January 2017

Repeatedly applying a function

January 11, 2017 | Higher Order Functions

A colleague of mine sent me the following R question: I have a function that takes a list and does some stuff to it and then returns it. I then take that output and run it through the same function again. But I obviously don’t want to repeatedly ...
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nanotime 0.1.0: Now on Windows

January 10, 2017 | Thinking inside the box

Last month, we released nanotime, a package to work with nanosecond timestamps. See the initial release announcement for some background material and a few first examples. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package for high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting: R itself stops a little short of a microsecond. And ... [Read more...]

Custom images for Shiny dashboard valueBox icons

January 10, 2017 | Matt's R Blog

The shinydashboard package provides functions like valueBox that conveniently display basic information like summary statistics. In addition to presenting a value and subtitle on a colored background, an icon may be included as well. However, the icon must come from either the Font Awesome or Glyphicon icon libraries and cannot ...
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Data Transformations in R

January 10, 2017 | Ashish Dutt

A number of reasons can be attributed to when a predictive model crumples such as: Inadequate data pre-processing Inadequate model validation Unjustified extrapolation Over-fitting (Kuhn, 2013) Before we div... [Read more...]

Magic reprex

January 10, 2017 | njtierney - rbloggers

Making reproducible examples can be hard. There’s a lot of things you need to consider. Like, making sure your environment is clean, the right packages are loaded, the code is formatted nicely, and images are the right resolution and dimension. Get... [Read more...]

Delaware River Water Quality Visualization App

January 10, 2017 | AdventuresInData

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) just released a new app for visualizing water quality in the Delaware River Basin.  The DRBC Special Protection Waters Monitoring Program Explorer is a Shiny app that allows users to generate a boxplot and summary table of selected water quality data. The boxplot and ...
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Shiny Example – NHL Players

January 10, 2017 | realdataweb

Here’s a little visualization app I made a couple of months back which explores hockey players in the NHL during the 2015 – 2016 season.  As we get closer to the end of the regular season this year I’ll take  a look at 2017’s players. See the app here. See the ... [Read more...]

Getting started with Plotly: basic Plots

January 10, 2017 | Sai Lalith

Plotly is a d3 based graphing library used to produce interactive and high quality graphs in R. In the following exercises, we will look at the basic plots’ syntax and some basic features in the plotly functions. We will use datasets available in base R packages. Refer to the documentation ... [Read more...]

Knit directly to jupyter notebooks from RStudio

January 10, 2017 | hrbrmstr

Did you know that you can completely replace the “knitting” engine in R Markdown documents? Well, you can! Why would you want to do this? Well, in the case of this post, to commit the unpardonable sin of creating a clunky jupyter notebook from a pristine Rmd file. I’m ... [Read more...]

Using xml schema and xslt in R

January 10, 2017 | Jeroen Ooms

This week an update for xml2 and a new xslt package have appeared on CRAN. A full announcement for xml2 version 1.1 will appear on the rstudio blog. This post explains xml validation (via xsd schema) and xml transformation (via xslt stylesheets) which have been added in this release. XML schemas ... [Read more...]

Is it a job offer for a Data Scientist?

January 10, 2017 | smarterpoland

TL;DR Konrad Więcko and Krzysztof Słomczyński (with tiny help from my side) have created a system that is tracing what skills are currently in demand among job offers for data scientists in Poland. What skills, how frequent and how the demand is changing over time. The ... [Read more...]

Building Particle Filters and Particle MCMC in NIMBLE

January 9, 2017 | nimble-admin

An Example of Using nimble‘s Particle Filtering Algorithms This example shows how to construct and conduct inference on a state space model using particle filtering algorithms. nimble currently has versions of the bootstrap filter, the auxiliary particle filter, the ensemble Kalman filter, and the Liu and West filter implemented. ... [Read more...]

Trading Models and Distributed Lags

January 9, 2017 | Dave Giles

Yesterday, I received an email from Robert Hillman.Robert wrote:"I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your recent posts and associated links on distributed lags. I’d like to throw in a slightly different perspective. To give you some brief background on myself: I did a PhD in econometrics 1993-1998 at Southampton ... [Read more...]

What can we learn from StackOverflow data?

January 9, 2017 | David Smith

StackOverflow, the popular Q&A site for programmers, provides useful information to nearly 5 million programmers worldwide with its database of questions and answers — not to mention the additional comments that other programmers provide. (You might be interested in the architecture, based SQL Server 2016, required to deliver the 8.5 billion pages Stack ... [Read more...]

benchmarkme Update

January 9, 2017 | csgillespie

When discussing how to speed up slow R code, my first question is what is your computer spec? It always surprises me when complex biological experiments, costing a significant amount of money, are analysed using a six year old laptop. A new desktop machine costs around £1000 and that money would ...
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