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If else sequences Exercises

[This article was first published on R-exercises, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Answers to the exercises are available here.

Exercise 1

What is the output of:

Exercise 2

What is the output of:

Exercise 3
What is the output y of:
if(is.numeric(x)) y=x*2

Exercise 4

What is the output x,y of:


Exercise 5

What is the output y of:
if(z<0) y=z*3 else y=z*5

Exercise 6

What is the output z of:
if(is.numeric(x)) if(is.numeric(y) & y!=0) z=x/y

Exercise 7

What is the output of:
if (is.numeric(x)) print('is numeric') else if(is.character(x)) print('is character')

Exercise 8

What is the output of:
x=90 ifelse(x<100,ifelse(x/2==trunc(x/2),x/2,0), ifelse(x/100==trunc(x/100),x/100,-1)) x=120 ifelse(x<100,ifelse(x/2==trunc(x/2),x/2,0), ifelse(x/100==trunc(x/100),x/100,-1)) x=200 ifelse(x<100,ifelse(x/2==trunc(x/2),x/2,0), ifelse(x/100==trunc(x/100),x/100,-1))

Exercise 9

What is the output n of:
z='i' if (z %in% letters) if (z=='a') n=1 else if (z=='e') n=2 else if (z=='i') n=3 else if (z=='o') n=4 else n=5

Exercise 10

What is the output n of:
z='u' if (z %in% letters) if (z=='a') n=1 else if (z=='e') n=2 else if (z=='i') n=3 else if (z=='o') n=4 else n=5

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