The R logo has been revised in to be more compatible with the principles
of flat design followed by some recent user interfaces such as Microsoft
Windows >= 8 and Mac OS X >= 10.10 (Yosemite). The new logo is
available for download from the R project web site in SVG and
high-resolution PNG formats:
Thanks to Hadley Wickham and others at RStudio for lending their graphic
design skills.
The logo is dual licensed. You may use either the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC-BY-SA 4.0) or the
GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL‑2). For further details,
please refer to the link above.
For the R Foundation
Martyn Plummer, Co-President
In light of my recent attempt at aRt, Tal from R bloggers suggested I submit a T-shirt design for this contest. That got me thinking that R needs a logo freshining in general, so I dusted off my technical pens and drafted something. I’ll explain why I think this makes…
The Microsoft Data Science User Group just sponsored Nina Zumel‘s presentation “Preparing Data for Analysis Using R”. Microsoft saw Win-Vector LLC‘s ODSC West 2015 presentation “Prepping Data for Analysis using R” and generously offered to sponsor improving it and disseminating it to a wider audience. We feel Nina really hit…