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Result of the mlr summer workshop in Palermo

[This article was first published on mlr-org, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The mlr developer team is quite international: Germany, USA, Canada. The time difference between these countries sometimes makes it hard to communicate and develop new features.

The idea for this workshop or sprint was to have the possibility to talk about the project status, future and structure, exterminate imperishable bugs and start developing some fancy features.

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Since we wanted to meet at a nice place we decided to go to Palermo, where the department of statistics provided us with a room in the university for the workshop.

Twelve people from the developer team met from the 8. to 15. August to work on and with mlr.

Result of the workhop

We closed a lot of issues and developed new features that we will release with version 2.10 of mlr in the next few days.

Thanks to all sample(participants): Giuseppe Casalicchio, Janek Thomas, Xudong Sun, Jakob Bossek, Bernd Bischl, Jakob Richter, Michel Lang, Philipp Probst, Julia Schiffner, Lars Kotthoff, Zachary Jones, Pascal Kerschke!

We also head a great time in a great city aside from the workhop, here are some impressions:

View from Hotel 1 View from Hotel 2 some fountain

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