R – Change columns names in a spatial dataframe
[This article was first published on R – scottishsnow, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Ordnance Survey have a great OpenRoads dataset, but unfortunately it contains a column called ‘primary’, which is a keyword in SQL. This makes it challenging/impossible to import the OpenRoads dataset into a SQL database (e.g. GRASS), without changing the offending column name.
Enter R! Or any other capable programming language. The following script reads a folder of shp files, changes a given column name and overwrites the original files. Note the use of the ‘@’ symbol to call a slot from the S4 class object (thanks Stack Exchange).
library(rgdal) f = list.files("~/Downloads/OS/data", pattern="shp") f = substr(f, 1, nchar(f) - 4) lapply(f, function(i){ x = readOGR("/home/mspencer/Downloads/OS/data", i) colnames(x@data)[11] = "prim" writeOGR(x, "/home/mspencer/Downloads/OS/data", i, "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=T) })

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