eRum 2016 (european R users meeting) – invited speakers
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eRum 2016 will take place in the beautiful city of Poznań, Poland, betweenOctober 12th and 14th, and we already have confirmed invited speakers such as
- Rasmus Bååth (Lund University Cognitive Science)
- Romain Francois (r-enthusiasts)
- Ulrike Grömping (Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin)
- Matthias Templ (Vienna University of Technology)
- Heather Turner (University of Warwick)
as well as high-level local R users:
- Przemysław Biecek (MIM University of Warsaw, MiNI Warsaw University of Technology, SmarterPoland)
- Marek Gągolewski (Polish Academy of Sciences) – author of stringipackage
- Jakub Glinka (GfK Data Lab)
- Katarzyna Kopczewska (University of Warsaw)
- Katarzyna Stąpor (Silesian University of Technology)
It will be a meeting of more than 200 useRs from all across Europe working in different areas of the industry, academy, and government.
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