## Some college or Associate degree 21545 1645
Perfect! Just what we were looking for. We get back a list of 4 tables.
Progress! No surprise it works the other way around as well. We can
hold the second part of the table command constant and just vary the
independent variable via indvars
lapply(indvars, function (y) table(y,OfInterest$NOTCOV)) ## $Education ## ## y Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 ## ## $Earnings ## ## y Covered Not covered ## $01-$34,999 16148 4121 ## $35,000-$74,999 12116 783 ## $75,000 and over 6253 158 ## ## $Age ## ## y Covered Not covered ## 19 to 60 47258 8623 ## Less than 18 24193 1312 ## More than 60 20730 571
What we need, of course, is both of those things. A “nested” set of
calls to lapply
to walk through both lists and give us 12 tables not 3
or 4. So the next command is a bit ugly to read but hopefully if you
have been following along it will make perfectly good sense. We’re going
to call lapply
and the function we will tell it to run is lapply
The second lapply
will in turn call table
and all we have to do is
to keep our x’s and y’s correct!
lapply(depvars, function (x) lapply(indvars, function (y) table(y,x))) ## $Coverage ## $Coverage$Education ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 ## ## $Coverage$Earnings ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## $01-$34,999 16148 4121 ## $35,000-$74,999 12116 783 ## $75,000 and over 6253 158 ## ## $Coverage$Age ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## 19 to 60 47258 8623 ## Less than 18 24193 1312 ## More than 60 20730 571 ## ## ## $ProbPay ## $ProbPay$Education ## x ## y No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 19994 1789 ## High School Grad or less 41375 9217 ## Some college or Associate degree 19231 3899 ## ## $ProbPay$Earnings ## x ## y No Yes ## $01-$34,999 16229 4139 ## $35,000-$74,999 11321 1596 ## $75,000 and over 6069 341 ## ## $ProbPay$Age ## x ## y No Yes ## 19 to 60 46924 9504 ## Less than 18 20841 4747 ## More than 60 19331 2031 ## ## ## $CareDelay ## $CareDelay$Education ## x ## y No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20583 1219 ## High School Grad or less 47576 3155 ## Some college or Associate degree 21001 2185 ## ## $CareDelay$Earnings ## x ## y No Yes ## $01-$34,999 17937 2447 ## $35,000-$74,999 12049 877 ## $75,000 and over 6239 174 ## ## $CareDelay$Age ## x ## y No Yes ## 19 to 60 51621 5020 ## Less than 18 25058 612 ## More than 60 20307 1112 ## ## ## $NeedNotGet ## $NeedNotGet$Education ## x ## y No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 21108 694 ## High School Grad or less 48191 2532 ## Some college or Associate degree 21545 1645 ## ## $NeedNotGet$Earnings ## x ## y No Yes ## $01-$34,999 18481 1907 ## $35,000-$74,999 12403 522 ## $75,000 and over 6327 86 ## ## $NeedNotGet$Age ## x ## y No Yes ## 19 to 60 52841 3794 ## Less than 18 25262 402 ## More than 60 20638 782
Please note that it took me quite some time to get that nested lapply correct! A lot of searching on Stack Overflow, a lot of trial and error, but I won’t forget it now! If you want to test yourself try on your own to make the change necessary to invert the output to have the columns and rows the other way around.
Now that we have demonstrated we can do it, lets put our 12 tables
someplace safe. Let’s call it TablesList
and to ensure we know how to
get these tables back out again let’s pull just one of them from our
list of 12, this is where using names not numbers
TablesList <- lapply(depvars, function (x) lapply(indvars, function (y) table(y,x))) TablesList$Coverage$Education ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 TablesList$Coverage ## $Education ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 ## ## $Earnings ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## $01-$34,999 16148 4121 ## $35,000-$74,999 12116 783 ## $75,000 and over 6253 158 ## ## $Age ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## 19 to 60 47258 8623 ## Less than 18 24193 1312 ## More than 60 20730 571
Okay we made a list of tables now let’s work on putting those tables where we want them in a series of sheets in a workbook.
For a little more fun
Pardon the pun (for those who got it) but yes we’re now going to use
for loops
to pull the tables out of the list and put them somewhere in
an organized fashion. So the name of our list is TablesList
and inside
that list are sublists with names like TablesList$Coverage
and the
individual tables have names like TablesList$Coverage$Education
So why don’t we walk down TablesList$Coverage
and extract the 3 tables
in there one by one? Many ways to do it but I’ll use a for loop
for (i in seq_along(TablesList$Coverage))
which says sequence along the list
using i
as a placeholder for where we are in the
list. Then for each item in the list i
for (i in seq_along(TablesList$Coverage)) {print(TablesList$Coverage[[i]])} ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## $01-$34,999 16148 4121 ## $35,000-$74,999 12116 783 ## $75,000 and over 6253 158 ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## 19 to 60 47258 8623 ## Less than 18 24193 1312 ## More than 60 20730 571
Good. Once again though we want all 12 not just three so we need to nest
again. So let’s walk down just EDUCATION
for (j in seq_along(TablesList)) {print(TablesList[[j]][[1]])} ## x ## y Covered Not covered ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20802 895 ## High School Grad or less 43404 6846 ## Some college or Associate degree 20667 2313 ## x ## y No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 19994 1789 ## High School Grad or less 41375 9217 ## Some college or Associate degree 19231 3899 ## x ## y No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 20583 1219 ## High School Grad or less 47576 3155 ## Some college or Associate degree 21001 2185 ## x ## y No Yes ## Bachelor's degree or higher 21108 694 ## High School Grad or less 48191 2532 ## Some college or Associate degree 21545 1645
Driving Excel through automation
Okay now we’re ready to make magic. Scroll back to the top of this post or review the last post and you’ll see the logic is:
- Create a new empty workbook object
wb <- createWorkbook()
once - Invent a name for the tab or worksheet inside the workbook
12 times - Make a
for a pair of variables likeTheData
12 times - Add a worksheet (tab) into the workbook
12 times - Write the table we made onto the worksheet with
12 times - Save the workbook with the 12 sheets in it once
So steps 1 & 6 occur once and steps 2-5 need to occur in our loop structure
wb <- createWorkbook()
for loop
1) get tableTheData
2) createNameofSheet
3) make an empty worksheet namedNameofSheet
or save it
## Create a new empty workbook wb <- createWorkbook() ## nested for loop for (j in seq_along(TablesList)) { #top list with depvars for (i in seq_along(TablesList[[j]])) { #for each depvar walk the indvars TheData <- TablesList[[j]][[i]] NameofSheet <- paste0(names(TablesList[j]), "By", names(TablesList[[j]][i])) addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = NameofSheet) writeData(wb = wb, sheet = NameofSheet, x = TheData, borders = "n") } } ## Save our new workbook saveWorkbook(wb, "newversion.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) ## save to working directory
Breaking it down:
These two lines create the nested for loops to walk the 12 tables. j
is the outer loop of dependent variables and i
is the inner loop of
independent variables.
for (j in seq_along(TablesList)) { #top list with depvars for (i in seq_along(TablesList[[j]])) { #for each depvar walk the indvars
is nice because since our list items are “named” we can
put those names together with the word “By” to make the name of the
worksheet sensible to a human.
TheData <- TablesList[[j]][[i]] NameofSheet <- paste0(names(TablesList[j]), "By", names(TablesList[[j]][i])) addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = NameofSheet) writeData(wb = wb, sheet = NameofSheet, x = TheData, borders = "n")
All done (not yet!)
Hopefully this post helps you understand how to put automation in the
guise of lapply
and for
for you. In my next post I’ll build on this
scaffolding to discuss how to make these very same graphs in ggplot2
(which IMHO runs circles around Excel for scientific plotting), as well
as making this all more efficient through the use of our own functions
to take care of some of the more repetitive chores.
I hope you’ve found this useful. I am always open to comments, corrections and suggestions.
Chuck (ibecav at gmail dot com)
work is licensed under a
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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