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A bookdown “Hello World” : Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet

[This article was first published on R –, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The new year begins with me being on the hook to crank out a book on advanced web-scraping in R by July (more on that in a future blog post). The bookdown? package seemed to be the best way to go about doing this but I had only played with the toy/default examples of it and wanted to test out the platform with a “Hello, World”-like example of a “real” book to iron out issues and avoid more refactoring later on than I know I will have to do. I’ve been on an rtweet kick as of late (I have no idea why) and had an e-copy of O’Reilly’s 21 Recipes for Mining Twitter in the their synced Dropbox folder (it was a free giveaway a few years ago) and decided to make an rtweet version of it in a bookdown project.

You can find the GitHub repo for it here and the rendered version here. NOTE: I will likely not finish the remaining two chapters (I need to spend the time on the real book 🙂 but will gladly add you as a co-author if you shoot over a PR.

I began with Sean Kross’ quick start and decided to work primarily in Sublime Text and use a Makefile to manage the build process. Since the goal was to iron out kinks for a real production book, here’s a bullet list of some tips as a result of figuring out what worked for me:

I’ll likely have more tips as the year goes on and will have a follow-up post for using web server access logs to generate “kindle-like” reading statistics for your tomes.

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