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RStudio Addin Manager

rsam provides a command line and user interface to manage RStudio addins. You can show or hide the addins in the RStudio IDE dropdown menu and set keyboard shortcuts for them.


Since rsam manages the RStudio addins it must write to disk. For this reason the package cannot be hosted on CRAN.




User Interface

The user interface is a shiny application that uses rhandshontable to interact with the addins. The table includes a list of all the installed addins found in the .libPaths(), their description, a checkbox to control if the addin will be shown in the IDE dropdown menu and a column to define keyboard shortcuts.

#invoking the UI

Once you have decided which addins to toggle on or off you press the update button. This will update the RStudio files. The final (currently unavoidable) step is to restart RStudio to invoke the changes.

Command Line

Via the command line you can manage the addins with greater flexibility.

Retrieve Summary of Installed Addins

## # A tibble: 47 x 8
##         Package                Name
##           <chr>               <chr>
##  1     blogdown          Serve Site
##  2     blogdown            New Post
##  3     blogdown     Update Metadata
##  4     bookdown        Preview Book
##  5     bookdown    Input LaTeX Math
##  6       chunky              chunky
##  7        clipr  Value to clipboard
##  8        clipr Output to clipboard
##  9 colourpicker  Plot Colour Helper
## 10 colourpicker       Colour Picker
## # ... with 37 more rows, and 6 more variables: Description <chr>,
## #   Binding <chr>, Interactive <chr>, Key <chr>, Shortcut <chr>,
## #   libpath <chr>

Toggle Addins on/off

Every time a binding is passed to the toggle_addin function it will switch states.

toggle_addin(key = c("blogdown::serve_site","blogdown::new_post_addin","blogdown::update_meta_addin"))

Building Keyboard Shortcuts

rsam has a validation for keyboard keys through the class key

KEYS$`left command/window key`
## [1] "Command"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "character" "key"
## [1] "Shift"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "character" "key"
## [1] "I"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "character" "key"
key <- KEYS$`left command/window key` + KEYS$shift + KEYS$i

## [1] "Command+Shift+I"

Set Keyboard Shortcut for Addins

set_shortcut(fn = 'blogdown::serve_site',shortcut = key)

#if the binding already has a shortcut mapped to it `overide` must be TRUE
set_shortcut(fn = 'blogdown::serve_site',shortcut = key, overide = TRUE)

Remove Keyboard Shortcut for Addins

rm_shortcut(fn = 'blogdown::serve_site')

Limited Liability Addins

rsam gives you 3 empty addins to pass into them whatever you want and run them as your personal addins. You can also set keyboard shortcuts for each one with set_shortcut.

Pass through an expression wrapped the global objects rsam_fn_1(), rsam_fn_2(), and rsam_fn_3() into the Rstudio Addin list.

rsam_fn_1 <- function(){
  iris%>%ggplot(aes(x=Sepal.Length,y=Sepal.Width)) + geom_point()

# Change shortcuts to whatever you want

keys <- KEYS$`left command/window key` + KEYS$shift + KEYS$l

rsam::set_shortcut(fn = 'rsam::lla1',shortcut = keys + KEYS$`1`)

rsam::set_shortcut(fn = 'rsam::lla2',shortcut = keys + KEYS$`2`)

rsam::set_shortcut(fn = 'rsam::lla3',shortcut = keys + KEYS$`3`)