October 2017

Genome-wide association studies in R

October 9, 2017 | Francisco Lima

This time I elaborate on a much more specific subject that will mostly concern biologists and geneticists. I will try my best to outline the approach as to ensure non-experts will still have a basic understanding. This tutorial illustrates the power of genome-wide association (GWA) studies by mapping the genetic ...
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Celebrating 20 years of CRAN

October 9, 2017 | mikerspencer

In April I spoke for the Royal Statistical Society (Glasgow branch) at their event celebrating 20 years of CRAN. The other speakers were Charis Chanialidis and Colin Gillespie. Like most people I find… Continue reading → [Read more...]

[summer Astrostat school] room with a view [jatp]

October 9, 2017 | xi'an

I just arrived in Autrans, on the Plateau du Vercors overlooking Grenoble and the view is fabulistic! Trees have started to turn red and yellow, the weather is very mild, and my duties are restricted to teaching ABC to a group of enthusiastic astronomers and cosmologists..! Second advanced course on ... [Read more...]

#R – Deprecate functions with roxygen2

October 8, 2017 | R-feed

We show how to use roxygen2 tags and templates for deprecating existing documented functions. Introduction Package roxygen2 provides a powerful way of documenting packages and objects inside them. In particular, great flexibility is available for o... [Read more...]

Climate Change and Population Modeling in R

October 8, 2017 | R Views

A recent paper in nature climate change: Less than 2°C warming by 2100 unlikely (Raftery et al. 2017), concludes that the goal of the Paris Agreement is unlikely to be met. Although the conclusion is disheartening, the paper advances the science of climate modeling by developing a joint Bayesian hierarchical model for ...
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mea culpa!

October 8, 2017 | xi'an

An entry about our Bayesian Essentials book on X validated alerted me to a typo in the derivation of the Gaussian posterior..! When deriving the posterior (which was left as an exercise in the Bayesian Core), I just forgot the term expressing the divergence between the prior mean and the ... [Read more...]

Time series shootout: ARIMA vs. LSTM (talk)

October 7, 2017 | recurrentnull

Yesterday, the Munich datageeks Data Day took place. It was a totally fun event – great to see how much is going on, data-science-wise, in and around Munich, and how many people are interested in the topic! (By the way, I think that more than half the talks were about deep ... [Read more...]

NFL Series

October 7, 2017 | StatOfMind

If you have previously attempted to analyze NFL data, it is likely that you have tried to scrape ESPN or football-reference, which provides a wealth on statistics surrounding game data. However, if you ever wanted to obtain truly in-depth data, then it... [Read more...]
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