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is an R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, and includes the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS). It is available on CRAN.
More information can be found at https://github.com/USGS-R/EGRET.
is a powerful and popular graphing package. AllEGRET
functions return, or take as an input, a specialized list (referred as the “eList” in EGRET
documentation). It is quite easy to extract the simple-to-use, relavent data frames: Daily
, Sample
, and INFO
. Here is a simple example of using ggplot2
to make a plot that is also available in EGRET
Please note there are a lot of nuances that are captured in the EGRET
plotting functions that are not automatically captured by using ggplot2
. However, this simple example can give you the minimal workflow you might need to create your own more specialized ggplot2
library(EGRET) library(ggplot2) eList <- Choptank_eList Sample <- eList$Sample INFO <- eList$INFO Sample$cen <- factor(Sample$Uncen) levels(Sample$cen) <- c("Censored","Uncensored") plotConcQ_gg <- ggplot(data=Sample) + geom_point(aes(x=Q, y=ConcAve, color = cen)) + scale_x_log10() + ggtitle(INFO$station.nm) plotConcQ_gg plotConcQ(eList)
One of the things the WRTDS statistical model provides is a characterization of the gradually changing relationship between concentration and discharge as it evolves over a period of many years, and also a characterization of how that pattern is different for different times of the year.
The plotContours
, plotDiffContours
, plotConcQSmooth
, and plotConcTimeSmooth
functions in EGRET
are all designed to help the user explore various aspects of the model. Because of the multivariate character of the model it is helpful to have a variety of ways to view it to aid in making interpretations about the nature of the changes that have taken place. Another approach is one developed by Marcus Beck of US EPA that makes very effective use of color and multiple panel graphs to help visualize these evolving conditions. This new function plotFlowConc
which uses the packages ggplot2
, dplyr
, and tidyr
is a wonderful new way to visualize these changes.
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library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(fields) plotFlowConc <- function(eList, month = c(1:12), years = NULL, col_vec = c('red', 'green', 'blue'), ylabel = NULL, xlabel = NULL, alpha = 1, size = 1, allflo = FALSE, ncol = NULL, grids = TRUE, scales = NULL, interp = 4, pretty = TRUE, use_bw = TRUE, fac_nms = NULL, ymin = 0){ localDaily <- getDaily(eList) localINFO <- getInfo(eList) localsurfaces <- getSurfaces(eList) # plot title toplab <- with(eList$INFO, paste(shortName, paramShortName, sep = ', ')) # flow, date info for interpolation surface LogQ <- seq(localINFO$bottomLogQ, by=localINFO$stepLogQ, length.out=localINFO$nVectorLogQ) year <- seq(localINFO$bottomYear, by=localINFO$stepYear, length.out=localINFO$nVectorYear) jday <- 1 + round(365 * (year - floor(year))) surfyear <- floor(year) surfdts <- as.Date(paste(surfyear, jday, sep = '-'), format = '%Y-%j') surfmos <- as.numeric(format(surfdts, '%m')) surfday <- as.numeric(format(surfdts, '%d')) # interpolation surface ConcDay <- localsurfaces[,,3] # convert month vector to those present in data month <- month[month %in% surfmos] if(length(month) == 0) stop('No observable data for the chosen month') # salinity/flow grid values flo_grd <- LogQ # get the grid to_plo <- data.frame(date = surfdts, year = surfyear, month = surfmos, day = surfday, t(ConcDay)) # reshape data frame, average by year, month for symmetry to_plo <- to_plo[to_plo$month %in% month, , drop = FALSE] names(to_plo)[grep('^X', names(to_plo))] <- paste('flo', flo_grd) to_plo <- tidyr::gather(to_plo, 'flo', 'res', 5:ncol(to_plo)) %>% mutate(flo = as.numeric(gsub('^flo ', '', flo))) %>% select(-day) # smooth the grid if(!is.null(interp)){ to_interp <- to_plo to_interp <- ungroup(to_interp) %>% select(date, flo, res) %>% tidyr::spread(flo, res) # values to pass to interp dts <- to_interp$date fit_grd <- select(to_interp, -date) flo_fac <- length(flo_grd) * interp flo_fac <- seq(min(flo_grd), max(flo_grd), length.out = flo_fac) yr_fac <- seq(min(dts), max(dts), length.out = length(dts) * interp) to_interp <- expand.grid(yr_fac, flo_fac) # bilinear interpolation of fit grid interps <- interp.surface( obj = list( y = flo_grd, x = dts, z = data.frame(fit_grd) ), loc = to_interp ) # format interped output to_plo <- data.frame(to_interp, interps) %>% rename(date = Var1, flo = Var2, res = interps ) %>% mutate( month = as.numeric(format(date, '%m')), year = as.numeric(format(date, '%Y')) ) } # subset years to plot if(!is.null(years)){ to_plo <- to_plo[to_plo$year %in% years, ] to_plo <- to_plo[to_plo$month %in% month, ] if(nrow(to_plo) == 0) stop('No data to plot for the date range') } # summarize so no duplicate flos for month/yr combos to_plo <- group_by(to_plo, year, month, flo) %>% summarize(res = mean(res, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup # axis labels if(is.null(ylabel)) ylabel <- localINFO$paramShortName if(is.null(xlabel)) xlabel <- expression(paste('Discharge in ', m^3, '/s')) # constrain plots to salinity/flow limits for the selected month if(!allflo){ #min, max flow values to plot lim_vals<- group_by(data.frame(localDaily), Month) %>% summarize( Low = quantile(LogQ, 0.05, na.rm = TRUE), High = quantile(LogQ, 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) ) # month flo ranges for plot lim_vals <- lim_vals[lim_vals$Month %in% month, ] lim_vals <- rename(lim_vals, month = Month) # merge limits with months to_plo <- left_join(to_plo, lim_vals, by = 'month') to_plo <- to_plo[to_plo$month %in% month, ] # reduce data sel_vec <- with(to_plo, flo >= Low & flo <= High ) to_plo <- to_plo[sel_vec, !names(to_plo) %in% c('Low', 'High')] to_plo <- arrange(to_plo, year, month) } # months labels as text mo_lab <- data.frame( num = seq(1:12), txt = c('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December') ) mo_lab <- mo_lab[mo_lab$num %in% month, ] to_plo$month <- factor(to_plo$month, levels = mo_lab$num, labels = mo_lab$txt) # reassign facet names if fac_nms is provided if(!is.null(fac_nms)){ if(length(fac_nms) != length(unique(to_plo$month))) stop('fac_nms must have same lengths as months') to_plo$month <- factor(to_plo$month, labels = fac_nms) } # convert discharge to arithmetic scale to_plo$flo <- exp(to_plo$flo) # make plot p <- ggplot(to_plo, aes(x = flo, y = res, group = year)) + facet_wrap(~month, ncol = ncol, scales = scales) # set lower limit for y-axis if applicable lims <- coord_cartesian(ylim = c(ymin, max(to_plo$res, na.rm = TRUE))) if(!is.null(scales)){ if(scales == 'free_x') p <- p + lims } else { p <- p + lims } # return bare bones if FALSE if(!pretty) return(p + geom_line()) # get colors cols <- col_vec # use bw theme if(use_bw) p <- p + theme_bw() # log scale breaks brks <- c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000) p <- p + geom_line(size = size, aes(colour = year), alpha = alpha) + scale_y_continuous(ylabel, expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_x_log10(xlabel, expand = c(0, 0), breaks = brks) + theme( legend.position = 'top', axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8) ) + scale_colour_gradientn('Year', colours = cols) + guides(colour = guide_colourbar(barwidth = 10)) + ggtitle(toplab) # remove grid lines if(!grids) p <- p + theme( panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank() ) return(p) }
The function can also be imported in the workspace from GitHub:
library(devtools) source_gist("00003218e6a913f681fa16e587c7fbbb", filename = "plotFlowConc.R")
Next, the function can be called with any EGRET
eList <- Choptank_eList plotFlowConc(eList, years=seq(1980, 2014, by = 4))
This graphic allows the user to see a variety of types of changes. For example, if the curves substantially change their shape over time it may suggest shifts among various pollutant sources (e.g. shallow groundwater, deeper groundwater, point sources, and surface runoff). It may also show changes that are strong in some seasons and weak in others because of factors like shifts in the time when nutrients are applied to the landscape or changes in cropping practices (e.g. no-till farming or cover crops). It can also show seasons when change may be accelerating versus others where conditions may have become more stable over time. All of these kinds of patterns can be useful in developing interpretations of the kinds of changes taking place and can help the user to develop hypotheses that they can test out in a formal manner with the existing data or by adding new data over time.
The plotFlowConc
function has several arguments that control the plot aesthetics. The only argument that is required is the first one (eList
), all the others have defaults that result in a highly presentable graphic, but there are options that the user can chose if they wish to vary the look of their output.
numeric input from 1 to 12 indicating the monthly predictions to plotyears
numeric vector of years to plot. For example,seq(1980, 2014, by = 4)
will plot nine years of data from 1980 to 2014 at four year intervals. Set asNULL
to plot all yearscol_vec
chr string of plot colors to use, passed toggplot2::scale_colour_gradient
for line shadingylabel
chr string for y-axis labelxlabel
chr string for x-axis labelalpha
numeric value from zero to one for line transparencysize
numeric value for line sizeallflo
logical indicating if the flow values are limited to the fifth and ninety-fifth percentile of observed values for each monthncol
numeric argument passed toggplot2::facet_wrap
indicating number of facet columnsgrids
logical indicating if grid lines are presentscales
chr string passed toggplot2::facet_wrap
to change x/y axis scaling on facets, acceptable values are ‘free’, ‘free_x’, or ‘free_y’interp
numeric input as a scalar for smoothing the plot lines. The default is 4 indicating that four times as many values are interpolated and plotted compared to the original results matrix from WRTDS. The interpolation does not create novel data outside the range of the predictions but instead creates observations in the time, flow domain that are between values that were used explicitly to create the model. The effect is a smoother plot that reduces the jaggedness of the lines. A value of 1 orNULL
can be used to suppress this behavior if the WRTDS results matrix is sufficiently large, i.e., minimal jaggedness in the plot lines. Values larger than 4 typically do not improve the visual appearance of trends.pretty
logical indicating if preset plot aesthetics are applied, otherwise the ggplot2 default themes are useduse_bw
logical indicating ifggplot2::theme_bw
is usedfac_nms
optional chr string for facet labels, which must be equal in length tomonth
numeric input for lower limit of y-axis, applies only ifscales = NULL
orscales = free_x
Please direct any questions or comments on EGRET
to: https://github.com/USGS-R/EGRET/issues
Questions about plotFlowConc
can be directed to Marcus Beck at beck.marcus@epa.gov
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