In case you missed it: February 2016 roundup
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In case you missed them, here are some articles from February of particular interest to R users.
A tutorial on presenting interactive versions of R maps in PowerBI.
An animation of Japan's population pyramid through 2050 based on US Census Bureau demographic projections.
Interactive visualizations of multivariate data in R with the threejs package.
New Zealand's tourism ministry uses R and Shiny to create a public dashboard exploring the economic impact of tourism.
Microsoft uses R to forecast usage of the Xbox One gaming system.
R scores highly in the latest Tiobe and Redmonk language rankings.
A minor update to Microsoft R Open 3.2.3.
Applications from the Bay Area R User Group: simulating poker tournaments, recommending movies, predicting the Oscars,
and analyzing electronic medical records.
Lionel Henry's proposals to improve the syntax of R.
Repositories of talks given to various R user groups.
RStudio now supports user-created add-ins.
Replay of the webinar presented by Derek Norton on Microsoft R Server.
Accessing data in SQL Server on Azure with R.
A look at the R community in Poland.
A tutorial on credit card fraud detection using R and SQL Server.
A replay (with slides) of a recent webinar on Microsoft R Open.
How to use Microsoft R Open with RStudio.
The world's longest commercial flights, mapped with R.
How to use PostgresSQL with R.
Replay of a presentation by Max Kuhn on predictive modeling with R and the caret package.
General interest stories (not related to R) in the past month included: performing accents, realizing a video game world, combining dance and CGI and a mysterious rotating illusion.
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