August 2016

Data Science Live Book (open source)

August 10, 2016 | Pabloc

Hi! Well finally there is the first release of this project: An open source book which will hopefully contain some useful resources for those who want to learn some data analysis/machine learning. This release covers a little of data pre... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: July 2016 roundup

August 10, 2016 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from July of particular interest to R users. R moves up to 5th place in the annual IEEE Spectrum programming language rankings. A guide to R-related presentations at the JSM 2016 conference. FiveThirtyEight uses R extensively for data journalism, as explained in ... [Read more...]

Sportsbook Betting (Part 2): Bookmakers’ Odds

August 10, 2016 | Andrew Collier

In the first instalment of this series we gained an understanding of the various types of odds used in Sportsbook betting and the link between those odds and implied probabilities. We noted that the implied probabilities for all possible outcomes in an event may sum to more than 100%. At first ... [Read more...]

Learning, Unlearning and Relearning

August 10, 2016 | ekamioka

Some years ago I stumbled in a little sentence that I can say “it really changed the way I live and see things”. The sentence was: The illiterate of the 21st century,” Alvin Toffler famously said, “will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, ... [Read more...]

R Posting Multiple Answers to Google Forms

August 10, 2016 | data_steve

googelformr In previous posts on how to use googleformr, I’ve always demonstrated the functionality on toy forms that had only one text box. User feedback from has suggested that functionality for posting answers to a form with multiple questio... [Read more...]

R Posting Multiple Answers to Google Forms

August 10, 2016 | data_steve

googelformr In previous posts on how to use googleformr, I’ve always demonstrated the functionality on toy forms that had only one text box. User feedback from has suggested that functionality for posting answers to a form with multiple questio... [Read more...]

New feature: Dropdown menus in Plotly and R

August 10, 2016 | Riddhiman

In this post we’ll showcase the new dropdown menu button feature. It adds a layer of interactivity that is similar to shiny but supported within the plotly package. Adding new menu buttons is as simple as specifying the updatemenus parameter inside layout. Each dropdown menu needs to be a ... [Read more...]

R package primefactr

August 9, 2016 | Florian Privé

In this post, I will present my first R package, available on CRAN. It makes use of Prime Factorization for computations. This small R package was initially developed to compute hypergeometric probabilities which are used in Fisher’s exact test, for instance. It was also a way to get introduced ... [Read more...]

DataCamp for Business – New & Improved

August 9, 2016 | DataCamp Blog

We’ve been working on a DataCamp for Business rebrand for many months, and we’re excited to debut our new look this week. This rebrand is not only a cosmetic update, but includes the launch of several new features such as a cockpit for setting cour... [Read more...]

Stock Prices Analysis part 3 – Exercises

August 9, 2016 | Miodrag Sljukic

This is the third and the final part of the exercises dedicated to analysis of stock prices. In this part we will provide exercises for testing the type of distribution of stock prices and analysing and predicting stock prices using ARIMA models. You dont need to be an expert stock’... [Read more...]

New cheat-sheet for the dplyrXdf package

August 8, 2016 | David Smith

Hadley Wickham's dplyr package is an amazing tool for restructuring, filtering, and aggregating data sets using its elegant grammar of data manipulation. By default, it works on in-memory data frames, which means you're limited to the amount of data you can fit into R's memory. Hadley also provided an extension ... [Read more...]

feedeR: Reading RSS and Atom Feeds from R

August 8, 2016 | Andrew Collier

I’m working on a project in which I need to systematically parse a number of RSS and Atom feeds from within R. I was somewhat surprised to find that no package currently exists on CRAN to handle this task. So this presented the opportunity for a bit of DIY. ... [Read more...]

Data Splitting

August 8, 2016 | Ashish Dutt

A few common steps in data model building are; Pre-processing the predictor data (predictor - independent variable's) Estimating the model parameters Selecting the predictors for the model Evaluating the model performance Fine tuning the class pr...
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