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Linear models: Pushing down and speeding up

[This article was first published on Quantitative Consulting - R analytics blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Let’s start with a few observations about linear models. The usual discussion posits a target variable y of length N and a design matrix X with p columns (of full rank, say) and N rows. The linear model equation can be written

and the least squares solution is obtained by projecting y orthogonally onto the image of X giving the almost iconic formula in the title for the estimated parameters.

The most common case – unless you are a geneticist – is that X is ‘long’, i.e. we have N >> p. We can test some properties of our least squares solution in this case in a little simulation

p =  1000
N = 10^5
beta = runif(p, -20, 20)

X <- matrix(rnorm(p*N), ncol = p)
y  <- X %*% beta + rnorm(N, sd = 5)

system.time(XtX <- crossprod(X))[3]
## elapsed
##  62.784
system.time(Xty <- drop(crossprod(X,y)))[3]
## elapsed
##   0.308
system.time(beta_est <- solve(XtX, Xty))[3]
## elapsed
##   0.355

Classical treatments of the least squares solution focus on decomposing X in a suitable manner to address both, the crossproduct and the inversion. This somewhat obscures the fact that there are two distinct data steps:

  • a ‘small data’ step: Even with our hypothetical p = 1000 coefficients, the inversion only takes a few seconds
  • a ‘big data’ step: The crossproduct is what we need to worry about much more for typical large X!

Chunking and parallelising

Our example case (large X with N >> p) is ideal for chunking and parallelising. Chunking is made easy by packages like biglm and speedglm that provide the infrastructure for handling chunked data and for updating estimates with new chunks. Also note that the crossproducts are ‘embarrassingly parallel’, i.e. they can be calculated via an appropriate ‘lapply’-ification:


X_chunked <- lapply(split(X, (1:N)%%9) , matrix, ncol = p)

system.time(XtX_chunked <- mclapply(X_chunked, crossprod, mc.cores = 3))[3]
## elapsed
##  31.675
XtX2 <- 0; for(xtx in XtX_chunked) XtX2 <- XtX2 + xtx
sum(abs(XtX- XtX2)) ## ~ 0

So, chunking and parallelising helps.

To improve things further, one needs to look more closely at the structure of X. One well-known approach is in the MatrixModels-package, which allows to make use of sparsity in X, for instance, when X contains many dummy variables.

Special structures in X – star schema

The situation for which I have not immediately found an adequate package, and which I want to discuss in a bit more detail here, is when X is constructed from some kind of database ‘star schema’. As an example, we can take the fuel price data discussed here.

We start with loading the required packages and by defining a small benchmarking function, which will not only measure execution times, but also give a rough idea on memory usage:

## Clear all -- only if you have saved your other projects


## a simple benchmarker
mstest <- function(expr=NULL) {
mem <- gc(reset = TRUE)[2, c(2,6)]
st <- proc.time()
mem2 <- gc(reset = FALSE)[2, c(2,6)] - mem
names(mem2) <- c("A_Mem final", "A_Mem max")
c(A_Time =structure(proc.time()- st, class = "proc_time")[1:3],  mem2)

Now load (and clean) the fuel price data (find it on GitHub here). It is a very simple star schema, with fuel prices per station and time as fact table:

pricesAll <- readRDS( "Prices_Demo.rds")%>%
  filter(E10 > 700, E10 < 3500, TimeAggID > 26425,
## choose TimeAggID filter to fit to your machine
##    StationID TimeAggID   E10 CompE10
##        <int>     <int> <int>   <int>
##  1         1     26426  1269    1450
##  2         1     26427  1269    1450
##  3         1     26428  1269    1450
##  4         1     26429  1269    1450
##  5         1     26430  1269    1439
## # ... with 4,859,833 more rows

as well as dimension tables for stations and times:

timesAll <- readRDS( "E_prtimes.rds")
##    TimeAggID DateHour DateDay HourCl  DayCl Brent
##        <int>    <int>   <int> <fctr> <fctr> <int>
##  1         1 14060800  140608 Hour00    Sun   501
##  2         2 14060801  140608 Hour01    Sun   501
##  3         3 14060802  140608 Hour02    Sun   501
##  4         4 14060803  140608 Hour03    Sun   501
##  5         5 14060804  140608 Hour04    Sun   501

## # ... with 27,523 more rows
stationsAll <- readRDS( "C_stationsAll_final.rds")

## add natural splines to stations
NS <- as_data_frame( model.matrix( ~ -1 + ns(lat, df = 3):ns(lng, df = 3),
data = stationsAll ))

names(NS) <- paste0("NS",str_replace_all(names(NS),
"\\:|ns\\(lat, df = \\d+\\)|ns\\(lng, df = \\d+\\)", ""))
stationsAll <- bind_cols(stationsAll, NS)
##    StationID brandCl       lng      lat isBAB closeBAB       NS11
##        <int>  <fctr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <int>    <int>      <dbl>
##  1         1  Others 10.850848 48.55568     0        0 0.39713860
##  2         2     BfT 10.920224 49.66159     0        0 0.43709986
##  3         3  Others  6.948950 51.16919     0        0 0.01966565
##  4         4  Others 11.451392 48.12189     0        1 0.37167161
##  5         5  Others 12.520820 48.24147     0        0 0.28931168
## # ... with 14,897 more rows, and 8 more variables: NS21 <dbl>, NS31 <dbl>,
## #   NS12 <dbl>, NS22 <dbl>, NS32 <dbl>, NS13 <dbl>, NS23 <dbl>, NS33 <dbl>

Traditional approach: One big design matrix X

Now, let’s say we want to estimate the influence of

  • the brand of the station
  • the closeness of the station to a highway (via isBAB, closeBAB)
  • the location of the station in Germany (via the natural splines on long / lat)
  • the time of day
  • the average price of Competitors (CompE10 – I’ll say more about this, later)

etc. on the price of E10 fuel.

In the traditional approach, we join all the dimension information to the fact table and run the model on the resulting large table:

fulldat <- pricesAll %>%
  left_join(select(timesAll, -DateHour, -DateDay )) %>%

object.size(fulldat)/10^6 ## 622MB


modfor <- as.formula(
paste0("E10 ~ 1 +  CompE10 + Brent + isBAB + closeBAB + brandCl +",
"DayCl  +  HourCl +",
paste(names(NS), collapse = " + ")))

msLM <- mstest(modLM <- lm( modfor, data = fulldat))

RESULT[["trad. LM"]] <- c(msLM, modLM$coefficients)
## A_Time.user.self  A_Time.sys.self   A_Time.elapsed      A_Mem final
##           41.343            0.854           42.315         2870.500
##        A_Mem max
##         5058.200

Exploiting the star schema: Lifted matrices

So, how to make this smaller and faster?

The main observation is that the parts of the design matrix, that come from the joined dimension matrices, have a very simple form. For example, when looking at the variables which depend on time only:

 matTime = model.Matrix(~ -1 +  Brent + DayCl + HourCl, data = timesAll )

is the design matrix on the table timesAll and

indTime = as(list(pricesAll$TimeAggID, max(timesAll$TimeAggID)), "indMatrix")

is the (sparse version of) the ‘index matrix’, representing the join. This matrix has a 1 in position (ro, co) exactly when TimeAggID[ro] == co and zeros otherwise. It is easy to check that the matrix product of indTime and matTime is the lift / join of matTime to the fact table

all(indTime %*% matTime == matTime[pricesAll$TimeAggID, ]) ## TRUE

This is a very useful representation, as

  1. matTime will be comparatively small,
  2. crossproducts with the index matrix ‘indTime’ amount to a simple summing over groups, and need to be executed only once, regardless the size of matTime

Furthermore, index matrix algebra is already implemented in the Matrix-package.

Let’s call these objects ‘lifted matrices’. We can actually define them as a simple extension of the classes in Matrix:

representation(mat = "Matrix",
indI  = "indMatrix"))

The beauty of the ‘Matrix’-package (and the S4-system it is built on) is that we now only need to implement the algebra for this new class as a set of S4-methods, adding to (in one case for the moment: overriding) the existing method-definitions in Matrix:

## changes some 'Matrix'-definitions. Restart R afterwards

setMethod("crossprod", signature( x = "indMatrix", y = "missing"),
function(x)  Diagonal(x = tabulate(x@perm, x@Dim[2])))

setMethod("crossprod", signature( x = "indMatrix", y = "indMatrix" ),
function(x, y) {
l1 <- as(x, "lMatrix")
l2 <- as(y, "lMatrix")

setMethod("crossprod", signature( x = "liftMatrix", y = "missing"),
function(x) crossprod(x@mat, crossprod(crossprod(x@indI) , x@mat)))

setMethod("crossprod", signature( x = "liftMatrix", y = "liftMatrix" ),
function(x, y)   crossprod(x@mat,
crossprod(crossprod(y@indI, x@indI), y@mat)))

setMethod("crossprod", signature( x = "liftMatrix", y = "Matrix" ),
function(x, y)   {
crossprod(x@mat, crossprod(x@indI, y)) })

setMethod("crossprod", signature( x = "Matrix", y = "liftMatrix" ),
function(x, y)   {
crossprod(x, y@indI) %*% y@mat })

With these definitions, it is now easy to define the ‘lifted’ (or ‘pushed down’, depending on your point of view) version of our fuel price model above, by separately defining the components of the design which stem from the two dimension tables and (for the effect of CompE10) from the fact table itself.

I go through the full calculation here for demonstration purposes. I hope to put this into a more user-friendly format, soon.

msLift <- mstest({

modforS <- as.formula(
paste0("~ 1 +  isBAB + closeBAB + brandCl +",
paste(names(NS), collapse = " + ")))

XS <- new("liftMatrix",
mat = model.Matrix(modforS, data = stationsAll )*1.0,
indI = as(list(pricesAll$StationID, max(stationsAll$StationID)),

modforT <- as.formula(paste0("~ 1 + Brent + DayCl + HourCl"))

XT <- new("liftMatrix",
mat = model.Matrix(modforT, data = timesAll )[,-1]*1.0,
indI = as(list(pricesAll$TimeAggID, max(timesAll$TimeAggID)),

XC  <- Matrix( pricesAll$CompE10, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(NULL, "CompE10"))

Y <- Matrix(pricesAll$E10, ncol = 1)

XTXT <- crossprod(XT)
XSXS <- crossprod(XS)
XCXC <- crossprod(XC)
XTXS <- crossprod(XT, XS)
XTXC <- crossprod(XT, XC)
XSXC <- crossprod(XS, XC)
XSY <- crossprod(XS, Y)
XTY <- crossprod(XT, Y)
XCY <- crossprod(XC, Y)

XX <-  rbind(cbind(XTXT, XTXS, XTXC),
cbind(t(XTXS), XSXS, XSXC),
cbind(t(XTXC), t(XSXC), XCXC))
XY <- rbind(XTY, XSY, XCY)

modLift <- drop(solve(XX, XY))

RESULT[["lifted LM"]] <- c(modLift,  msLift)

A bit of arranging of the results for easier comparison:

for(nam in names(RESULT)) RESULT[[nam]]<- 
  data.frame( estimate = RESULT[[nam]]) %>% 
  rownames_to_column(var = "term") %>%
  mutate(model = nam)

resultWide <- bind_rows(RESULT) %>% dplyr::select(model, term, estimate) %>%
  spread(model, estimate)

head(resultWide, 10)
##                term   lifted LM    trad. LM
## 1       A_Mem final   84.000000 2870.500000
## 2         A_Mem max 2103.000000 5058.200000
## 3    A_Time.elapsed    3.510000   42.315000
## 4   A_Time.sys.self    0.204000    0.854000
## 5  A_Time.user.self    3.291000   41.343000
## 6       brandClAral   23.329966   23.329966
## 7       brandClAvia   -5.360235   -5.360235
## 8        brandClBfT  -17.300784  -17.300784
## 9       brandClEsso   -3.675214   -3.675214
## 10       brandClHEM  -20.194030  -20.194030

Four seconds instead of forty – Pretty impressive, huh?

Well, of course, I have massaged the example a bit. The model we have been looking at is a pretty extreme case. Almost all the explanatory variables are ‘lifts’ from one of the dimension tables. So the model is almost a product of two completely separate models. I actually had to sneak in the variable ‘CompE10’ (with all the problems, endogeneity, inconsistency, this variable brings, were we to really try to interpret this model) in order to make the example a truly non-product one.

Still, this approach is worthwile in many cases, and I will soon publish a more elaborate example, including how to deal with chunked and partitioned data, as well as allowing fixed effects.

So stay tuned!

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