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Major update of D3partitionR: Interactive viz’ of nested data with R and D3.js

[This article was first published on Enhance Data Science, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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D3partitionR is an R package to visualize interactively nested and hierarchical data using D3.js and HTML widget. These last few weeks I’ve been working on a major D3partitionR update which is now available on GitHub. As soon as enough feedbacks are collected, the package will be on uploaded on the CRAN. Until then, you can install it using devtools

[sourcecode language="r"]

Here is a quick overview of the possibilities using the Titanic data:

A major update

This update is a major update from the previous version which will break code from 0.3.1

New functionalities

Treemap to show the survival rate to the Titanic accident
Variable breadcrumb width

API and backend change

[sourcecode language="r"]
##Loading packages

##Reading data

##Agregating data to have unique sequence for the 4 variables
data_plot[,(var_names):=lapply(var_names,function(x){data_plot[[x]]=paste0(x,' ',data_plot[[x]])
[sourcecode language="r"]
  add_data(data_plot,count = 'N',steps=c('Sex','Embarked','Pclass','Survived'))%>%

##Circle treemap
    add_data(data_plot,count = 'N',steps=c('Sex','Embarked','Pclass','Survived'))%>%

Style consistency among the different type of chart. Now, it’s easy to switch from a treemap to a circle treemap or a sunburst and keep consistent styling policy.

Update to d3.js V4 and modularization. Each type of charts now has its own file and function. This function draws the chart at its root level with labels and colors, it returns a zoom function. The on-click actions (such as the breadcrumb update or the legend update) and the hover action (tooltips) are defined in a ‘global’ function.

Hence, adding new visualizations will be easy, the drawing and zooming script will just need to be adapted to this previous template.

What’s next

Thanks to the several feedbacks that will be collected during next week, a stable release version should soon be on the CRAN. I will also post more ressources on D3partitionR with use cases and example of Shiny Applications build on it.

The post Major update of D3partitionR: Interactive viz’ of nested data with R and D3.js appeared first on Enhance Data Science.

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