Experiments with summarise(); or, when does x=x[[1]]?
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Here’s another innocent-eye exploration, this time about the Tidyverse’s summarise()
function. I’d been combining data tables by nesting and joining them, which gave me a tibble with nested tibbles in. I wanted to check the sizes of these inner tibbles, by mapping nrow()
over the columns containing them. The Tidyverse provides several ways to do this, one of which (I thought) would be summarise()
. So I tried calling it with the argument
, where tibbles
was the column with the tibbles in. It crashed. Why? And how should I make it work?
The insight I got from these experiments is that summarise()
passes its summarising functions a slice of a column, not an element. To illustrate the difference in meaning: a slice of a list is a list, possibly with fewer elements; a slice of a table is a table, possibly with fewer rows. But an element of a list is not a list, and an element of a table is not a table. I’d overlooked the distinction because I’m used to table columns being atomic vectors. In these, there’s
no difference between an element
of the vector and a slice. This is because R is strange, and regards all numbers and other primitive values as one-element vectors.
But when the columns are lists, there is a difference. The summarising functions get passed a list containing the element rather than the element itself, so they have to unwrap it. And, by the way, if they return a result that’s to go into a list column, they must wrap it. That’s important if I want them to return tibbles.
With that as my introduction, here is my code, with comments explaining what I was trying.
# try_summarise.R # # Some experiments with summarise(), # to work out why it didn't seem # to work when applied to columns # that are lists of tibbles. library( tidyverse ) library( stringr ) # For string_c() . t <- tribble( ~a, ~b , ~c , ~d , ~e , ~f , 3 , FALSE, "AA", c(1,11), list(x=1) , tibble(x=c(1)) , 1 , TRUE , "B" , c(2,22), list() , tibble(y=c(1,2)) , 2 , TRUE , "CC", c(3,33), list(1,2,3), tibble(x=1,y=2) ) summarise( t, s=min(a) ) # # A tibble: 1 x 1 # s # <dbl> # 1 1 # So a tibble with one element, # 1. summarise( t, s=max(a) ) # # A tibble with one element, # 3. summarise( t, s=mean(a) ) # # A tibble with one element, # 2. summarise( t, s=str_c(c) ) # # Gives an error: # Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : # Column `s` must be length 1 (a summary value), not 3 summarise( t, s=str_c(c,collapse='') ) # # # A tibble with one element, # 'AABCC'. summarise( t, s=any(b) ) # # # A tibble with one element, # TRUE. summarise( t, s=all(b) ) # # # A tibble with one element, # FALSE. summarise( t, s=show(a) ) # [1] 3 1 2 # Then gives error: # Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : # Column `s` is of unsupported type NULL # The above all show that the # entire column (t$a or t$b or t$c) # gets passed to the expression # after =. If that expression can't # reduce it to a single atomic # value, we get an error. # This was confirmed by the # summarise( t, s=show(a) ) # and also by the two below. summarise( t, s=identity(a) ) # Gives error: # Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : # Column `s` must be length 1 (a summary value), not 3 summarise( t, s=a[[1]] ) # # A tibble with one element, # 3. summarise( t, s=a[[3]] ) # # A tibble with one element, # 2. # These are consistent with the # entire column t$a , which is # c(3,1,2) # being passed. # What happens if I group by a? t %>% group_by(a) %>% summarise( s=min(a) ) # # A tibble: 3 x 2 # a s # <dbl> <dbl> # 1 1 1 # 2 2 2 # 3 3 3 # So now I get a tibble with # as many rows as t has. t %>% group_by(a) %>% summarise( s=show(a) ) # # Shows 1 and then gives an error. # So now, t is sliced into three # groups. There are three calls to # the expression after =, and in # each, the appropriate slice of t$a # is substituted for 'a' in the expression. # Let's confirm this. t %>% group_by(a) %>% summarise( s=nchar(c) ) # # Gives a tibble whose single column # s is three elements, 1 2 2. # These are the lengths of the elements # of t$c . # Does this work with list columns? # That's where I had trouble, and is # what inspired me to try these # calls. t %>% group_by(a) %>% summarise( s=length(e) ) # # A tibble: 3 x 2 # a s # <dbl> <int> # 1 1 1 # 2 2 1 # 3 3 1 # So here I get lengths of 1. But # I'd expect 0, 3, and 1. t %>% group_by(a) %>% summarise( s=nrow(f) ) # # And here, I get an error: # Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : # Column `s` is of unsupported type NULL # Why don't these work? The calls # summarise( s=length(e) ) # summarise( s=nrow(f) ) # are surely analogous to # summarise( s=nchar(c) ) . # Epiphany! The reason, I realise, is # that in each of the expressions after =, # the column variable is getting # substituted for by a single-row # slice of that column. (This is in # my grouped examples. In the others, # it gets substituted for by the entire # column.) # When the columns are atomic vectors, # this single-row slice is an atomic # vector too, with just one element. # But in R, these get treated like # single numbers, strings or Booleans. # So the call to nchar() gets passed # a vector containing a single string # element of column c. It works, because # such single elements are vectors anyway. # But when the columns are lists, # the single-row slice is also a list. # So nrow(f), for example, gets passed # not a tibble but a list containing # a tibble. It then crashes. Similarly, # length(e) gets passed a list containing # whichever single slice of column e, # and always returns 1. # I'll confirm this by doing these calls. summarise( t%>%group_by(a), s=nrow(f[[1]]) ) # # Works! Returns a tibble with the table # lengths. summarise( t%>%group_by(a), s=length(e[[1]]) ) # # Also works. Returns a tibble with the # list lengths. # The key to all this is that if v # is a length-1 atomic vector, v=v[[1]]. # > v <- c(1) # > v # [1] 1 # > v[[1]] # [1] 1 # But if l is a length-1 list, l!=l[[1]]: # > l <- list(tibble()) # > l # [[1]] # A tibble: 0 x 0 # Whereas: # > l[[1]] # A tibble: 0 x 0 # The latter loses a level of subscripting. # By the way, I note that summarise() # works with more than one column name, # and more than use of a column name, # and substitutes them all appropriately. summarise( t%>%group_by(a), s=a/a ) # # Returns a tibble with three # rows, all 1. summarise( t%>%group_by(a), s=str_c(a,b,c,collapse='') ) # # Returns a tibble where each # row is the result of concatenating # the first three elements in # the corresponding row of t. # Finally, I also note that if # I want to _return_ a tibble # from a summary function, I have # to wrap it in a list. summarise( t%>%group_by(a), s=tibble(x=a) ) # # Runs, but doesn't do what I wanted. # (Puts a double into each row.) summarise( t%>%group_by(a), s=list(tibble(x=a)) ) # # Runs, and does do what I wanted: # A tibble: 3 x 2 # a s # <dbl> <list> # 1 1 <tibble [1 x 1]> # 2 2 <tibble [1 x 1]> # 3 3 <tibble [1 x 1]> # I suppose that this is because # the expression in aummarise() has # to return something that is # a row of a column, not an element. # If the column is an atomic vector, # these are the same, but they aren't # if it's a list.
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