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eRum 2018 to be held in Budapest, May 14-18

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The main international R user conference, useR!, is typically hosted in Europe every other year. Back in 2016 when useR! was held in the USA, an alternative conference was held in Poland. Next year (when the useR! conference will be in Australia) the tradition continues, and the 2018 eRum (European R Users Meeting) will be held in Budapest, Hungary on May 14-16.

Around 400-500 attendees are expected, and the program committee is sure to put together an excellent collection of workshops and talks. If you'd like to contribute, workshop proposals are due on January 14, and abstracts for talks and posters are due on February 25. You can submit your proposals here.

Conference registration will open in early January, but you can follow @erum2018 on Twitter to be notified or simply check at the URL below for ticket information.


eRum 2018: About the Conference

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