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Days are getting shorter and the leaves begin to change: autumn is here and this means only one more month until the [R] Kenntnis-Tagen 2017 on November 8 and 9. A diverse agenda, cross-industry networking and a clear business context – many aspects make the [R] Kenntnis-Tage a special event and are reasons for you to participate:
From “googleVis” author and finance expert Markus Gesmann to “Algorithm Watch” co-founder Prof. Dr. Katharina Anna Zweig – the [R] Kenntnis-Tage 2017 offer a stage for people with a strong passion for data science and R. Whether in the sessions or the networking: participants will gain detailed insights into the various fields of application of the free programming language as well as inspiration for the daily business.
Clear Business Context
Unlike many other events related to R, the [R] Kenntnis-Tage have a distinct business focus. They serve as a platform for the German-speaking R community to exchange challenges and solutions in the daily work with R, making it an event which is unique in this form. In this context, eoda will present an innovation which takes the work with data in the daily business to a new level.
Topical Diversity
Forecasting models for the energy sector, R in the automotive industry or in data journalism – the topics of the [R] Kenntnis-Tage 2017 are as diverse as R itself. Compared to events with a focus on specific industries, eoda promotes the concept of interdisciplinarity at their event. Cross-industry transfer is one of the cornerstones of continuous development and enables participants to learn about new approaches and solutions. Very often data science presents itself as one thing in particular: a journey of discovery.
Insightful Tutorials
For the third time, the [R] Kenntnis-Tage combine data science success stories with practical R tutorials. Experienced eoda trainers will share their methodical know-how with the participants in intense tutorial sessions. Topics include the building of a Shiny app, the data mining workflow with “caret” and the data management with data.table among others. These tutorials offer an opportunity to learn new approaches and re-evaluate established ones.
Enthusiastic Participants
In the past two years participants from all industries and companies were more than satisfied with the event’s concept, the exchange with other participants and the insights they could gather at the event. The [R] Kenntnis-Tage have become a firmly established event for R users with a business background.
Flair of the documenta City Kassel
The documenta as most significant exhibition of contemporary art has just come to an end but the special flair is still perceptible in the city. The event location of the [R] Kenntnis-Tage 2017 in the heart of the city as well as the dinner location in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe provide an appropriate setting for a successful event.
You are convinced? Then register for the [R] Kenntnis-Tage 2017 and make use of the price advantage – only until October 6.
Further information is available here.
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