Using CPLEX in R: Installing cplexAPI in Windows 10
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I have a very large mixed integer problem to solve. COIN
‘s solver accessed through Rsymphony
did a decent job, but had trouble finding feasible solutions. I had been told that the IBM cplex
solver was the best on the market for mixed integer programming.
Installing cplex
is a relatively easy task. The difficulties began when I tried to install a link from R
. Either cplexAPI
or Rcplex
. You can search and see that there is very little helpful information in the usual places. I reached out to the developers and Jonathan of cplexAPI
responded with very helpful troubleshooting and instructions.
We (honestly, all Jonathan) determined that the following sequence should correctly install cplexAPI
. First, read the directions.
After downloading, unpack the .tar.gz
file someplace. I am going to unpack mine on the desktop.
Open the newly created folder cplexAPI
and you will find a directory labeled src
. Open the
file within that folder. I have Notepad++
installed, so I right click
and open withNotepad++
. The instructions note that you will need to find each of these directories and type them in. They may (and probably will if you are using any other version).
PKG_CPPFLAGS=-g -D_R_=1 -DUSE_R=1 -I"C:/Program Files/IBM/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio127/cplex/include"
PKG_LIBS=-L"C:/Program Files/IBM/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio127/cplex/bin/x64_win64" -lm -lcplex1270
After saving you will need to repackage cplexAPI
. Head over to the command line (remember I unpacked my tar.gz file on my desktop) and use the command:
R CMD build --no-build-vignettes --no-manual --md5 C:\Users\{your name here}\Desktop\cplexAPI
This will repackage the folder, avoiding the md5 error you can find while searching for solutions. After a successful repackage you can then install the package at the command line.
R CMD INSTALL --build --no-multiarch .\cplexAPI_1.3.3.tar.gz
At this point, you may have errors. The key you are looking for is this output:
packaged installation of 'cplexAPI' as
DONE (cplexAPI)
Now try it out. Here is an example from Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich’s cplexAPI – Quick Start.
> library(cplexAPI)
env prob chgProbNameCPLEX(env, prob, "sample")
[1] 0
nc nr obj rhs sense lb ub cn rn beg cnt ind val copyLpwNamesCPLEX(env, prob, nc, nr, CPX_MAX, obj, rhs, sense,
+ beg, cnt, ind, val, lb, ub, NULL, cn, rn)
[1] 0
lpoptCPLEX(env, prob)
[1] 0
solutionCPLEX(env, prob)
[1] 1
[1] 13
[1] 2 0 1
[1] 1 0 1
[1] 0 1 0
[1] 0 -3 0
I am looking forward to using cplexAPI
for a larger problem!
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