Introduction to R for Data Science :: Session 8 [Intro to Text Mining in R, ML Estimation + Binomial Logistic Regression]
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Welcome to Introduction to R for Data Science, Session 8: Intro to Text Mining in R, ML Estimation + Binomial Logistic Regression [Web-scraping with tm.plugin.webmining. The tm package corpora structures: assessing document metadata and content. Typical corpus transformations and Term-Document Matrix production. A simple binomial regression model with tf-idf scores as features and its shortcommings due to sparse data. Reminder: Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Nelder-Mead from optim().]
The course is co-organized by Data Science Serbia and Startit. You will find all course material (R scripts, data sets, SlideShare presentations, readings) on these pages.
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Startit Course Pages [in Serbian]

- dipl. ing Branko Kovač, Data Analyst at CUBE, Data Science Mentor at Springboard, Data Science Serbia
- Goran S. Milovanović, Phd, DataScientist@DiploFoundation, Data Science Mentor at Springboard, Data Science Serbia
Summary of Session 8, 17. June 2016 :: Intro to Text Mining in R + Binomial Logistic Regression.
Intro to Text Mining in R + Binomial Logistic Regression. Intro to Text Mining in R + Binomiral Logistic Regression: Web-scraping with tm.plugin.webmining. The tm package corpora structures: assessing document metadata and content. Typical corpus transformations and Term-Document Matrix production. A simple binomial regression model with tf-idf scores as features and its shortcommings due to sparse data. Reminder: Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Nelder-Mead from optim().
Intro to R for Data Science SlideShare :: Session 8
R script :: Session 8
######################################################## # Introduction to R for Data Science # SESSION 8 :: 16 June, 2016 # Binomiral Logistic Regression + Intro to Text Mining in R # Data Science Community Serbia + Startit # :: Goran S. Milovanović and Branko Kovač :: ######################################################## # clear rm(list=ls()) # libraries library(tm) library(tm.plugin.webmining) #### NOTE #### Suggestion: Skip WebCorpus() calls from the tm.plugin.webmining #### (skip everything before: # START HERE load) #### Data set is available from GitHub :: #### File: Session8.RData #### Download link: #### Part I Information Retrieval: ICT market # 2 categories: dotcom vs hardware companies # dotCom category: # NASDAQ:GOOGL is Alphabet Inc, NASDAQ:AMZN is Amazon, NASDAQ:JD is, NASDAQ:FB is Facebook, # NYSE:BABA is Alibaba # hardware category: # NYSE:HPQ is HP, NASDAQ:AAPL is Apple, KRX:005930 is Samsung Electronics, TPE:2354 is Foxconn, # NYSE:IBM is IBM # source: Google Finance # search queries: .com vs. hardware companies searchQueries <- list(c('NASDAQ:GOOGL','NASDAQ:AMZN','NASDAQ:JD','NASDAQ:FB','NYSE:BABA'), c('NYSE:HPQ','NASDAQ:AAPL','KRX:005930','TPE:2354','NYSE:IBM')); # retrive w. tm.plugin.webmining # retrieve news for dotCom dotCom <- lapply(searchQueries[[1]], function(x) { WebCorpus(GoogleFinanceSource(x)) }); # now retrieve news for hardware companies hardware <- lapply(searchQueries[[2]], function(x) { WebCorpus(GoogleFinanceSource(x)) }); # source: Google News searchQueriesNews <- list(c("Google", "Amazon", "", "Facebook", "Alibaba"), c("Hewlett Packard", "Apple", "Samsung", "Foxconn", "IBM")) # retrieve news for dotCom companies dotComNews <- lapply(searchQueriesNews[[1]], function(x) { googleNewsSRC <- GoogleNewsSource(x, params = list(hl = "en", q = x, ie = "utf-8", num = 30, output = "rss")) WebCorpus(googleNewsSRC) }); # retrieve news for hardware companies hardwareNews <- lapply(searchQueriesNews[[2]], function(x) { googleNewsSRC <- GoogleNewsSource(x, params = list(hl = "en", q = x, ie = "utf-8", num = 30, output = "rss")) WebCorpus(googleNewsSRC) }); # save workspace; NOTE: tm has functions to save corpora sessionDir <- "YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY HERE" setwd(sessionDir) save.image(file="Session8.RData") # START HERE load sessionDir <- "YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY HERE" setwd(sessionDir) load(file="Session8.RData") # tm corpora are lists # a tm corpus (WebCorpus, more specifically) dotCom[[1]] # a PlaintTextDocument in the first dotCom corpus class(dotCom[[1]][[1]]) dotCom[[1]][[1]] # document metadata dotCom[[1]][[1]]$meta # document content dotCom[[1]][[1]]$content # let's add another tag the document metadata structure: dotCom dotCom <- lapply(dotCom, function(x) { x <- tm_map(x, function(doc) { # tm_map works over tm corpora, similarly to lapply meta(doc, "category") <- "dotCom" return(doc) }) }) dotCom[[1]][[1]]$meta # add a category tag to the document metadata structure: dotComNews dotComNews <- lapply(dotComNews, function(x) { x <- tm_map(x, function(doc) { meta(doc, "category") <- "dotCom" return(doc) }) }) dotComNews[[1]][[1]]$meta # add a category tag to the document metadata structure: hardware hardware <- lapply(hardware, function(x) { x <- tm_map(x, function(doc) { meta(doc, "category") <- "hardware" return(doc) }) }) hardware[[1]][[1]]$meta # add a category tag to the document metadata structure: hardwareNews hardwareNews <- lapply(hardwareNews, function(x) { x <- tm_map(x, function(doc) { meta(doc, "category") <- "hardware" return(doc) }) }) hardwareNews[[1]][[1]]$meta # combine corpora w. and c() dotCom <-, dotCom) # comes handy; similar to lapply # Learn more about hardware <-, hardware) dotComNews <-, dotComNews) hardwareNews <-, hardwareNews) workCorpus <- c(dotCom, dotComNews, hardware, hardwareNews) # are there any duplicates? urls <- as.character(meta(workCorpus,tag="origin")) uurls <- unique(urls) w <- unlist(lapply(uurls, function(x) {which(urls %in% x)[1]})) workCorpus <- workCorpus[w] # empty docs? docLengths <- as.numeric(lapply(workCorpus, function(x) {nchar(x$content)})) w <- which(docLengths<10) workCorpus <- workCorpus[-w] #### Part II Text Preprocessing ### text pre-processing workCorpus[[1]]$content # we need to clean-up the docs # reminder: # Regex in R removeSpecial <- function(x) { # replacing w. space might turn out to be handy x$content <- gsub("\\t|\\r|\\n"," ",x$content) return(x) } # example: cleanDoc <- removeSpecial(workCorpus[[1]]) cleanDoc$content # removeSpecial with tm_map {tm} workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, removeSpecial) workCorpus[[1]]$content #### {tm} by the book text pre-processing # remove punctuation workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, removePunctuation) # built in workCorpus[[1]]$content # remove numbers workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, removeNumbers) # built in workCorpus[[1]]$content # all characters tolower toLower <- function(x) { x$content <- tolower(x$content) return(x) } workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, toLower) workCorpus[[1]]$content # remove stop words workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, removeWords, stopwords("english")) # built in workCorpus[[1]]$content # stemming # see: library(SnowballC) # nice stemming algorithm (Porter, 1980) # see: workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, stemDocument) workCorpus[[1]]$content # remove potentially dangerous predictors: company names # Why? Why? (In a nutshell: we are trying to discover something here, # not to 'confirm' our potentially redundant knowledge) predWords <- tolower(c("Alphabet", "Google", "Amazon", "", "Facebook", "Alibaba", "HP", "Hewlett Packard", "Apple", "Samsung", "Foxconn", "IBM")) predWordsRegex <- paste(stemDocument(predWords),collapse="|"); replacePreds <- function(x) { x$content <- gsub(predWordsRegex, " ", x$content) return(x) } workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, replacePreds) workCorpus[[1]]$content # strip whitespace workCorpus <- tm_map(workCorpus, stripWhitespace) workCorpus[[1]]$content #### Part III Feature Selection: Term-Document Frequency Matrix (TDM) # TDM # rows = terms; columns = docs # we will use the td-idf weighting # see: dT <- TermDocumentMatrix(workCorpus, control = list(tolower = FALSE, wordLengths <- c(3, Inf), weighting = weightTfIdf) ) # dT is a *sparse matrix*; maybe you want to learn more about the R {slam} package # class(dT) dT$i # rows w. non-zero entries dT$j # columns w. non-zero entries dT$v # non-zero entry in [i,j] dT$nrow # "true" row dimension dT$ncol # "true" column dimension dT$dimnames$Terms # self-explanatory dT$dimnames$Docs # self-explanatory # remove sparse terms docTerm <- removeSparseTerms(dT, sparse = .75) # sparse is in (0,1] dim(docTerm) docTerm$dimnames$Terms # see: [1] # A term-document matrix where those terms from x are removed which have # at least a sparse percentage of empty (i.e., terms occurring 0 times in a document) # elements. [1] # NOTE: **very important**; in a real-world application # you would probably need to run many models with features obtained from various levels of sparcity # and perform model selection. # as.matrix docTerm <- as.matrix(docTerm) colnames(docTerm) <- paste0("d",seq(1:dim(docTerm)[2])) # dimensions dim(docTerm) # inspect candidate features tfIdf <- rowSums(docTerm) tfIdf <- sort(tfIdf, decreasing = T) head(tfIdf, 10) tail(tfIdf, 10) # list candidate features length(tfIdf) names(tfIdf) # pick some words w w <- sample(1:length(tfIdf),4,replace = F) par(mfcol = c(2,2)) for (i in 1:length(w)) { hist(docTerm[w[i],], main = paste0("Distribution of '",names(tfIdf)[w[i]],"'"), cex.main = .85, xlab = "Tf-Idf", ylab = "Count" ) } # quite interesting, isn't it? - How do you perform regression with these?

#### Part IV Binomial Logistic Regression # How well can the selected words predict the document category? # How to relate continuous, non-normally distributed predictors, to a categorical outcome? # Idea: Logistic function par(mfcol=c(1,1)) logistic <- function(t) {exp(t)/(1+exp(t))} curve(logistic, from = -10, to = 10, n = 1000, main="Logistic Function", cex.main = .85, xlab = "t", ylab = "Logistic(t)", cex.lab = .85) # and then let t be b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + ... + bn*xn

# prepare data set dataSet <- data.frame(t(docTerm)) dataSet$Category <- as.character(meta(workCorpus, tag="category")) table(dataSet$Category) # does every word play at least some role in each category? w1 <- which(colSums(dataSet[which(dataSet$Category == "dotCom"), 1:(dim(dataSet)[2]-1)])==0) colnames(dataSet)[w1] w2 <- which(colSums(dataSet[which(dataSet$Category == "hardware"), 1:(dim(dataSet)[2]-1)])==0) colnames(dataSet)[w2] # recode category library(plyr) dataSet$Category <- as.numeric(revalue(dataSet$Category, c("dotCom"=1, "hardware"=0))) #### Logistic Regression # Binomial Logistic Regression: use glm w. logit link (link='logit' is default) bLRmodel <- glm(Category ~., family=binomial(link='logit'), control = list(maxit = 500), data=dataSet) sumLR <- summary(bLRmodel) sumLR # Coefficients # NOTE: coefficients here relate a unit change in the predictor to the logit[P(Outcome)] # logit(p) = log(p/(1-p)) - also known as log-odds sumLR$coefficients class(sumLR$coefficients) coefLR <-$coefficients) # Wald statistics significant? (this Wald z is normally distributed) coefLR <- coefLR[order(-coefLR$Estimate), ] w <- which((coefLR$`Pr(>|z|)` < .05)&(!(rownames(coefLR) == "(Intercept)"))) # which predictors worked? rownames(coefLR)[w] # NOTE: Wald statistic (z) is dangerous: # as the coefficient gets higher, its standard error inflates thus underestimating z # Beware of z... # plot coefficients {ggplot2} library(ggplot2) plotFrame <- coefLR[w,] plotFrame$Estimate <- round(plotFrame$Estimate,2) plotFrame$Features <- rownames(plotFrame) plotFrame <- plotFrame[order(-plotFrame$Estimate), ] plotFrame$Features <- factor(plotFrame$Features, levels = plotFrame$Features, ordered=T) ggplot(data = plotFrame, aes(x = plotFrame$Features, y = plotFrame$Estimate)) + geom_line(group=1) + geom_point(color="red", size=2.5) + geom_point(color="white", size=2) + xlab("Features") + ylab("Regression Coefficients") + ggtitle("Logistic Regression: Coeficients (sig. Wald test)") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90))

# fitted probabilities fitted(bLRmodel) hist(fitted(bLRmodel),50) plot(density(fitted(bLRmodel)), main = "Predicted Probabilities: Density") polygon(density(fitted(bLRmodel)), col="red", border="black")

# coefficients related to odds (and not log-odds): simply exp(bLRmodel$coefficients)[w] # check max max(exp(bLRmodel$coefficients)[w]) # huge? why? - think! #### Reminder: Maximum Likelihood Estimation normData <- rnorm(10000, mean = 5.75, sd = 1.25) normLogLike <- function(params,x) { mean <- params[1] sd <- abs(params[2]) # dnorm generates NaNs if sd < 0 dens <- dnorm(x,mean,sd) w <- which(dens==0) dens[w] <- .Machine$double.xmin return(-(sum(log(dens)))) # negative logLike, for minimization w. optim() } # test normLogLike(normData,c(2,.77)) # ML estimation # random initial values startMean <- runif(1,-100,100) startSd <- runif(1,-100,100) mlFit <- optim(c(startMean, startSd), fn = normLogLike, x=normData, control = list(maxit = 50000)) # ML estimates mlFit$par # cmp. true paramaters: mean = 5.75, sd = 1.25 # model Chi-Square CSq <- bLRmodel$null.deviance - bLRmodel$deviance # this difference ~ Chi-Square Distribution CSq dfCSq <- bLRmodel$df.null - bLRmodel$df.residual # null - residual (model) degrees of freedom dfCSq # Chi-Square significance test in R: pCSq = 1-pchisq(CSq, dfCSq) # 1 - c.d.f. = P(Chi-Square larger than this obtained by chance) pCSq # AIC = Akaike information criterion (-2*LogLikelihood+2*k, k = num.parameters) bLRmodel$aic
Session 8 Appendix
Readings :: Session 9: Binomial and Multinomial Logistic Regression [23. June, 2016,, 19h CET]
- Yves Croissant, Estimation of multinomial logit models in R: The mlogit Packages offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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