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Microsoft R Open 3.3.1 now available for Windows, Mac and Linux

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Microsoft R Open 3.3.1, our enhanced disstribution of open source R, is now available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This update upgrades the R langauge engine to version 3.3.1, streamlines the installation process, and bundles some additional packages for parallel programming.

R version 3.3.1 fixes a few rarely-encountered bugs, for example to generate Gamma random numbers with zero or infinite rate parameters, and correctly match text that only differed in the encoding. (See here for a complete list of fixes.) There are no user-visible changes in the language itself, which means that scripts and packages should work without changes from MRO 3.3.0.

For reproducibility, installing packages with MRO 3.3.1 will by default get you package versions as of July 1, 2016. Many packages have been updated or released since MRO 3.3.0, including packages for multivariate covariance generalized linear models, simulating data sets, and creating HTML tables. (See here for some highlights of new packages.) As always, if you want to use newer versions of CRAN packages (or access older versions, for reproducibility), just use the checkpoint function to access the CRAN Time Machine

MRO 3.3.1 now pre-installs some additional packages, including the parallel-programming packages doParallel, foreach and iterators and (on Windows) the RODBC package for interacting with databases. (See here for a list of packages bundled with MRO.) MRO 3.3.1 is also now easier to install: it's now just a single download, with the option to install the Math Kernel Libraries (and speed up computations) during the install process. (Some benchmarks from an older version of MRO are shown below; results are about the same for MRO 3.3.1.)


We hope you find Microsoft R Open useful, and if you have any comments or questions please visit the Microsoft R Open forum. To download Microsoft R Open (it's free!), simply follow the link below.

MRAN: Download Microsoft R Open

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