RClimate Script to Plot 90+ days in summer
[This article was first published on RClimate, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The weatherData package, link , makes it very easy to retrieve detailed weather data from hundreds of stations across the US. I developed this script to retrieve and plot daily maximum and minimum temperatures and highlight days with 90+ max temps and 75+ minimum temps. Here’s the results of my script:
The user can specify the desired weather station and can change to the year to examine earlier times or the current year.
Here is the R script:
## Hot Days and nights this summer ## use weatherData package to retrieve Max & Min temperature data for summer months ## User can specify airport code, query will use this code to retrieve current yrs data library(weatherData) hot_days <- numeric() hot_nights <- numeric() ### Enter airport Code and year ############## airport <- "KPNE" my_yr <- 2016 ############################################## my_start <- paste(my_yr,"-05-01",sep="") ## calc current date for data query end_date <- format(Sys.Date() -1, "-%m-%d") my_end <- paste(my_yr,end_date,sep="") #### Retrieve data from Weather Underground df <- getWeatherForDate(airport,start_date=my_start,end_date= my_end,opt_detailed=F, opt_all_columns=F) hot_df <- subset(df, df$Max_TemperatureF>89) hot_days <- nrow(hot_df) hot_nights_df <- subset(df, df$Min_TemperatureF>75) hot_nights <- nrow(hot_nights_df) hot_day_note <- paste(hot_days, " days with 90+ temp through ",format(Sys.Date()-1,"%m/%d"), sep="") hot_nights_note <- paste(hot_nights, " nights with 75+ temp") y_lab <- expression(paste("Temperature - ", degree, "F"),sep="") title <- paste("Hot Days and Nights This Summer \nMax & Min Temperatures @ ",airport, "\n ",my_yr) ## Use plot function to allow both png file and console output of plot plot_func <- function() { par(las=1) plot(df$Date, df$Max_TemperatureF,type="l", ylim =c(50,100),main=title, xlab="", ylab=y_lab) abline(h=90, col="red") abline(h = 75, col = "blue") points(hot_df$Date, hot_df$Max_TemperatureF, type="p",pch=19, col = "red") text (df$Date[10], 98, hot_day_note, col = "red", adj=0) text (df$Date[10], 96, hot_nights_note, col = "blue", adj=0) points(df$Date, df$Min_TemperatureF, col="blue", type="l") points(hot_nights_df$Date, hot_nights_df$Min_TemperatureF, type="p", pch=19, col="blue") legend(df$Date[75],67, c("Daily Max Temp", "Daily Min Temp", "Daily Max 90 or more", "Daily Min 75 or more" ), col = c("black", "blue","red", "blue"), text.col = "black", lty = c(1,1,0,0),lwd = c(2.5,2.5,0,0),seg.len=1, pch=c(0,0,19,19),pt.cex=c(0,0,1,1), merge = T, bg = "", bty="n", box.col = "white", cex = .7, ncol=1) } # Output to png file and plot to console png(file= "F:\\RClimate.us\\RClimate_Posts\\KPNE_Summer_hot_days.png", width=600, height=500) plot_func() dev.off() plot_func()

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