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Homer, not Bart, is the star of the Simpsons

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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It's been a long time since I watched the The Simpsons, but I was always under the impression that Bart was the primary character. Perhaps it was all the Do the Bartman and "Cowabunga!" nonsense from the 90s. Anyway, data scientist Todd W Schneider used R to analyze the scripts of the first 26 seasons and found that Homer speaks twice as much as next most represented character, Marge. Bart comes a close third.

Marge and Lisa are represented in orange (the color of Lisa's dress, in fact) as the only 2 female characters that make the top 10. Female representation isn't much better in the supporting cast either; only 7 characters of the top 60 (12%) are female.

Todd's R code behind the blog post is available on Github (in the analysis folder). Of note to R programmers: Todd used the ggplot2 package to create the charts and created a custom ggplot2 theme for the charts (theme_tws_simpsons) using the Simpsons skin yellow and the Akbar

For more data analysis of the Simpsons, including a look at the ratings over the last 27 years, check out the Todd's blog bost linked below.

Todd W. Schneider: The Simpsons by the Data (via Jenny Bryan)

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