October 2017

Data Visualization Course for First-Year Students

October 7, 2017 | Andy

A little over a year ago, we decided to propose a data visualization course at the first-year level. We had been thinking about this for awhile, but never had the time to teach it given the scheduling constraints we had. … Continue reading → [Read more...]

ARIMA models and Intervention Analysis

October 7, 2017 | Giorgio Garziano

In my previous tutorial Structural Changes in Global Warming I introduced the strucchange package and some basic examples to date structural breaks in time series. In the present tutorial, I am going to show how dating structural changes (if any) and then Intervention Analysis can help in finding better ARIMA ...
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From Static to Numeric to Single-Choice Exercises in R/exams

October 6, 2017 | R/exams

Idea Our colleagues over at the economics department became interested in using R/exams for generating large-scale exams in their introductory economics courses. However, they face the challenge that so far they had been writing static exercises and modified them by hand if they wanted to reuse them in a ... [Read more...]

getSymbols and Alpha Vantage

October 6, 2017 | Joshua Ulrich

Thanks to Paul Teetor, getSymbols() can now import data from Alpha Vantage!  This feature is part of the quantmod 0.4-11 release, and provides another another data source to avoid any Yahoo Finance API changes*.Alpha Vantage is a free web service that provides real-time and historical equity data.  They provide ... [Read more...]

Stan Roundup, 6 October 2017

October 6, 2017 | Bob Carpenter

I missed last week and almost forgot to add this week’s. Jonah Gabry returned from teaching a one-week course for a special EU research institute in Spain. Mitzi Morris has been knocking out bug fixes for the parser and some pull requests to refactor the underlying type inference to ... [Read more...]

Stan Biweekly Roundup, 6 October 2017

October 6, 2017 | Bob Carpenter

I missed last week and almost forgot to add this week’s. Jonah Gabry returned from teaching a one-week course for a special EU research institute in Spain. Mitzi Morris has been knocking out bug fixes for the parser and some pull requests to refactor the underlying type inference to ... [Read more...]

A cRossword about R

October 6, 2017 | David Smith

The members of the R Ladies DC user group put together an R-themed crossword for a recent networking event. It's a fun way to test out your R knowledge. (Click to enlarge, or download a printable version here.) If you get stuck, you can find the answers here or at ... [Read more...]

Practical Machine Learning with R and Python – Part 1

October 6, 2017 | Tinniam V Ganesh

Introduction This is the 1st part of a series of posts I intend to write on some common Machine Learning Algorithms in R and Python. In this first part I cover the following Machine Learning Algorithms Univariate Regression Multivariate Regression Polynomial Regression K Nearest Neighbors Regression The code includes the ...
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R-Ladies global tour

October 5, 2017 | Maëlle Salmon

It was recently brought to my attention by Hannah Frick that there are now sooo many R-Ladies chapters around the world! R-Ladies is a world-wide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community, and I’m very grateful to be part of this co... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: September 2017 roundup

October 5, 2017 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from September of particular interest to R users. The mathpix package converts images of hand-drawn equations to their LaTeX equivalent. R 3.4.2 is released. Applying image featurization to the problem of classifying wood knots in lumber. Microsoft ML Server 9.2, which provides operationalization ... [Read more...]

The [R] Kenntnis-Tage 2017: A special event

October 5, 2017 | eoda GmbH

Days are getting shorter and the leaves begin to change: autumn is here and this means only one more month until the [R] Kenntnis-Tagen 2017 on November 8 and 9. A diverse agenda, cross-industry networking and a clear business context – many aspects make the [R] Kenntnis-Tage a special event and are reasons for ...
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Working with R

October 5, 2017 | R on Locke Data Blog

I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog front recently. That’s because I overhauled my site, migrating it to Hugo (the foundation of blogdown). Just doing one extra thing on top of my usual workload, I also did another thing. I wrote a book too! I’m a big ... [Read more...]
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