August 2016

Recent adventures with lazyeval

August 14, 2016 | Higher Order Functions

The lazyeval package is a tool-set for performing nonstandard evaluation in R. Nonstandard evaluation refers to any situation where something special happens with how user input or code is evaluated. For example, the library function doesn’t evalua...
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Montreal FSA Scraping Part Dieux

August 14, 2016 | Brandon Bertelsen

Although we were able to scrape from the web the FSA we wanted, it was unfortunately not a complete list. Instead, let's try another route using some data that's been crowdsourced, namely the dataset or a subset provided by aggdata (as the table is 50mbs and [Read more...]

Result of the mlr summer workshop in Palermo

August 14, 2016 | mlr-org

The mlr developer team is quite international: Germany, USA, Canada. The time difference between these countries sometimes makes it hard to communicate and develop new features. The idea for this workshop or sprint was to have the possibility to talk ...
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rfoaas 1.0.0

August 14, 2016 | Thinking inside the box

The big 1.0.0 is here! Following the unsurpassed lead of the FOAAS project, we have arrived at a milestone: Release 1.0.0 is now on CRAN. The rfoaas package provides an interface for R to the most excellent FOAAS service--which itself provides a mod... [Read more...]

Chi-Squared Test

August 14, 2016 | Selva Prabhakaran

Before we build stats/machine learning models, it is a good practice to understand which predictors are significant and have an impact on the response variable. In this post we deal with a particular case when both your response and predictor are categorical variables. By the end of this you’... [Read more...]

Simulating local community dynamics under ecological drift

August 14, 2016 | grumble10

In 2001 the book by Stephen Hubbell on the neutral theory of biodiversity was a major shift from classical community ecology. Before this book the niche-assembly framework was dominating the study of community dynamics. Very briefly under this framework local species composition is the result of the resource available at a ...
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Gaussian predictive process models in Stan

August 14, 2016 | Maxwell B. Joseph

Gaussian process (GP) models are computationally demanding for large datasets. Much work has been done to avoid expensive matrix operations that arise in parameter estimation with larger datasets via sparse and/or reduced rank covariance matrices (Datta et al. 2016 provide a nice review). What follows is an implementation of a ... [Read more...]

Montreal FSA Scraping

August 13, 2016 | Brandon Bertelsen

NOTE: This document does not provide a complete list of FSAs, so it's only useful for the scraping example. See Part Dieux for a more complete listing based on the economic region in question. There's no official database that I can find to define clearly some of the economic areas [Read more...]

Labeling Opportunities in Price Series

August 13, 2016 | quintuitive

One approach to trading which has been puzzling me lately, is to sit and wait for opportunities. ? Sounds simplistic, but it is indeed different than, for instance, the asset allocation strategies. In order to be able to even attempt taking advantage of these opportunities, however, we must be able to ...
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Project Ajna

August 12, 2016 | ekamioka

Dear readers, The first version of the project Ajna was released ! ! ! ! Ajna is a web tool based on R Shiny and Bootstrap, intended to help in the process of Exploratory Data Analysis. So far there is no target audience (business users, data analysts, etc.). It was created in the spare ...
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Extracting content from .pdf files

August 12, 2016 | Ista Zahn

One of common question I get as a data science consultant involves extracting content from .pdf files. In the best-case scenario the content can be extracted to consistently formatted text files and parsed from there into a usable form. In the worst c... [Read more...]

Combinations Exercises

August 12, 2016 | karolis koncevicius

When doing data analysis it happens often that we have a set of values and want to obtain various possible combinations of them. For example, taking 5 random samples from a dataset of 20. How many possible 5-sample sets are there and how to obtain all of them? R has a bunch ... [Read more...]

Project package libraries and reproducibility

August 12, 2016 | Mango Blogger

Gábor Csárdi, Consultant, Mango Solutions Introduction If you are an R user it has probably happened to you that you upgraded some R package in your R installation, and then suddenly your R script or application stopped working. R packages … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Annotating sets of genomic intervals with genomic annotations such as chromHMM

August 12, 2016 | altuna

Annotating sets of genomic intervals with genomic annotations such as chromHMM Genomation is an R package to summarize, annotate and visualize genomic intervals. It contains a collection of tools for visualizing and analyzing genome-wide data sets, i.e. RNA-seq, bisulfite sequencing or chromatin-immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) data.Recently we ...
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