In case you missed it: June 2016 roundup
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In case you missed them, here are some articles from June of particular interest to R users.
A preview of the tutorials presented at the useR! 2016 conference.
A “advanced beginner's” guide to R published by ComputerWorld includes guides on data wrangling, visualization, and data APIs.
Microsoft R Server now runs on Apache Spark, bringing high performance to big-data analytics.
Recordings of talks at the useR! 2016 conference are now available to watch and download, with thanks to Microsoft's livestreaming of the conference.
You can download on-screen actor data for films and TV using R via Amazon's X-ray service.
A review of new Bayesian statistics packages for R, with a focus on Stan.
A short summary of the fixes in R 3.3.1, released on June 21.
A chart of global internet speeds, created using R.
New features in the forecast package, updated to version 7.
This year's Data Journalism Awards Data Visualization of the Year was created with R.
The 150+ R packages presented during useR! 2016.
Using GitHub avatars and the Microsoft Face API to estimate gender ratios of programmers by language used.
Using the Data Science Virtual Machine and Microsoft R Server to analyze data from 600 million taxi rides.
R is once again the top-ranked software in the KDnuggets annual poll.
A tutorial on making interactive data maps and charts with R.
News from the R Consortium, including new platinum member IBM.
Max Kuhn (author of the caret package) on Bayesian optimization of machine learning models in R.
Ross Ihaka recounts the history of the R project in an interview for the University of Auckland alumni magazine.
An R animation shows the ebb and flow of a recent Delaware River flood.
A look at comparing statistical models with the caret package.
The mscsweblm4r package provides an R interface to several Microsoft Cognitive Services APIs for text analysis.
General interest stories (not related to R) in the past month included: a screenplay by a robot, parenting tips from a Kiwi dad, contrasts of DNA and ethnicity and some new favourite songs.
As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at [email protected]. Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader, via email using blogtrottr, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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