R Competition on education in South Africa (July and August 2016)
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(Guest post by Bartosz Sękiewicz)
We invite you to participate in our Kaggle-style R competition, an online team competition (1-3 people) which is based in Poland though we would welcome international teams. It will take place during July and August 2016. The organisers are Do-IT Solutions Ltd and eRka (Cracow R User Group), who have decided to join forces again after our successful marathon data analysis in Cracow in July 2015.
On the (eRka Website) you will find an interview with Dr Ian Smythe – the main initiator of the competition – to help understand the background and why he thinks it has the potential to impact upon the lives of millions.
Due to the fact that it is a holiday period and the availability of some people may be limited, we decided to split the competition into three stages (awarded separately). For each of the steps, teams will be required to analyse previously unpublished data (most of these data has been collected this year) related to education in South Africa. A specially developed online Shiny app allows participants to familiarize themselves with the data quickly, so you can focus on creative exploration. Access to the app will be possible when the data is made available through GitHub.
The three competitions are:
- Gender bias in cognitive tasks (mental rotation) – Open: 8 July, Deadline: 24 July
- Scoring maths tests using errors and time – Open: 22 July, Deadline: 7 August
- The socio-economic impact on literacy development – Open: 5 August, Deadline: 21 August