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Insurance Data Science Conference 2018

[This article was first published on R on mages' blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Following five R in Insurance conferences, we are organising the first Insurance Data Science conference at Cass Business School London, 16 July 2018.

Insurance Data Science

In 2013, we started with the aim to bring practitioners of industry and academia together to discuss and exchange ideas and needs from both sides.

R was and is a perfect glue between the two groups, a tool which both side embrace and which has fostered the knowledge transfer between the two. However, R is just one example and other languages serve this purpose equally well. Python is another popular language, but also Julia and Stan have gained momentum.

For that reason we have rebranded our conference series to “Insurance Data Science”. We believe by removing the explicit link to “R” we have more freedom to stay relevant and embrace whatever technology may evolve in the future.

We expect contributions to topics related to risk assessment, customer analytics, pricing, reserving, capital management, catastrophe and econometric modelling.

The keynote speakers are:

The conference will be followed by a full-day Stan in insurance workshop with Eric Novik and Paul-Christian Bürkner.

Key dates

For more details visit

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