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I’m working on a project in which I need to systematically parse a number of RSS and Atom feeds from within R. I was somewhat surprised to find that no package currently exists on CRAN to handle this task. So this presented the opportunity for a bit of DIY.
You can find the fruits of my morning’s labour here.
Installing and Loading
The package is currently hosted on GitHub.
> devtools::install_github("DataWookie/feedeR") > library(feedeR)
Reading a RSS Feed
Although Atom is supposed to be a better format from a technical perspective, RSS is relatively ubiquitous. The vast majority of blogs provide an RSS feed. We’ll look at the feed exposed by R-bloggers.
> rbloggers <- feed.extract("https://feeds.feedburner.com/RBloggers") > names(rbloggers) [1] "title" "link" "updated" "items"
There are three metadata elements pertaining to the feed.
> rbloggers[1:3] $title [1] "R-bloggers" $link [1] "https://www.r-bloggers.com" $updated [1] "2016-08-06 09:15:54 UTC"
The actual entries on the feed are captured in the items
element. For each entry the title
, publication date
and link
are captured. There are often more fields available for each entry, but these three are generally present.
> nrow(rbloggers$items) [1] 8 > head(rbloggers$items, 3) title date 1 readr 1.0.0 2016-08-05 20:25:05 2 Map the Life Expectancy in United States with data from Wikipedia 2016-08-05 19:48:53 3 Creating Annotated Data Frames from GEO with the GEOquery package 2016-08-05 19:35:45 link 1 https://www.r-bloggers.com/readr-1-0-0/ 2 https://www.r-bloggers.com/map-the-life-expectancy-in-united-states-with-data-from-wikipedia/ 3 https://www.r-bloggers.com/creating-annotated-data-frames-from-geo-with-the-geoquery-package/
Reading an Atom Feed
Atom feeds are definitely in the minority, but this format is still used by a number of popular sites. We’ll look at the feed from The R Journal.
> rjournal <- feed.extract("http://journal.r-project.org/rss.atom")
The same three elements of metadata are present.
> rjournal[1:3] $title [1] "The R Journal" $link [1] "http://journal.r-project.org" $updated [1] "2016-07-23 13:16:08 UTC"
Atom feeds do not appear to consistently provide the date on which each of the entries was originally published. The title
and link
fields are always present though!
> head(rjournal$items, 3) title date 1 Heteroscedastic Censored and Truncated Regression with crch NA 2 An Interactive Survey Application for Validating Social Network Analysis Techniques NA 3 quickpsy: An R Package to Fit Psychometric Functions for Multiple Groups NA link 1 http://journal.r-project.org/archive/accepted/messner-mayr-zeileis.pdf 2 http://journal.r-project.org/archive/accepted/joblin-mauerer.pdf 3 http://journal.r-project.org/archive/accepted/linares-lopez-moliner.pdf
I’m still testing this across a selection of feeds. If you find a feed that breaks the package, please let me known and I’ll debug as necessary.
The post feedeR: Reading RSS and Atom Feeds from R appeared first on Exegetic Analytics.
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