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This package provides an R interface to Pete Warden’s Data Science Toolkit. See www.datasciencetoolkit.org for more information.
Answers to the exercises are available here. If you obtained a different (correct) answer than those listed on the solutions page, please feel free to post your answer as a comment on that page.
Exercise 1
Install and load the RDSTK package.
Exercise 2
Convert the ip adress to co-ordinates. address=”″. Store the results under the variable stat
Exercise 3
Derive the elevation of that location using the lattitude and longitude. Use the function coordinate coordinates2statistics() function to achieve this. Once you get the elevation store this back as one of the features of stat.
Exercise 4
Derive the population_density of that location using the lattitude and longitude. Use the function coordinate coordinates2statistics() function to achieve this. Once you get the elevation store this back as one of the features of stat called pop_den.
Exercise 5
Great. You are getting the hang of it. Let us try getting the mean temperature of that location. You will notice that it returns a list of 12 numbers, each for a month.
Run this code and see yourself
Exercise 6
We have to transform the mean_temperature so we can store this as one of the features in our stat dataset. One way to do this is to convert it from long to wide format but that would be too reduntant. Let’s just find the mean temperature from January-December. You might find the sapply function useful to convert each element in the list to integers.
Exercise 7
We decided we do not really need January-December mean value. We actually need the mean temperature from June-December. Make that adjustment to your last code and store the results back in stat under the name mean_temp
Exercise 8
Okay great. Now lets work with more IP-address data. Here is a list of a few ip-addresses scraped from a few commenters of my exercises.
Exercise 9
Use a iterator like apply that will go through the list and derive its statistics with the ip2coordinates() function. This is the first part. You may get a list within list sort of result. Store this in a variable called data
Exercise 10
Use a method to convert that list within list into a dataframe with 3 rows and all columns derived from the ip2coordinates() function. You are open to use any method for this.
No related exercise sets.
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