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Revisiting the useR!2017 conference: Recordings now available

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The annual useR!2017 conference took place July 4-7 in Brussels, and in every dimension it was the best yet. It was the largest (with over 1,100 R users from around the world in attendance), and yet still very smoothly run with many amazing talks and lots of fun for everyone. If you weren't able to make it to Brussels, take a look at these recaps from Nick Strayer & Lucy D'Agostino McGowan, Once Upon Data and DataCamp to get a sense of what it was like, or simply take a look at this recap video:

From my personal point of view, if I were to try and capture user!2017 in just one word, it would be: vibrant. With so many first-time attendees, an atmosphere of excitement was everywhere, and the conference was noticeably much more diverse than in prior years — a really positive development. Kudos to the organizers for their focus on making useR!2017 a welcoming and inclusive conference, and a special shout-out to the R-Ladies community for encouraging and inspiring so many. I especially enjoyed meeting the diversity scholars and being a part of the special beginner's session held before the conference officially began (and so sadly unrecorded). Judging from the 200+ attendees reactions there, many welcomed getting a jump-start on the R project, its community, and how best to participate and contribute.

The diversity was reflected in the content, too, with a great mix of tutorials, keynotes and talks on R packages, R applications, the R community and ecosystem, and the R project itself. With thanks to Microsoft, all of this material was recorded, andis now available to view on Channel 9: 

useR!2017 RecordingsuseR! International R User 2017 Conference

All recordings are streamable and downloadable, and are shared under a Creative Commons license. (Note: a few talks are still in the editing room awaiting posting, but all the content should be available at the link above by July 21.) In many cases, you can also find slides in the sessions listed in the useR!2017 schedule

With around 300 videos it might be tricky to find the one you want, but you can use the Filters button to reveal a search tool, and you can also filter by specific speakers:


Here are a few searches you might find useful:

Next year's useR! conference, useR!2018, will be held July 10-13 in Brisbane, Australia. The organizers have opened a survey on useR!2018 to give the R community an opportunity to make suggestions on the content. If you have ideas for tutorial topics and presenters, keynote speakers, services like child care, or sign language interpreters, or how scholarships should be awarded, please do contribute your ideas.

Looking even further out, useR!2019 will be in Toulouse (France), and useR!2020 will be in Boston (USA). That's a lot to be looking forward to, and with useR!2017 setting such a high a high bar I'm sure these will be outstanding conferences as well. See you there! 


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