How to Create Notebooks on Datazar
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Getting started with notebooks is as easy as clicking a button on Datazar. Notebooks are great tools that make — creating and sharing reproducible analysis — super easy. To create R or Python notebooks, follow these directions:

Navigate to your project, or create a new one if you don’t have one yet.
Click on the “Create File” buton and a box containing several options will popup. Let’s go with “R Notebook” for this one. You can choose “Python Notebook” and the steps will be exactly the same. And just like that, you’ll be redirected to your freshly printed Notebook! First thing you’ll see is the first cell (a code text box). If you created an R Notebook type in message(“hello world!”) and then hit Shift+Enter.

If you’ve created a Python Notebook, type in print “hello world!” and then Shift+Enter. You’ll see the results for the cell displayed right below it.
You’ll see a new cell is created right below the result. On and on; you get the gist.

If you want to load data that’s in your project and access it from your Notebook for your analysis, all you have to do is click on the “Load Files” button and click on the button next to the file you want to upload.
If you’re the using R Notebook, you can then import the dataset with data<-read.csv("ExampleData.csv") . That’s it! The data is now loaded to the data variable. You can do the same with script files with the source function in R.
Whatever you do already in R (in your terminal or other programs), you can replicate in these Notebooks including plots/visualizations, loading external libraries etc…

Visit to create Notebooks for free and show us what you built @datazarhq
How to Create Notebooks on Datazar was originally published in Datazar Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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