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For R
users one of the promises of the new rlang
system is an improved ability to program over dplyr
itself. In particular to add new verbs that encapsulate previously compound steps into better self-documenting atomic steps.
Let’s take a look at this capability.
First let’s start dplyr
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("dplyr")) packageVersion("dplyr")
## [1] ''
A dplyr
pattern that I have seen used often is the "group_by() %>% mutate()
" pattern. This historically has been shorthand for a "group_by() %>% summarize()
" followed by a join()
. It is easiest to show by example.
The following code:
mtcars %>% group_by(cyl, gear) %>% mutate(group_mean_mpg = mean(mpg), group_mean_disp = mean(disp)) %>% select(cyl, gear, mpg, disp, group_mean_mpg, group_mean_disp) %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 x 6 ## # Groups: cyl, gear [4] ## cyl gear mpg disp group_mean_mpg group_mean_disp ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 2 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 3 4 4 22.8 108 26.925 102.6250 ## 4 6 3 21.4 258 19.750 241.5000 ## 5 8 3 18.7 360 15.050 357.6167 ## 6 6 3 18.1 225 19.750 241.5000
is taken to be shorthand for:
mtcars %>% group_by(cyl, gear) %>% summarize(group_mean_mpg = mean(mpg), group_mean_disp = mean(disp)) %>% left_join(mtcars, ., by = c('cyl', 'gear')) %>% select(cyl, gear, mpg, disp, group_mean_mpg, group_mean_disp) %>% head()
## cyl gear mpg disp group_mean_mpg group_mean_disp ## 1 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 2 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 3 4 4 22.8 108 26.925 102.6250 ## 4 6 3 21.4 258 19.750 241.5000 ## 5 8 3 18.7 360 15.050 357.6167 ## 6 6 3 18.1 225 19.750 241.5000
The advantages of the shorthand are:
- The analyst only has to specify the grouping column once.
- The data (
) enters the pipeline only once. - The analyst doesn’t have to start thinking about joins immediately.
Frankly I’ve never liked the shorthand. I feel it is a "magic extra" that a new user would have no way of anticipating from common use of group_by()
and summarize()
. I very much like the idea of wrapping this important common use case into a single verb. Adjoining "windowed" or group-calculated columns is a common and important step in analysis, and well worth having its own verb.
Below is our attempt at elevating this pattern into a packaged verb.
#' Simulate the group_by/mutate pattern with an explicit summarize and join. #' #' Group a data frame by the groupingVars and compute user summaries on #' this data frame (user summaries specified in ...), then join these new #' columns back into the original data and return to the user. #' This works around https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/2960 . #' And it is a demonstration of a higher-order dplyr verb. #' Author: John Mount, Win-Vector LLC. #' #' @param d data.frame #' @param groupingVars character vector of column names to group by. #' @param ... list of dplyr::mutate() expressions. #' @value d with grouped summaries added as extra columns #' #' @examples #' #' add_group_summaries(mtcars, #' c("cyl", "gear"), #' group_mean_mpg = mean(mpg), #' group_mean_disp = mean(disp)) %>% #' head() #' #' @export #' add_group_summaries <- function(d, groupingVars, ...) { # convert char vector into quosure vector # These interfaces are still changing, so take care. groupingQuos <- lapply(groupingVars, function(si) { quo(!!as.name(si)) }) dg <- group_by(d, !!!groupingQuos) ds <- summarize(dg, ...) ds <- ungroup(ds) left_join(d, ds, by= groupingVars) }
This works as follows:
mtcars %>% add_group_summaries(c("cyl", "gear"), group_mean_mpg = mean(mpg), group_mean_disp = mean(disp)) %>% select(cyl, gear, mpg, disp, group_mean_mpg, group_mean_disp) %>% head()
## cyl gear mpg disp group_mean_mpg group_mean_disp ## 1 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 2 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 3 4 4 22.8 108 26.925 102.6250 ## 4 6 3 21.4 258 19.750 241.5000 ## 5 8 3 18.7 360 15.050 357.6167 ## 6 6 3 18.1 225 19.750 241.5000
And this also works on database-backed dplyr
data (which the shorthand currently does not, please see dplyr
2887 issue and dplyr
issue 2960).
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") copy_to(con, mtcars) mtcars2 <- tbl(con, "mtcars") mtcars2 %>% group_by(cyl, gear) %>% mutate(group_mean_mpg = mean(mpg), group_mean_disp = mean(disp))
## Error: Window function `avg()` is not supported by this database
mtcars2 %>% add_group_summaries(c("cyl", "gear"), group_mean_mpg = mean(mpg), group_mean_disp = mean(disp)) %>% select(cyl, gear, mpg, disp, group_mean_mpg, group_mean_disp) %>% head()
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 6] ## # Database: sqlite 3.19.3 [:memory:] ## cyl gear mpg disp group_mean_mpg group_mean_disp ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 2 6 4 21.0 160 19.750 163.8000 ## 3 4 4 22.8 108 26.925 102.6250 ## 4 6 3 21.4 258 19.750 241.5000 ## 5 8 3 18.7 360 15.050 357.6167 ## 6 6 3 18.1 225 19.750 241.5000
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